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Why Can't I Complain? Who Says I Have To Like Everything?


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Good idea, Mr Rosner could help, that would just about give it the right balance between funny and provocative for it to be an worth while read, get cracking, I will be first in line at the bookstore :o

I hope Mr. Rosner gets better soon, constipating and farting, could end up with a big bang :D

Kind regards :D

i do hope mr. rosner gets banned soon.he keeps me up half the night searching for more of his entertaining posts, and i just dont know if i can take any more sleep deprivation. my work is suffering and my stomach aches.(from laughing, no constipation,here- oh, plus the accasional cramp in the rearend i get when some w&nker with no sense of humour, flames him.) we all need rosner and his ilk to keep reminding us we are, after all, only human. (most of us,that is)


keep it up, mr rosner


Edited by frikkiedeboer
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I'm not sure the word "hooligan" is correct for posters but you said it yourself:

"USA is crap.

GB is crap.

France is full of venomous Muslims flipping cars instead of burgers at the local barf and brew.

Wherever you come from is crap".

So, most of us are happy here and intelligent enough to know this is not our country and it is proper to show respect. I have no say or rights in this country, that is to say it is not my country thus I do not have the right to complain about it nor do I have the right to complain about Canada, GB, France or any other country except the USA where I had the right to complain when I was a tax paying citizen and registered to vote.

I look at it like this, if I run down some stupid idiot on a motorcycle in the USA he had it coming and the police can sort it out here I take special care when driving or anything else for that matter, no one invited me to Thailand to swim in their soup or pee in their tom yum so care and respect are in order.

Ok Doc that's all well and good but who says you nor I have rights? Why do I have to show respect to the guy who cuts me off for no other reason than he is just a rude lawless bastaard who wants to be where I am at the same time? Why do I have to smile and like it?

I am of the opinion that when we EXCUSE the lawless cretins (and yes dear moderators the country has many) with a smile and a wai we just make it easier for people of their ilk to continue to act in rude and dangerous ways.

A guy cuts you off - mai pen rai - no problem. Next time though you might find that you avoid him but run over the pretty little thing crossing the road who had nothing to do with you or him but now she has one less leg.

Why shouldn't we bring some civility to this country or any other country we dare bring our hard earned money? Dont' tell me that no one in the Thai Government ever gave thought to the money when they made it easy for the over 50 crowd to settle here and spend their life's savings. They want our money so why shouldn't we in turn be able to demand some civility.

We aren't here mooching off these people, we employ them, we buy things in their shops, their stalls, their restaurants. We spread the joy around - why shouldn't we be able to demand some back?

i agree with you wholeheartedly jeffrosner, but i have come to realize that you cannot succeed in applying first world rationality to a third world mentality, so let the country disintegrate on its own, stop beating yourself up and just get your life jacket prepared as Thailand sinks furhter into the abyss

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It's OK to complain! Had to read the whole thread twice but this twit gets it.

For those who are still in the dark let me make it easy for ya. Listen closely this might be tough, sign up for your TTVU T-shirt, move to Patters, and quickly waist your retirment.

Bingo! Simple as that your now a Transient TV Underclass.

Whine whine whine all you like, i mean go for it when ever you need. There's a whole new underclass developing, whiners on wheels, underage whiners anonymous, etc. One of the most respected and famouse TV members will publish a book about the growing subculture taking southeast Asia by storm. The music world is not immune, Whining lady-boys group is taking over pop radio. Business opportunities are exploding whining stuffed kitty's, possibility's are endless, stay tuned to TV for instant updates. :D:D:o:D

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I know of two farangs, one Brit and one Aussie/Croation who think they speak perfect Thai. They may think they speak perfect Thai but the Thais don't understand them. :o

In both cases the farangs get VERY angry and want to know why the Thais don't understand Thai. :D

Everyone has their own opinion. Some seem logical and some are so far out that they make me laugh. It's much better to to laugh than to get angry. In the case of Thailand you have to develop a special attitude. That attitude is that you can't change it so why worry about it. NEVER concern yourself with things that you have NO control over. It took me many years to understand that it was truly good advice. I have no stress and my blood pressure is in good shape.

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General topics is the whingers forum, maybe it should be re-named.

you lay your hat?

I thought the Pattaya forum was the whiner's forum! (then again ... watching the newsclippings ... they have a right to! ... but then again they chose to live there!) grrr now I am confused too!

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I think a big part of the whining class's problem is lack of choice. They usually have failed in their own country and thought they could cut it here. Usually, they scrape by on the bare bones of their <deleted> here. By then, many have burned their bridges at home, so going back isnt an option. What next? A Pattaya balcony? A career of complaints on Thaivisa? Phnom Penh? The choices arent great, I suppose. Hence the 'it's not fair, every Thai wants a bit of me' mentality.

This is a very good point Bendix, the whiners are very often people who are stuck in Thailand cos they have no choice, they have messed up their lives so much they cannot return to their old life no matter how much they want to.

To live in Thailand on a shoestring budget, scraping by each month, missing out on all you see richer Farangs do cannot be any fun, but many Farangs in Thailand are in that position, they get resentful of the more successful people around them, they blame Thailand for their plight when in fact its the path they chose in their lives.

Whiners in Thailand are usually scraping by with little choice, the non whiners usually are much happier cos they have the money to make choices.

And if a whiner has plenty of money and can make a choice of location as is unhappy in his present locale, then a visit to a Psychiatrist is in order.

JR Texas: You have made a valid point......people who complain are often those that are down on their luck. But it is not that simple.

Some people complain who are on top of the mountain.....I can give you a history lesson, but just think about it for a moment. Think about some of the great leaders in history........did they complain?

President Lincoln, a real whiner who was obviously down on his luck, only reaching the presidency, said: "Labor is the superior of capital and deserves much the higher consideration." That was his way of complaining.......his way of pointing out that the people who do most of the work (those that are down on their luck) need to be treated fairly by those at the top (the rich and powerful who think they have it made and deserve it) and not ridiculed by them.

Great leaders, and common men with power and influence, often complain because they do not like the injustice, cruelty that they are witnessing. They want to make life better, not simply for the few, but for the many. Such men are great because they have a sense of compassion for fellow human beings and strive to use their lives/power to make the world a better place.

Some people actually feel a link to future generations.....a sense of responsibility to them, and they also complain. There many people who work for the United Nations that fall into this category. In a sense, you might call it a form of positive-negativism. Personally, what I prefer is for people to complain and then offer viable solutions.....that moves beyond whining into the real of positive-negativism.

But, again, Bendix, Maigo666, and Dumspero (I am sure he will chime in soon) are correct that many people who are down on their luck complain. I think I could be a billionaire and probably still would complain (but probably not as much) because of my feeling that we are all in this cesspool together...........I just do not like human suffering :o:D :D.......I am tired of it.


In ancient Pali text it is said, "Those of demoniac mentality revel at the suffering of others."

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Whenever anyone here complains or bitches about something in Thailand there will be an onslaught of TV posters who will tell the poster that he has balls to complain about anything and he should like it or leave it.


Is it that everyone here suffers from low self-esteem or is it the groupthink here that we should all put on a smiley face when someone dumps a ton of $hit in our front yard? I want to know what's with you hooligans who descend on any poster, especially someone who is just starting out here, who says anything that can be construed as a criticism of Thailand.

And let's get all the crap out of the way:

USA is crap.

GB is crap.

France is full of venomous muslims flipping cars instead of burgers at the local barf and brew.

Wherever you come from is crap.

Got it? So don't bring up how things are bad in your country or freaking Albania for Christ's sake as an excuse why we should smile when there is a steaming pile of poo in our front yard that the neighbor just happened to put there instead of his own.

Well you hit the nail on the head. The folks you speak of have to believe Thailand is nirvana as they are an unsuccessful lot, misfits whacking off in their homeland who have few other choices where to spend their days other than with a lady they have to pay for companionship. You must give up certain liberties if you want to live in Thailand or be a welcome TV poster. You are talking about a country where T-shirts insulting many other countries and leaders are sold on the street but no criticism of Thailand is permissible.

This place is not about reality.

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Well you hit the nail on the head. The folks you speak of have to believe Thailand is nirvana as they are an unsuccessful lot, misfits whacking off in their homeland who have few other choices where to spend their days other than with a lady they have to pay for companionship. You must give up certain liberties if you want to live in Thailand or be a welcome TV poster. You are talking about a country where T-shirts insulting many other countries and leaders are sold on the street but no criticism of Thailand is permissible.

This place is not about reality.

For me its as real as it gets. Life brother. I came here to live, not for a three day weekend. To that end I've invested the previous 31 years of my life before coming to Thailand & five years here to get to my current position.

I'm not sure I fully comprehend the rest of your post. The last line seems to contradict the previous few. However, a word of advice: Do not package everybody into the same bundle. It doesn't work that way amongst the long term expat community in Thailand.



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General topics is the whingers forum, maybe it should be re-named.

you lay your hat?

Uh.. mmm... How about...

General Complaints, General Groan, Bait and Bash Forum, Read 'em and Weep, Pomp and Platitudes, The Two Minute Hate. :o

Only joking of course, I think it has been said before and I'm sure it will come up again and again, this is a place where people can get what's bothering them out of their system, maybe to find some people in agreement or to provoke an argument because it feels good to do it, to say things that you can't say in your own enviroment. It's forum therapy for the frustrated. :D

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There is a definite group of people on TV, who feel it is their need, their right, I am not sure what, but to put down other farangs on here, no matter WHAT we say. They want to point out that we "others" are so stupid, in my case, that if we were not so stupid, we would not keep going back for more, even though I have pointed out that more than one person took adantage of me in my posts where I talk about that. I have been told, that at least if I was involved romatically with the people who took advantage of me, that would have been better, when I see that as being worse.

I think we all have to understand that 1) there are many people who come to live here without vast experience with Asia or Thailand. And 2) there are some people who come here who have never lived outside their home countries. And possibly 3) there might be some people who come to live in Thailand, who have a lot in common with Thai people, therefore they don't find it so different from their normal ways.

People who are used to liars, who lie all the time themselves, might not find it offensive or shocking to be lied to as a part of their daily experience. This is what they were used to before they came here, therefore, not at all a shock that this is what they have to deal with. Some of us met good people here and were not scammed too much or at all, some of us didn't have enough money for scammers to be bothered with us. But those of us who did have enough money to be scammed, who didn't lie as part of their regular life, and who didn't meet people who had our best interest at heart, well, we are all just stupid or very negative.

I am also not poor as compared to farangs here, or as compared to farangs in any of our home countries, in fact ,but that doesn't mean I like to pay triple or more for everything I do, as I said, I am not coming here pretending to be a charity, so I do not have resentments as some posters have pointed out, that some of the poor people might have (although I doubt it), but I have resentments or at least warnings about some of the people here, because I did not come here and say I was the Red Cross and am willing to give all my money to anyone who has less than me, and for any potential reason, including being massively overcharged for things so that "friends" could make commission and so that others could make 4 times what they normally earn. I did not come here and start to carry a sign that said " I can buy drinks and food for you and everyone you know... give them a call."

If I live life according to many "Thai culture" books, they will tell me that if I have more money, and I do, I should pay for everyone. It doesn't take into account, WHY I have more money does it? One reason for sure that I have more money than MOST THAI PEOPLE is that I do NOT gamble. Why I have seen Thai people who claim they have no money, who borrow money from me, but yet, every two weeks, they have a handfull of lottery tickets????????????????????????????? But not one baht to pay me back, not one baht to pay for their own food or drink?

Why do actually very rich Thai people ask me "how can you afford to travel all over the world? It is my dream to do that, it is my dream to even leave Thailand one time" and I watch them drive up in a 2-3 million baht car, their 20 year younger girlfriend drive up in a 1 million baht car, they both have big, but stupid jewels on them, then the guy bets 20,000 baht on a soccer game, and buys 5 bottles of Black Label and food for other people (not me), and yet he claims he has no money for somewhere very cheap to travel like China ,and in his 48 years, he has not found a way out of Thailand????

Uhhmmm, Let's see, if I gambled as much as you do every week, I couldn't even afford a home, much less a vacation. OOOOKKKKAYYY, Let's see, I don't expect to be lucky but expect this money to go down the toilet and is this REALLY a cultural difference??? Do Thai people, or Asian people not expect the actual mathmatical facts that are assigned to everyone, to happen to them??

Yes, I think it is a cultural difference in that nobody will tell Asian or Thai people that they are being idiots to gamble all the time, that the most likely result is that they will have no money, not that if they pray to Buddha enough, they will be LUCKY and win all the money. Just like it is better to take driving lessons, and learn how to drive correctly rather than pay off somebody, get your license and then pay the local monk to pray over your new car, tie string aroung the steering wheel, paint letters on your car roof, and then get drunk and drive because it is a matter of fate and you don't have anything to do with what might happen to you or others.

And if any of the posters here think I am an idiot to complain about the things like I just did, you are just "CRAZY" as you know all Thai people like to call farangs when we don't agree with them.

I think I should be able to complain about whatever I want on a website for farangs and I think that every sad story I tell, does somebody some good, who is here, is thinking of coming here, is wondering what the hel_l their "friends" are doing to them and why. Afterall, I don't think this website is about being a place where farangs can come and brag about how well they get along in Thailand, how well they managed to get a discount from the local bargirl (please see Non-Stickman for that ridiculous advise), and how nothing has ever happened to them while here that they didn't expect. If everyone was so successful here, we would NOT have a website, and the fact that Thailand can be so confusing, can be such a different experience depending on each individual, this makes this website interesting, and valuable to many.

I think, overall, the insults and ridiculous comments made to posters should stop. You don't know everything about a person because of a couple of posts. It has been pointed out to me that I am defensive, that I am a Thai basher, and all sorts of things. Some of this is due to the fact that I ONLY post about things I feel very seriously about, and that some other posters don't read other areas of interest. Most of the things I have written about happened to me quite a while ago, and I have gotten control of the situation. I don't write about my normal day to day things because I don't think anyone will care, and that it will help new people. Will you really be interested to hear, that I had a very average day today, nobody ripped me off, and I am reasonably happy?

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MTW, you have LOTS of valid and insightful comments in your post. Unfortunately, many of them get lost in the rambling nature of your post. As a lawyer, I find it hard to believe that you are also a lawyer, as you have stated, in that you would have been able to state you case much more concisely and with more compact style.

I have defended you on previous posts and do so on this post as well. Your comments on rich Thais are spot on point. How can we get you to streamline your posts so that you are taken much more seriously? You obviously have a lot to offer.

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Joined: 2006-10-04

From: Wherever I lay my hat.

Member No.: 35,984

you lay your hat? :o

I can cope with some whining ...... but the gross stereotypes ..... and the folks that just cannot adjust or have no common sense.... or just Thai bashing in general? ... That is what I can't take!

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I don't know the answer. I quicky reread what I posted. Maybe some of the things I wrote are not relevant to you, because you were not reading things, or part of things that I had mentioned in other post before, and now mentioned here???

Thank you for defending me now or anytime. I try to give the whole story rather than small comments which sum up what I think, so that people can decide for themselves what they think. This way I think people have a more full story to decide what they think, although many people have not come up with the same conculsions as I have, or think that I don't have those same ideas after the fact.

Maybe, although you haven't said anywhere I have read, this is the difference between "thinking like a lawyer" and actually being a lawyer, as I went to law school but never worked as a lawyer. Maybe you did work as a lawyer and find me lacking somewhere??? Thanks for your advise re the Sopranos by the way.

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Jdinasia, I just hope I don't come into any of those catagories, I'm adaptable and quite thankful for what I've got.

There is no paradise, but you can make your own happiness.

BTW, MTW sure can ramble, I wouldn't like to get into a one on one convo with her. :o

Edited by Robski
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I don't know the answer. I quicky reread what I posted. Maybe some of the things I wrote are not relevant to you, because you were not reading things, or part of things that I had mentioned in other post before, and now mentioned here???

Thank you for defending me now or anytime. I try to give the whole story rather than small comments which sum up what I think, so that people can decide for themselves what they think. This way I think people have a more full story to decide what they think, although many people have not come up with the same conculsions as I have, or think that I don't have those same ideas after the fact.

Maybe, although you haven't said anywhere I have read, this is the difference between "thinking like a lawyer" and actually being a lawyer, as I went to law school but never worked as a lawyer. Maybe you did work as a lawyer and find me lacking somewhere??? Thanks for your advise re the Sopranos by the way.

MTW, FYI, I never worked as lawyer either. I was always a businessman. But I never forgot the disciplined thinking. I do have a lot of empathy for you in Thailand as a woman on your own and some of the problems you have faced. Please accept my friendship.

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I think, overall, the insults and ridiculous comments made to posters should stop. You don't know everything about a person because of a couple of posts.

MTW, have you ever seen the Muppets? If yes, for sure you remember those two grumpy old farts up on the balcony stirring the shit with their comments. TV often reminds me of the Muppet show so I wouldn't be to bothered about insults and ridiculous comments if I were you. In the end you don't know anything about a person from a couple of posts or a thousand posts for that matter until you've met said person in real life.

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Also chintee,

I have been complained to before about leaving too long posts. But what has not been considered, I think, is how much info I get into these posts. It is easy to leave a one sentence post making a joke or whatever, but I don't think it is easy to leave stories that invade your private life, like I have, in order to help others who might be in a similar situation.

However, when I was in law school, I remember all of us, doing everything we could to defend our cases, but given strict guidlines about how long our briefs could be, maybe 50 pages as the limit, all of us were looking for shorter words to substitute for other words, looking to cut any "ands or buts", or similar things, and counting every space on the page, as most of us had way too much to say, not too little.

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Also chintee,

I have been complained to before about leaving too long posts. But what has not been considered, I think, is how much info I get into these posts. It is easy to leave a one sentence post making a joke or whatever, but I don't think it is easy to leave stories that invade your private life, like I have, in order to help others who might be in a similar situation.

However, when I was in law school, I remember all of us, doing everything we could to defend our cases, but given strict guidlines about how long our briefs could be, maybe 50 pages as the limit, all of us were looking for shorter words to substitute for other words, looking to cut any "ands or buts", or similar things, and counting every space on the page, as most of us had way too much to say, not too little.

Yeah, the real world is cruelly composed of soundbites and one liners. Unfortunate, but that's what they want. Don't believe it? Just watch any US or UK or whatever news program. People want to have their news condensed to 15 seconds today.

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Whenever anyone here complains or bitches about something in Thailand there will be an onslaught of TV posters who will tell the poster that he has balls to complain about anything and he should like it or leave it.


Is it that everyone here suffers from low self-esteem or is it the groupthink here that we should all put on a smiley face when someone dumps a ton of $hit in our front yard? I want to know what's with you hooligans who descend on any poster, especially someone who is just starting out here, who says anything that can be construed as a criticism of Thailand.

And let's get all the crap out of the way:

USA is crap.

GB is crap.

France is full of venomous muslims flipping cars instead of burgers at the local barf and brew.

Wherever you come from is crap.

Got it? So don't bring up how things are bad in your country or freaking Albania for Christ's sake as an excuse why we should smile when there is a steaming pile of poo in our front yard that the neighbor just happened to put there instead of his own.

Such a racist and stupid comment.

Seems like you watch a lot of FoxNews.

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...... but the gross stereotypes .....

That is what I can't take!

What is your problem with stereotypes other than pointing them out rallies the political correctness ######s? To me they represent a concise way to communicate cultural norms and other useful information. Maybe you have a lack of knowledge of statistics. They are not 100% accurate ofcourse, they are useful broad brush generalizations based generally on fact or a buildup of observed data. When someone says thais are nonconfrotational or some other stereotype to me this is useful info.

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Jdinasia, I just hope I don't come into any of those catagories, I'm adaptable and quite thankful for what I've got.

There is no paradise, but you can make your own happiness.

BTW, MTW sure can ramble, I wouldn't like to get into a one on one convo with her. :o


No there is no paradise! and I think similarly to you ... except I don't think you make happiness ... I think you CHOOSE happiness.

I am Buddhist and I do believe in suffering being normal , I also believe in khamma that everything you do is a chance to do good and a chance to do bad. Limit the bad and do as much good as you can and thing just naturally bother you less and you get better results with the rest! ... but I also think that we can let that go. I certainly don't want to be miserable and whingeing on and on about the past or things I cannot control (almost everything!) I do know that I have chosen happiness here in Thailand. Which means that I don't focus on the heat ... or the smog in bkk ... or the tourists that are fatter than me (I aint skinny) that wear thongs to the beach! Instead I see ... the beach! I see plants that won't grow in the snow! I see fruits (both the cute gay kind and polomai!) that aren't available where I am from even at the grocery store!

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Chintee, thanks for your last message where you say you didn't work as a lawyer either, but didn't forget the disciplined thinking. I also, have not forgotten the analytical thinking, and try my best to spell that out on TV no matter how people end up thinking about it.

I think we probably have a lot in common, although I am not sure if you are American? As I am. Not that we need this to be friends. And REALLY, thanks so much for saying you have some empathy towards me as a womam. Because it is really difficult here. Books say as a farang woman you can get extra respect, as compared to the low place they think all Thai women belong, as in fact, I have not found this to be true, other than people are totally happy to take my money, and totally as happy to tell me anything I say has no meaning to them, and can I please shut up, as I am ruining the nice lobster dinner I am paying for them to have, by having the nevre to give them some advise about their secretary, even though they have had 8 of them in 5 months.

Or to even have an opinion about anything, about how to get a cheap airline ticket somewhere, about what hotel to stay at in XXXX, this info cannot come from a woman. I cannot know the lyrics of an American song, at least better than they do, I cannot not know how to handle myself in any other country, I cannot know how to make money, even though I made plenty of it before, I cannot have any ideas about the fact that the staff sucks where we are eating, and as well I can not know how to swim better than anyone, even if all of the people I am with have never swam before, and I am trying to show them how. And once we go snorkeling, it is looked at like I am naming planets on a different solar system to be able to name any of the fish we see. My God, what would happen, if the guide passed out and I had to drive the boat?? Since my family had a boat all of my life, I think I have a good idea how to drive them, but do you think a bunch of Thai people would believe that, or they would rather die because they don't trust me and trust some farmer man who just happens to be on the boat, and cannot even swim?

It has not been easy here to say the least, but I thank you very much for appreciating that and sticking up for me.

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...... but the gross stereotypes .....

That is what I can't take!

What is your problem with stereotypes other than pointing them out rallies the political correctness ######s? To me they represent a concise way to communicate cultural norms and other useful information. Maybe you have a lack of knowledge of statistics. They are not 100% accurate ofcourse, they are useful broad brush generalizations based generally on fact or a buildup of observed data. When someone says thais are nonconfrotational or some other stereotype to me this is useful info.

lol ... what a great (and profoundly wrong) stereotype to pick. We spent weeks in school discussing Thai culture .. but even more so discussing the news and how the news did not match up with stereotypes. Non-confrontational? Look at the political environment over the past 2+ years! Non-confrontational? Look at the school violence (and even more the rival school violence!) Ignore the aberrations of farang that get themselves into stupid situations and read the Thai newspapers for awhile! Thai people are just people. They are less volatile in MOST olite settings than some other groups but that tends to be offset by the random eruptions that occur from stuffing slights and insults.

The problem with 'or a buildup of observed data' is that most of the people building up this data have little or no social context to put the data in .. so they use their own social context. So not only is the data flawed (missing context) but then it is used in the wrong context as well, thus doubling the impact.

But I was referring more to the GROSS stereotypes .. like "Thais are only after your money" or myriad other stereotypes that are put out there .... the folks that say them often add the word "ALL" to the beginnings of their statements!

The truth is some people just are not capable of funcyioning outside of the social context they grew up in ... it is not a good or bad truth ... it is just a truth!

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Since my family had a boat all of my life, I think I have a good idea how to drive them, but do you think a bunch of Thai people would believe that, or they would rather die because they don't trust me and trust some farmer man who just happens to be on the boat, and cannot even swim?

MTW it sounds like you are spending too much time with the wrong people, but I guess if that means work collegues then the same could be said for most of us. The above could be said of many situations where pride overules logic, in business it is the reason why so many companies perform so badly that even the stockroom boys can see the problems but the manager cannot.

Save your wisdom for those that can appreciate it, and find more time for people who's company you enjoy.

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Well you hit the nail on the head. The folks you speak of have to believe Thailand is nirvana as they are an unsuccessful lot, misfits whacking off in their homeland who have few other choices where to spend their days other than with a lady they have to pay for companionship. You must give up certain liberties if you want to live in Thailand or be a welcome TV poster. You are talking about a country where T-shirts insulting many other countries and leaders are sold on the street but no criticism of Thailand is permissible.

This place is not about reality.

A completely worthless post. doesn't know his arse from his elbow.

Edited by Sir Burr
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Well you hit the nail on the head. The folks you speak of have to believe Thailand is nirvana as they are an unsuccessful lot, misfits whacking off in their homeland who have few other choices where to spend their days other than with a lady they have to pay for companionship. You must give up certain liberties if you want to live in Thailand or be a welcome TV poster. You are talking about a country where T-shirts insulting many other countries and leaders are sold on the street but no criticism of Thailand is permissible.

This place is not about reality.

A completely worthless post. doesn't know his arse from his elbow.

Wow! I actually agree with Sir Burr :o He did get something right though ... you do give up a few liberties to live here! Wow ... not bitching about the monarchy or Buddhism is a rough thing to give up since I can still bitch about W! (the fact that I have read the book by the former BP writer didn't change my thought about the monarchy anyways ... still a decent institution !! and being a Buddhist ... well I see flaws with some practices here ... but my own is fine!) Other than that I complain about the same things my Thai friends do! Weather .. smog ... politics ... graft and corruption ... the price of gold class theater tickets in town (as opposed to out at Seacon :D Then we figure out where to go after the bars close and still party til 6am some times .... (cannot do that where I am from) ... or then we hop in a plane and go round trip to some great place for the weekend and barely spend $200 each! ... and I think .... now what did I give up?

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To Robski, I think what you have written is very true. When you are a woman here, and an educated woman, who made a good amount of money before you came here, who still anyway has decent money, who is not actually very old, it is very hard to fit in here.

I mean, Thai "nice" girls don't drink or smoke, but even do they know how to water ski, how to dive, how to swim even? Do they play any sports? Do they snow ski, play tennis, golf, go bowling? Do many Thai men do these things? Not where I live. Have they lived in other countries, traveled around a lot, no.

I mean I have had the best life for the best most rich Thai men in a way, but I am not a man. So where do I fit in? I don't have children either.

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MTW, you have LOTS of valid and insightful comments in your post. Unfortunately, many of them get lost in the rambling nature of your post. As a lawyer, I find it hard to believe that you are also a lawyer, as you have stated, in that you would have been able to state you case much more concisely and with more compact style.

I have defended you on previous posts and do so on this post as well. Your comments on rich Thais are spot on point. How can we get you to streamline your posts so that you are taken much more seriously? You obviously have a lot to offer.

Hear, hear! I concur fully, Chinthee. MTW has excellent points, but I have also recommended the lady cut the verbiage. Really, MTW, I look at some of your posts and I don't even bother to read them, because they remind me of the contracts for signing up to Microsoft products. Maybe limit yourself to 100 words per post and do a word count before you send it. Succinct brevity, dear lady, will garner you many more readers.

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