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Filial Piety - What's wrong with it?

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8 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

Start at the end here, where you again are using many. This time together with "it happens"??? What is it really? Is it that it happens, or is it many, as in very common? Already there you crippled your effort to sound like guys that come to Thailand fall victims to so many bad girls. We all know that it happens, but are too quick to put the blame on one part.


I will state it happens to many. 


By your own admission, you say "we all know that it happens."


I guess we are debating percentages.


Would you care to put a number on it?


8 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

Let´s just put it like this. We all know that there are good people and bad people. Some people don´t go together out of different reasons. When that happens after marriage, it´s almost always in favor for the female part in every country. That´s only one reason to not look at Thailand and Thai females as they are conning you. A person know they can not own a house, yet they build. Out of convenience they put car and other valuables in the girls name.


I agree.


I would call putting the assets in the Thai girl's name stupid, yet, as you agree, "it happens" and keeps happening.


8 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

What is it also that tells you, the people you hear talk are correct. What says that they are good people? That they talk to you every time they have 5-6 beers inside at the local corner bar? Here it can also be the man that are cheating, as you also should say you hear many talk about. It can also be that the man is not willing to pay for everything that the girl want.


It is part of Thai culture to have a mia noi.  Do you deny this?


If a Thai girl demands what their partner can not afford, what's that say about the relationship?


8 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

In that case you did not read the signals. A big number of girls in Thailand that connects with foreigners are from poor sections of life. They are clearly showing that from start. As you talk about bar girls. If you chose one like that, you will have to know you will be the breadwinner for life. Any other thoughts are stupid.


There is a big difference between breadwinner and ATM.


Rent, don't buy in Thailand, is my motto.


8 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

can not for my life understand why you are talking about falling in love with a prostitute. That is for losers and Dickmans as I tried to explain. That´s also stupid. In that case the foreigners stupidity, as the girl is seeking a better life. That´s not conning. Would you marry a girl from the Red Light district in Amsterdam?


That's because I am actually talking about the losers and Dickman.  You are talking about other people.


These fools are people also, and in many cases, as I said, are law abiding. professional, and successful in their home country, yet come to Thailand and become a "loser." 


How much of that change do you put down to the criminality and manipulation, and in some cases domestic violence, of a Thai women?


8 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

At last, a stupid comment about finding a Thai lady in bed with her "brother". Here you make a clear example of a person spending too much time listening to stories from disengaged, broken and lost it all losers. As you say many again, that must refer to your selected group of people your are associated with. Or you just read to many stories.


Once again, do you deny "it happens."  The "brother" is a joke, but it has happened.  Just as many Thai guys have mia nois, many Thai girls have giks. 


"Losers" as you call them are still people.  Do they deserve to be a victim of crime?  I'll ask again, Are all Bernie Madoff's victims "losers?" 


That 'selected group is quite big here.  Are they all bad people, or "losers" and "Dickman?" 


I remember this case.  A significant amount of money involved, and 2 children. 



8 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

In all places in the world, a person must think with the right head. If they do that, they will soon find out the truth. As for me, you don´t have to worry about any "brother". Actually she have one and also a sister, but everything is above board. That, are like thing I checked at a very early stage. At the same time I did not go to the best first bar and picked number 47 or the first girls that served me a beer in Thailand. that would also have been stupid.


Yes, you are more sensible than "many" who come to Thailand, but I will put a question to you, one that I pose occasionally.


What would be your position should, Buddha forbid, your Thai wife passes before you?  Eg. motorbike accident, cancer etc. 


I know "many" here would like to think the extended Thai family will allow them to continue to live in the property etc etc, but wills and estates have a funny way of changing things, and people.   

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23 minutes ago, Leaver said:


I will state it happens to many. 


By your own admission, you say "we all know that it happens."


I guess we are debating percentages.


Would you care to put a number on it?



I agree.


I would call putting the assets in the Thai girl's name stupid, yet, as you agree, "it happens" and keeps happening.



It is part of Thai culture to have a mia noi.  Do you deny this?


If a Thai girl demands what their partner can not afford, what's that say about the relationship?



There is a big difference between breadwinner and ATM.


Rent, don't buy in Thailand, is my motto.



That's because I am actually talking about the losers and Dickman.  You are talking about other people.


These fools are people also, and in many cases, as I said, are law abiding. professional, and successful in their home country, yet come to Thailand and become a "loser." 


How much of that change do you put down to the criminality and manipulation, and in some cases domestic violence, of a Thai women?



Once again, do you deny "it happens."  The "brother" is a joke, but it has happened.  Just as many Thai guys have mia nois, many Thai girls have giks. 


"Losers" as you call them are still people.  Do they deserve to be a victim of crime?  I'll ask again, Are all Bernie Madoff's victims "losers?" 


That 'selected group is quite big here.  Are they all bad people, or "losers" and "Dickman?" 


I remember this case.  A significant amount of money involved, and 2 children. 




Yes, you are more sensible than "many" who come to Thailand, but I will put a question to you, one that I pose occasionally.


What would be your position should, Buddha forbid, your Thai wife passes before you?  Eg. motorbike accident, cancer etc. 


I know "many" here would like to think the extended Thai family will allow them to continue to live in the property etc etc, but wills and estates have a funny way of changing things, and people.   

Let´s say like this. I can´t care about if it happens or not happens. That was not the start of this conversation between us. The start was that you put the blame on Thai women. You can´t put the blame of another persons stupidity on others.

After, nice and easy. I own my home, so I will be fine. The car is in my name. I have a motorbike in my name and four bank accounts in my name. Our second house stands in my wife name, but the condo in Pattaya in mine. If the , like you wish to call it, extended family wants the house in my wife´s name. Hell yeah, let em have it. I consider them as my family since 10 years back in time. 

Also, I do not think they will take anything without asking. I have been taking care of them for 10 years as well. If they need anything, within reason, then it´s almost never a problem. But, that´s just my way of looking at things. Doesn´t make me a Dickman as I am willing and able to do it. Doesn´t make me a loser, as I stand steady on my legs on this planet. Just guess I planned my life to be able to do it.

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14 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Your answers here appear to be coming from a person with limited confidence, knowledge, experience, and funding, thus promoting every negative aspect you can accrue, as fait accompli, for many couldn't be further from the truth 


Your profile of me is far from fact.


Once again, and again, and again, I am speaking in general.  I single out no member or demographic. 


Do YOU deny that MANY guys come to Thailand and get fleeced by Thai women?  It is a simple question.  I can not be any clearer.


Another member has stated "it does happen."  Do you agree it happens?


If so, we are now talking percentages, are we not? 


At what percentage would you concede the number of victims become "many?" 

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