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Thailand (los)


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Expats make the move to Thailand for one reason or another;

A large percentage of the Reasons is because they have met the Love of there life and whether they live together as what we call Common law partners or make the legal seal by Marriage on paper.

The other percentages are Employment or other Financial Gains other percentages are hiding or running !

But why is it there is so much downgrading of the Country and the Thai people.

My perception is that not enough time is given to understand the Culture and that a lot of the time the culture is not thought taken into consideration.

Also a lot of selfishness is brought to the Country

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I thought you were going to ask why people refer to this place as LOS. I thought it was in referance to Los Angeles, City of Angels, as some call Bangkok City of Angels. Is this correct?

LOS meaning 'Land of Smiles'

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I've compared people arguing about Thailand to that old story about 5 blind men describing an elephant. One grabs his tail and says the elephant is like a snake. Another grabs his ear and says the elephant is like a large sheet. The third grabs his leg and says the elephant is like a tree... and so on. All of them are right and wrong at the same time. What you find Thailand to be like depends a lot on your personal circumstances and luck. Some people get really lucky, some unlucky, and some have to make their own luck (I think I've fallen into that last category- couldn't describe my beginnings here as lucky, but I'm doing fine now).

It's not a place for everyone, and I don't blame the ones who eventually give up.

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I've compared people arguing about Thailand to that old story about 5 blind men describing an elephant. One grabs his tail and says the elephant is like a snake. Another grabs his ear and says the elephant is like a large sheet. The third grabs his leg and says the elephant is like a tree... and so on.

And what did the man who grabbed the Elephants package think ? :o

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I've compared people arguing about Thailand to that old story about 5 blind men describing an elephant. One grabs his tail and says the elephant is like a snake. Another grabs his ear and says the elephant is like a large sheet. The third grabs his leg and says the elephant is like a tree... and so on.

And what did the man who grabbed the Elephants package think ? :D

He thinks, "wow, elephants have 5 legs". :o

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Also a lot of selfishness is brought to the Country

no shortage here ,

look to the roads ....................................

Farangs in Fortuners ? :o

:D How many homeless people have you run over this week? :D I think they should re-film the trash classic "Death Race 2000" featuring only Fortuners. Ah, 'tis a great place to be selfish though, eh?


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I thought you were going to ask why people refer to this place as LOS. I thought it was in referance to Los Angeles, City of Angels, as some call Bangkok City of Angels. Is this correct?

LOS meaning 'Land of Smiles'

Oh, yeah. I knew that. Completely forgot. Thanks.

But Bangkok means "City of Angels" in Thai. At least the short version of the name. I guess that's what tripped me up.

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Expats make the move to Thailand for one reason or another;

A large percentage of the Reasons is because they have met the Love of there life and whether they live together as what we call Common law partners or make the legal seal by Marriage on paper.

The other percentages are Employment or other Financial Gains other percentages are hiding or running !

But why is it there is so much downgrading of the Country and the Thai people.

My perception is that not enough time is given to understand the Culture and that a lot of the time the culture is not thought taken into consideration.

Also a lot of selfishness is brought to the Country

More than 90% come for the girls.

Of them, some get burnt and never return, some get burnt and burnt again, some find a partner and live happily ever after.

But take away the girls, and you'd have about a tenth of the Farang living here as you do now.

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But why is it there is so much downgrading of the Country and the Thai people.

Cos in real life they can't moan so much, cos the wife would kick them out of HER house on HER land that the Farang bought. :o

The Immigration Officer would refuse to stamp their passport therefore being on overstay and liable to be locked up and deported.

And as for always dissing Thai people, in real life they would not dare to upset Thai people in Thailand. :D

So, they come online to internet forums, roll up their sleeves, check their tattoos and diss Thailand and Thai people with all the others that are unable to voice their opinions in real life. :D

Edited by Maigo6
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Expats make the move to Thailand for one reason or another;

A large percentage of the Reasons is because they have met the Love of there life and whether they live together as what we call Common law partners or make the legal seal by Marriage on paper.

The other percentages are Employment or other Financial Gains other percentages are hiding or running !

But why is it there is so much downgrading of the Country and the Thai people.

My perception is that not enough time is given to understand the Culture and that a lot of the time the culture is not thought taken into consideration.

Also a lot of selfishness is brought to the Country

More than 90% come for the girls.

Of them, some get burnt and never return, some get burnt and burnt again, some find a partner and live happily ever after.

But take away the girls, and you'd have about a tenth of the Farang living here as you do now.

i think your drawing a long bow there mate, but i do agree that the woman are stunning.

thailand also has a lot more to offer than the women, as the country is beautiful, people generally pleasant to be around , the food awesome and the cheap price of everything.

i for one do not come for the women as perth is full of stunners as well, but i must say i dont mind looking. :D

thank you very much. :o

now if you hang out in pattaya, i would then agree that 90% of punters are there for the women, so you are right and you are wrong and in other words you are having a bet both ways. :D

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I worked for a large company in the US for 22 years. They opted to close the company and I was out of a job. I was offered a job here. That's why I came over. The hours were long but the pay was pretty good. After five years here I was burned out and couldn't wait to get back to a new job that I was offered in the US. I was back in the US for about a week and wondered what I was doing back in the US. I lasted two years and couldn't wait to get back to Thailand. That's not the end of the story but it explains enough. The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence.

Thailand is now my home and I can't imagine living anywhere else. I'm not rich by any means but I am quite comfortable here and want for nothing. When I left in late 1996, I really didn't think I would ever come back. :o

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But take away the girls, and you'd have about a tenth of the Farang living here as you do now.

Ya, if you take away the girls, you wouldn't have that many people here, period, because it'd be pretty hard for the people to reproduce.


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Expats make the move to Thailand for one reason or another;

A large percentage of the Reasons is because they have met the Love of there life and whether they live together as what we call Common law partners or make the legal seal by Marriage on paper.

The other percentages are Employment or other Financial Gains other percentages are hiding or running !

But why is it there is so much downgrading of the Country and the Thai people.

My perception is that not enough time is given to understand the Culture and that a lot of the time the culture is not thought taken into consideration.

Also a lot of selfishness is brought to the Country


With your perception that not enough time is given to understand the Culture. 'your only meaning the Expats right'

You wouldn't wan't to start talking about what the locals youths think and do.

I know your comfortable with your retirement and are receiving that old school tradition.

So please advise how long does it take and what selfishness is brought.



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I thought you were going to ask why people refer to this place as LOS. I thought it was in referance to Los Angeles, City of Angels, as some call Bangkok City of Angels. Is this correct?

LOS meaning 'Land of Smiles'

Oh, yeah. I knew that. Completely forgot. Thanks.

But Bangkok means "City of Angels" in Thai. At least the short version of the name. I guess that's what tripped me up.

There is a lot of contention as to the origins of "Bangkok"


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I actually agree with both Ijustwannateach's explanation & Maigo's original one. (Don't have a heart attack, Maigo! I do, occasionally agree with you!). I think your experience in Thailand is very much a mixture of luck & your own perception & attitude. I also think, that Maigo is right that people moan on here, because they are powerless to moan at the people that they are really upset with. I started a thread, just this week, pretty much for that reason, although I may not have analysed it like that, at the time. Sometimes you need a moan & the TV audience can be very receptive. They can, however, conversely, tell you to stop whingeing & get a life! :o

BTW, by "you", I don't mean the OP, I just mean a collective term.

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i think your drawing a long bow there mate, but i do agree that the woman are stunning.

I think you miss the point. Most men come to Thailand for women because they can't find women in their own country, women in general don't find them attractive or some other similar reason.

Thai women are attractive but that isn't the reason the Johns come, that's just a bonus. I'd say the cheapness and availability of easy sex contributes to a greater number of male visitors.

Most of the Thai women that I see foreigners with in Thailand are hardly the most attractive ones anyway!

thailand also has a lot more to offer than the women, as the country is beautiful, people generally pleasant to be around , the food awesome and the cheap price of everything.

In reality, there are far more negatives to Thailand than positives for people staying in Thailand long-term.

I have to agree that without the women 90% of the expats I know (and I know a lot!) wouldn't even consider staying here!

i for one do not come for the women as perth is full of stunners as well, but i must say i dont mind looking. :D

Aussie burds are the second fattest women on the planet after USofAnians.

Pickings in the dustbowl these days are slim unless you like heffers.

dont know where you been hanging out tud, but i cant agree with your statement that aussie girls are big hefer's, but there's certainly a few around.

and as far as saying that thailand is renowned for easy sex i offer a comment.

if one is paying for sex, isnt it easy in any country? why is thailand any different, as thats the name of the game with the johns that pay for it. its easy anywhere. a more accurate statement would be to say the sex is cheaper here when john pays for it. :D

thank you very much mr tud and you got to stop banging your head on that key board as you come out with some very strange statements at times. :o

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Expats make the move to Thailand for one reason or another;

A large percentage of the Reasons is because they have met the Love of there life and whether they live together as what we call Common law partners or make the legal seal by Marriage on paper.

The other percentages are Employment or other Financial Gains other percentages are hiding or running !

But why is it there is so much downgrading of the Country and the Thai people.

My perception is that not enough time is given to understand the Culture and that a lot of the time the culture is not thought taken into consideration.

Also a lot of selfishness is brought to the Country

I've Travelled to Thailand 20 times & in Thailand since 2004 but known Thais in Australia and had 2 bf's in 30 years. 20 years + now 7 years. I speak the language, I eat the food, I travel the country, I speak to my Thai friends, I respect the laws, I do my visas BUT I still don't understand why the Thais are the way they are. Maybe you would like to explain to me what culture I am missing? How am I degrading or being selfish, for Financial Gains,& hiding or running. Too much generalization or symplistic comments by people yes I can see that.

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When I came over there were two Americans here already working for the company that hired me. I hired two more. The two who were originally here went back to the US when their contracts were finished, one took his Thai wife with him and the other had a wife back in the US. The two that I hired are still here and have never gone back to the US even for a visit for more than ten years. Both of them now have Thai wives and have been with them for many years. Sex tourists??? Hardly.

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Expats make the move to Thailand for one reason or another;

A large percentage of the Reasons is because they have met the Love of there life and whether they live together as what we call Common law partners or make the legal seal by Marriage on paper.

The other percentages are Employment or other Financial Gains other percentages are hiding or running !

But why is it there is so much downgrading of the Country and the Thai people.

My perception is that not enough time is given to understand the Culture and that a lot of the time the culture is not thought taken into consideration.

Also a lot of selfishness is brought to the Country

I've Travelled to Thailand 20 times & in Thailand since 2004 but known Thais in Australia and had 2 bf's in 30 years. 20 years + now 7 years. I speak the language, I eat the food, I travel the country, I speak to my Thai friends, I respect the laws, I do my visas BUT I still don't understand why the Thais are the way they are. Maybe you would like to explain to me what culture I am missing? How am I degrading or being selfish, for Financial Gains,& hiding or running. Too much generalization or symplistic comments by people yes I can see that.

My Thai wife also cannot understand why some Thais do the things they do?? Even she finds it most odd.

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i think your drawing a long bow there mate, but i do agree that the woman are stunning.

I think you miss the point. Most men come to Thailand for women because they can't find women in their own country, women in general don't find them attractive or some other similar reason.

Thai women are attractive but that isn't the reason the Johns come, that's just a bonus. I'd say the cheapness and availability of easy sex contributes to a greater number of male visitors.

Most of the Thai women that I see foreigners with in Thailand are hardly the most attractive ones anyway!

In reality, there are far more negatives to Thailand than positives for people staying in Thailand long-term.

I have to agree that without the women 90% of the expats I know (and I know a lot!) wouldn't even consider staying here!

Aussie burds are the second fattest women on the planet after USofAnians.

Pickings in the dustbowl these days are slim unless you like heffers.

Fairly wise and true words from Tud.

Have to agree on all of it.

When you live in Asia it's quite startling to see the size of the young farang girls who are visiting each year. Huge is the word, and getting bigger each year. What are they eating back there nowdays?

A few years ago Vietnam was having a contest to come up with their new tourism slogan (to compete with "Amazing Thailand","Malaysia Truly Asia" etc).

My suggestion said it all; "Vietnam; No Fat Chicks".

Somehow I didn't win.

Political correctness must have reared it's ugly head.

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Sorry, but your own Government had Aus at #2 on the list for a long time. I just presumed it was still there from all the over-weight people I see when I visit.

Yes, and so you should be sorry. Perhaps you might check before quoting statistics you can't back-up.

Who is YOUR Government by the way?

P.S. Fat chicks need lovin' too :o

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i think your drawing a long bow there mate, but i do agree that the woman are stunning.

I think you miss the point. Most men come to Thailand for women because they can't find women in their own country, women in general don't find them attractive or some other similar reason.

Thai women are attractive but that isn't the reason the Johns come, that's just a bonus. I'd say the cheapness and availability of easy sex contributes to a greater number of male visitors.

Most of the Thai women that I see foreigners with in Thailand are hardly the most attractive ones anyway!

In reality, there are far more negatives to Thailand than positives for people staying in Thailand long-term.

I have to agree that without the women 90% of the expats I know (and I know a lot!) wouldn't even consider staying here!

Aussie burds are the second fattest women on the planet after USofAnians.

Pickings in the dustbowl these days are slim unless you like heffers.

Fairly wise and true words from Tud.

Have to agree on all of it.

When you live in Asia it's quite startling to see the size of the young farang girls who are visiting each year. Huge is the word, and getting bigger each year. What are they eating back there nowdays?

A few years ago Vietnam was having a contest to come up with their new tourism slogan (to compete with "Amazing Thailand","Malaysia Truly Asia" etc).

My suggestion said it all; "Vietnam; No Fat Chicks".

Somehow I didn't win.

Political correctness must have reared it's ugly head.

yeah, you have a real flare for slogans .  Stupid political correctness eh,  your such a waste of talent :o

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