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Hi all

In case of many facts - at least specially about financial problems i am now overstayed about 6 months in Thailand... nobody could (would like) to help me and i get only a small pension at the moment....

Now finally i got help from a friend, which will help me out of this mess and supports me to get out of this situation and at least also to turn back legally to thailand! then now i got also the chance of a workpermit and longstay permit at least... but sure not with this black backgrouond....

how would be now the easiest and MOST SAVE way for me to solve this IMMEDIATE? I know about the fine (20000bht).... but how would be the savest way to pay the fine, check out of thailand and where i will get a new visa for the re-entry to thailand ASAP... i have meanwhile all my friends and contact here in thailand and none relation to any country else... i am origin swiss, but no more registered in switzerland... i have the status of "worldtraveler" in my country...

I am very happy about every helpful and serious answer as soon as possible, then i really want to get out of this illegality fastest possible...

Thanks to everybody in advance

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Rather then lecture, go to the airport and fly out, do not go to a land border. You will pay the 20,000 THB fine at the airport and unless there are other issues tied to you, be able to return. As to getting a visa, I'm assuming you mean a tourist one, {60 days + 30}. Most Embassies will probably issue you with one, again, the principal is after you surrender at the airport and pay the fine the matter is closed. It many be better to do this first and recreate bona-fides. Alternatively if you have all the papers required for a commercial visa, it is possible, see PS, that they will issue you a single entry 90 visa.

You are unlikely to be blacklisted for a 6 month overstay, but if it is believed that you are working whilst overstaying then this could cause the embassy to be cautious in issuing a 'commercial' visa.


PS Remember when you apply at the embassy, dress smartly e.g. white shirt, tie, and be quiet and polite. makes a huge difference.

/edit add PS and clarification//


You should not overstay in teh first place. Once you overstayed espeically for such a long time, you will be blacklisted and it is unlikely that you will be granted a work permit.


As far as I know the only time you might be blacklisted for overstay would be if you were deported at Thai government expense. Paying fine at airport on departure will not result in black listing.


I don't feel sorry for you in any way as there is no excuss for 6 months overstay and hopefully they fine you and stamp your passsport to stop you coming back in again.

You and similar people are to blame for the new and enforced regulations regarding visas which is effecting genuine long term tourists and others who are / were long term residents here (doing monthly border runs which in themselves is not idea but was tolerated) and who are now faced with all sorts of problem to stay with wives and family.


Just to follow up on this. I can see why {I'm not saying it is right} an individual might overstay since at 500 THB a day the 20,000 limit both comes up fast and equally if an individual is thus minded to overstay the likelihood of saying well, after 40 days I'll just wait is at least understandable. Thailand is unusual in taking this approach, and if they wanted to reduce the over-stayers then making the maximum fine x days * 500 with say a limit of one year, would be a way to do it, or alternatively insisting on any over-stayer having to have a visa for subsequent entry into the kingdom, though there is the risk it would drive more people to go 'underground', as some have suggested the amended visa rules have done already.

As to this causing the visa review that is just plain wrong, the 30 day back to back merchants caused the change because that was viewed as abusing the system, which it was, not over-stayers.


/edit add alternative //

I don't feel sorry for you in any way as there is no excuss for 6 months overstay and hopefully they fine you and stamp your passsport to stop you coming back in again.

You and similar people are to blame for the new and enforced regulations regarding visas which is effecting genuine long term tourists and others who are / were long term residents here (doing monthly border runs which in themselves is not idea but was tolerated) and who are now faced with all sorts of problem to stay with wives and family.

If you think this is a good way to answer, then it's up to you!! But next time first think and then answer... as long you don't know the facts of my overstay you should'nt judge me as well... i know, that my overstay is/was not a good way... dont think i did like it... but sometimes there are no other ways... it's sure a fact, that you can't imagine how happy i am to have also some good answers and at least also to have somebody cares about me... bye and i hope you stay as clean and proper as you like to judge and write

Rather then lecture, go to the airport and fly out, do not go to a land border. You will pay the 20,000 THB fine at the airport and unless there are other issues tied to you, be able to return. As to getting a visa, I'm assuming you mean a tourist one, {60 days + 30}. Most Embassies will probably issue you with one, again, the principal is after you surrender at the airport and pay the fine the matter is closed. It many be better to do this first and recreate bona-fides. Alternatively if you have all the papers required for a commercial visa, it is possible, see PS, that they will issue you a single entry 90 visa.

You are unlikely to be blacklisted for a 6 month overstay, but if it is believed that you are working whilst overstaying then this could cause the embassy to be cautious in issuing a 'commercial' visa.


PS Remember when you apply at the embassy, dress smartly e.g. white shirt, tie, and be quiet and polite. makes a huge difference.

/edit add PS and clarification//

Thanks for your helpful and informative Reply... i will do as you say...

I hope from the bottom of my heart, that nobody would come into the same situation EVER!!


People with one or two days or weeks overstay will not have a problem re-entering Thailand. People that overstay more than one month, for what ever reason should get a new passport at their earliest opportunity, if they want to come back as a serious resident.

How would your home country feel about someone overstaying their visa for 6 months and then wanting to return as a resident?


People with one or two days or weeks overstay will not have a problem re-entering Thailand. People that overstay more than one month, for what ever reason should get a new passport at their earliest opportunity, if they want to come back as a serious resident.

How would your home country feel about someone overstaying their visa for 6 months and then wanting to return as a resident?


Good point, Badbanker

Rather then lecture, go to the airport and fly out, do not go to a land border. You will pay the 20,000 THB fine at the airport and unless there are other issues tied to you, be able to return. As to getting a visa, I'm assuming you mean a tourist one, {60 days + 30}. Most Embassies will probably issue you with one, again, the principal is after you surrender at the airport and pay the fine the matter is closed. It many be better to do this first and recreate bona-fides. Alternatively if you have all the papers required for a commercial visa, it is possible, see PS, that they will issue you a single entry 90 visa.

You are unlikely to be blacklisted for a 6 month overstay, but if it is believed that you are working whilst overstaying then this could cause the embassy to be cautious in issuing a 'commercial' visa.


PS Remember when you apply at the embassy, dress smartly e.g. white shirt, tie, and be quiet and polite. makes a huge difference.

/edit add PS and clarification//

Thanks for your helpful and informative Reply... i will do as you say...

I hope from the bottom of my heart, that nobody would come into the same situation EVER!!

Surrender to Thai immigration and plea that some girlie ripped you off. You'll get fined 2,100 bt and if you're lucky, get to spend a day or so in Immigration. PS Make sure you have a ticket out of Thailand before you do this!!!

You'll get fined 2,100 bt...

Wrong information! In this case, the maximum fine of 20,000 Baht applies.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Just a quick return to this, first I'll presume that the post by geronimo was meant to be humourous. {OP please ignore it}

The points raised about having an overstay stamp in your passport have some validity but it should be noted that the system here is designed to allow the clearance of the overstay by paying the fine, unlike other countries. However, I agree that if, for example, one expects to get a job here or be a long term stayer, then removing the stamps by refreshing your passport is a wise move.



You will be absoloutley fine, dont worry. As suggested, ensure you fly out of the country - do not use the land borders.... chances of being caught on the way to the border are very low, but not worth the risk. Also, border officials are not to 'happy' in terms of of long overstayers, and may give you a hard time (make you wait in an office while the run checks on you etc).

The airport officials do not care less about a 6 month overstay. They simply adhere to policy which is this;

500B per day, not exceeding 20,000B, regardless of months/years overstayed. I assure you, they wont even blink an eye. You will be free to pay the overstay, and depart.

I previously had a 4 month overstay and had no problem getting a visa.

However, there are no guarantees. I was nervous as hel_l when i applied for my visa after overstaying such a long time, but i got one. Bless'em.

Good luck mate. Life has its up and downs. 2006 was one of the worst years in what has always been a pretty stable life for me - all sorts of horrible things happened for me and i found myself in the same boat as you. The right wing hardliners who use this forum loath and detest overstayers and blame all of the recent regulations on folks such as us, which is a nonsense. I am back on my feet again, doing well, happy and plodding away. I will never overstay again... no way.


The first year I lived here full time,I overstayed 3 or 4 months.This was due to not knowing,or understanding the system.I found out about it because Bangkok Immigration send a letter to me, after sending in my 90 days paperwork.The letter stated that I had to report to them right away.I think that was a Friday.Over the weekend,I spoke to some other Expats,who told me to get out of the country and then pay my fine upon re-entry,or I would find myself in jail.I decided to follow the instructions of Thai Immigration in Bangkok,and present myself to them as instructed.I did so that Monday or Tuesday morning,prepared to pay my fine, and possibly go to jail.The officials were very nice about the whole thing.Although,they joked and laughed among themselves,about my discomfort,they also helped me.With their help,everything worked out fine for my family and I.I cannot tell you what the best thing is for you to do,only what I did.

If there are any officials from Bangkok Immigration reading this,my family and I thank you again,for your help.


I'm glad you all can be so understanding.

In any case, is it common knowledge that even with 6 months overstay at the airport he'll have no danger of jail and the big fine will suffice?

Just wondering.

I'm glad you all can be so understanding.

In any case, is it common knowledge that even with 6 months overstay at the airport he'll have no danger of jail and the big fine will suffice?

Just wondering.

The OP has nothing to worry about whatsoever, so long as he leaves voluntarily and pays his fine. He WILL be allowed back too. I knew a couple of people who hit on hard times and overstayed for 5 years in one case and 8 years in the other case. In both cases, when they had scraped together the money to leave they paid the maximum 20,000 Baht fine at the airport with no hassles, apart from a rather humourous response from the immigration officials at the overstay desk. Both were allowed to board their flights out, and both came back again on 30 day stamps no questions asked. One then overstayed his 30 day stamp for another couple of years before leaving Thailand for good. The other came back on a 30 day stamp, did visa runs for a while, then got married and is now here legally on a Non-Imm visa.

I am not advocating overstaying, because if you do get picked up you are in deep trouble and end up in the Immigration detention Centre, which isn't fit to keep pigs in. Subsequent deportation in such a case would indeed get you blacklisted. From the experiences of the above two people, however, you do not get blacklisted for overstaying, so long as you surrender, pay your fine with good grace and leave.

I don't feel sorry for you in any way as there is no excuss for 6 months overstay and hopefully they fine you and stamp your passsport to stop you coming back in again.

You and similar people are to blame for the new and enforced regulations regarding visas which is effecting genuine long term tourists and others who are / were long term residents here (doing monthly border runs which in themselves is not idea but was tolerated) and who are now faced with all sorts of problem to stay with wives and family.

Oh don't be such a misery! Hard times can afflict any one of us at any time, and God forbid that you should ever find yourself in a similar situation. At least the OP is trying to sort his problem out. Good luck to him.


I agree entirely with the sensible response posted by dbrenn. You have nothing to be concerned about as long as you pay your fine at the airport. You will not be blacklisted. You will be permitted to return without difficulty. Don't listen to some of the holier than thou trolls who frequent this forum. Many are bitter and twisted beyond repair.


1. The overstay was increased from 200 baht per day to 500 baht per day - but the maximum remains at 20,000 baht.

2. I would not expect a non visa entry (30 day stamp) to be issued after an extended overstay these days - believe any overstay days will now be subject to the 90 day entry without visa total.


I thought Thai visa was all about helping people and giving advice to fellow farangs in trouble.Please A Traveller and Minburi do not be so judgemental of people.Are you really that full of self importance and have no skeletons in your cupboards ?

jai yen yen !

I thought Thai visa was all about helping people and giving advice to fellow farangs in trouble.Please A Traveller and Minburi do not be so judgemental of people.Are you really that full of self importance and have no skeletons in your cupboards ?

jai yen yen !

I am as far from important(ask my wife)as I can think but I also abide by the laws of Thailand.

Well heres my advice. Do the crime serve the time. He has overstayed he is in violation of a Thai immigration polices. There is no gray area. And if there is please point it out to me as the rules are in place with respect to this situation.

You want to hold hands with the Op and sing KHum bai yah fine but he has still broken the law.

Well heres my advice. Do the crime serve the time. He has overstayed he is in violation of a Thai immigration polices. There is no gray area. And if there is please point it out to me as the rules are in place with respect to this situation

This sort of clichéd drivel hardly constitutes advice. Perhaps if you have nothing constructive to add, Minburi, your most sensible course of action would be to remain silent. The OP clearly understands that he is in breach of the Thai immigration regulations by overstaying his visa. He has come here seeking counsel and advice in an attempt to correct his error; to right his wrong. I find this most admirable, indeed. I wish the OP all the best in his efforts to normalize his visa situation. I wish for you, Minburi, a more compassionate heart.

Som Nam naa

You know the rules. If you get caught and then end up in IDC whose fault is that? Thai officals? No yours.

Cripes. Gotta have an enemy, right mate?

You should jon in the debate going on over on the airport forum. There is a disscusion going regarding ferangs in Thai prisons, serving long prison terms, for small offences. when this topic runs its course, you can jump over to that forum and condem these scum of the earth ferangs, celebrate the fact they are in Thai prisons for years to come and sing kum bye are my lord, or whatever the heck it is, with the other Thai wannabees on this forum.

Stop taking life so seriously. The OP didnt kill anyone. Didnt rape anyone. ((edit - lopburi3)) He didnt get drunk and run over a couple school kids. He overstayed his visa - thats all. Nothing more, nothing less. Its wrong to overstay your visa yes.... but the guy has found himself in hard times. A little compasion maybe? Make allowances? Display understanding, just a little?

I thought Thai visa was all about helping people and giving advice to fellow farangs in trouble.Please A Traveller and Minburi do not be so judgemental of people.Are you really that full of self importance and have no skeletons in your cupboards ?

jai yen yen !

I am as far from important(ask my wife)as I can think but I also abide by the laws of Thailand.

Well heres my advice. Do the crime serve the time. He has overstayed he is in violation of a Thai immigration polices. There is no gray area. And if there is please point it out to me as the rules are in place with respect to this situation.

You want to hold hands with the Op and sing KHum bai yah fine but he has still broken the law.

Yes, Minburi correctly pointed out.'He has broken the law'.But are we not on here to try to help 'our friends' who are in a bit of trouble and give them some constructive advice and not condemn them? Who makes us the executioner? He will get his deserts when he has to go and explain himself but at least let us try to give him some advice and not tell him what a fool he has been.

Also I am sure your wife thinks you are very important..... :o

I thought Thai visa was all about helping people and giving advice to fellow farangs in trouble.Please A Traveller and Minburi do not be so judgemental of people.Are you really that full of self importance and have no skeletons in your cupboards ?

jai yen yen !

I am as far from important(ask my wife)as I can think but I also abide by the laws of Thailand.

Well heres my advice. Do the crime serve the time. He has overstayed he is in violation of a Thai immigration polices. There is no gray area. And if there is please point it out to me as the rules are in place with respect to this situation.

You want to hold hands with the Op and sing KHum bai yah fine but he has still broken the law.

Yes, Minburi correctly pointed out.'He has broken the law'.But are we not on here to try to help 'our friends' who are in a bit of trouble and give them some constructive advice and not condemn them? Who makes us the executioner? He will get his deserts when he has to go and explain himself but at least let us try to give him some advice and not tell him what a fool he has been.

Also I am sure your wife thinks you are very important..... :o

You are right. I guess its a pet preeve of mine people that over stay. And no I should not cast any stones thats for sure. My regerts to you. It is in my humble and yet bais opinion I was commenting on and the O.p does deserve a break and the best of luck.

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