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I need to loose 10 kg, about 20% of my body weight. It was always very difficult to me to loose weight and then keep it it down.... also, with a 1-year old very active baby it's not so easy to excercise.

Can someone recommed me a good doctor in Pattaya area ? I don't want to take anfetamins but some natural pills (if there are...) that helps me with the anxiety would be of great help.

Thanks in advance,



Even if it isn't convenient get out for a walk (carry your tot), the exercise will do wonders for your extra pounds and your mood as well. The endorphins your body creates during exercise are a natural mood lifter! It is always hard to begin a new exercise program but after about a week or so you will definitely begin to feel better. Aim for 1/2 hour of exercise that works up a sweat. Good luck!


I need to loose 10 kg, about 20% of my body weight. It was always very difficult to me to loose weight and then keep it it down.... also, with a 1-year old very active baby it's not so easy to excercise.

Can someone recommed me a good doctor in Pattaya area ? I don't want to take anfetamins but some natural pills (if there are...) that helps me with the anxiety would be of great help.

Thanks in advance,


Get some sort of home excerise machine and use it while your baby naps.

Avoid drugs as they are at best a short term fix.

Eat fruit for snack during the days to keep yourself full and drink lots of water.


Many of the natural diet pills sold have green tea, ginger, apple cider vinegar and chayenne (same as Thai chili) in them so here is an easy way to naturally boost your metabolism (not counting all the other benefits):

First thing in the morning make a large cup of green tea(I use the stuff with big leaves/not in bags) with ginger tea powder(found in all super markets - pick the one with least suger) and 2 table spoons of apple cider vinegar(not normal vinegar). Have a similar cup in the evening and anytime during the day you can find the time.

As for the chili just use plenty - personally I grap a medium sized one and chew a couple of times before swallowing with tea or water morning and evening.

Above aside: as already mentioned exercise is important, but your question was directed towards supplements. Cheers!


"I need to loose 10 kg, about 20% of my body weight"

This means that you want to go from 50 -> 40kg???

Keep it healthy Amonik. And yes, stay away from all Amphetamin-based products!


Hi Amonik,

Recently I met a friend of mine after almost 1 year, and I could not recognize her cause she lose 12 kgs of her weight. The first thing I asked her after meeting was that whats her secret? She was more than willing to share it with me and my wife. She told us about a book which her fitness trainer from a costly fitness center had recommended her "The South Beach Diet". This book is very good, was written by a good doctor who was a heart specialist. As per this book you should eat sufficient (not excess) food containing proteins and not carbohydrates for almost 3 times a day. in the first 2 weeks if you follow this diet, which is compulsory then you lose 8 to 12 pounds in the first 2 weeks. This diet allows you to eat Chicken, fish but no bread and no rice........I have borrowed that book from her and read it first few chapters, The author is "Dr.Arthur Agatston"...........I am going to scan it and keep a copy for myself, I shall email a copy of it to all of those who r interested, just give me ur name and email id.


I need to loose 10 kg, about 20% of my body weight. It was always very difficult to me to loose weight and then keep it it down.... also, with a 1-year old very active baby it's not so easy to excercise.

Can someone recommed me a good doctor in Pattaya area ? I don't want to take anfetamins but some natural pills (if there are...) that helps me with the anxiety would be of great help.

Thanks in advance,



These are some of the things I tried and lost almost 40 lbs. in 3 months...

1. Stop drinking soda!! 12 oz. of Coke a day will MAINTAIN 14 lbs. a year. Drink water instead

2. Take Vitamins (Centrum or equivalant)

3. Exercise daily (You can start by walking at least 1 mile a day, put the baby in the stroller and push him around... eventually you will want to run and when you do you can decide when to increase speed/distance etc...though not with the baby.

4. Eat Healthy (Try to eat a LOT of fruit and salads and lean protein) I started by eating a large plate of fruit for breakfast (apples, grapes, pineapple, water melon, and honeydew melon were my top choices) followed by a nice salad with lean protein (chicken, seafood, or beef) and a snack of fruit a few hours later and a nice dinner no later then 6pm.

Hope this helps!

Edit: Forgot to spell check LOL


I have just finished doing this diet and lost 5.3 kg in 2 weeks. I don't normally ever do anything which would cause such a weight loss in a short period of time but I wanted to kick start my metabolisim into order.

The diet (and that what it is) is:

2 eggs

2 tomatoes

2 oranges

1 slice of wholegrain bread

1 serve of fish or chicken (skinless) 125gr.

and as much lettuce, celery, shallots, spring onions and fresh herbs.

Also 1 multi vitamin tab. per day and as much water as you want.

No butter, sugar, salt, milk or any goodies!

You can please yourself how you eat the food but I had the eggs poached on 1/2 slice of toast for breaky with green tea.

1 orange mid morn.

Tomates and the other 1/2 slice of bread with greens for lunch and green tea.

1 orange mid afternoon and the fish or chicken for dinner with more greens.

I drank lots of chinese tea and plain water and foil wrapped the chicken and fish with fresh herbs and baked.

It wasn't easy but it was only 2 weeks. I've been off it since Sunday and have now added veges and meat back into my meals. Also nuts not too many, more fruit and the odd coffee and biscut.

Hope this might be some help



tks for your post,

your diet resembles to the one mentioned in the south beach diet. I have the book but no time to read it, now as u have given exact quantities its easier to follow.

one small request, if its not too much of a trouble then kindly give the time instead of writing mid-morning mid-afternoon and also specify what to eat at what time.......( I mean just tell us what u use to take for breakfast , lunch and dinner and at what approximate time) ........please a little more effort from you will help too many of us.


I have just finished doing this diet and lost 5.3 kg in 2 weeks. I don't normally ever do anything which would cause such a weight loss in a short period of time but I wanted to kick start my metabolisim into order.

The diet (and that what it is) is:

2 eggs

2 tomatoes

2 oranges

1 slice of wholegrain bread

1 serve of fish or chicken (skinless) 125gr.

and as much lettuce, celery, shallots, spring onions and fresh herbs.

Also 1 multi vitamin tab. per day and as much water as you want.

No butter, sugar, salt, milk or any goodies!

You can please yourself how you eat the food but I had the eggs poached on 1/2 slice of toast for breaky with green tea.

1 orange mid morn.

Tomates and the other 1/2 slice of bread with greens for lunch and green tea.

1 orange mid afternoon and the fish or chicken for dinner with more greens.

I drank lots of chinese tea and plain water and foil wrapped the chicken and fish with fresh herbs and baked.

It wasn't easy but it was only 2 weeks. I've been off it since Sunday and have now added veges and meat back into my meals. Also nuts not too many, more fruit and the odd coffee and biscut.

Hope this might be some help




Hearty congratulations to you! losing 40 Lbs is a big acheivement!!!!!!!

Tks for your motivating, insightful and detailed post. However I have a few questions.

1) Exactly which Vitamins you were taking? where can we get them? can we get it into medical/chemist shops? how much quantity do u suggest to take?

2) As you mentioned about the breakfast......not sure if u were taking the fruits and immediately use to take salad and lean protein or it was for lunch? What u use to take for dinner? ......It will be very very useful for all of us if your could elaborate about the quantity of your salad, fruits and lean protein..........

Also kindly let us know that if someone is a vegetarian then what should he/she take as lean proteins instead of chicken/fish?

thanking you in advance


These are some of the things I tried and lost almost 40 lbs. in 3 months...

1. Stop drinking soda!! 12 oz. of Coke a day will MAINTAIN 14 lbs. a year. Drink water instead

2. Take Vitamins (Centrum or equivalant)

3. Exercise daily (You can start by walking at least 1 mile a day, put the baby in the stroller and push him around... eventually you will want to run and when you do you can decide when to increase speed/distance etc...though not with the baby.

4. Eat Healthy (Try to eat a LOT of fruit and salads and lean protein) I started by eating a large plate of fruit for breakfast (apples, grapes, pineapple, water melon, and honeydew melon were my top choices) followed by a nice salad with lean protein (chicken, seafood, or beef) and a snack of fruit a few hours later and a nice dinner no later then 6pm.

Hope this helps!

Edit: Forgot to spell check LOL


Eat a lot less and cut right down or even cut out completely all processed food. Don't eat after 5 pm.


Hearty congratulations to you! losing 40 Lbs is a big acheivement!!!!!!!

Tks for your motivating, insightful and detailed post. However I have a few questions.

1) Exactly which Vitamins you were taking? where can we get them? can we get it into medical/chemist shops? how much quantity do u suggest to take?

2) As you mentioned about the breakfast......not sure if u were taking the fruits and immediately use to take salad and lean protein or it was for lunch? What u use to take for dinner? ......It will be very very useful for all of us if your could elaborate about the quantity of your salad, fruits and lean protein..........

Also kindly let us know that if someone is a vegetarian then what should he/she take as lean proteins instead of chicken/fish?

thanking you in advance

The vitamins were GNC Mega Men Multivitamin at the recommended 2 a day... I have been unable to locate these vitamins in Thailand... all of the GNC stores that I have been to carry one of the Mega Men series but it's the basic one, you'd do better paying Bht. 200 less and getting Centrum.

As far as the diet goes...I tried to keep my options open as much as possible, here was a typical day.

Morning - Fruit (Honeydew melon, watermelon, pineapple, seedless grapes, orange, apple) at various quantities depending on how hungry I was.... since it's fruit and loaded with water, whatever you eat will be gone in about 2-3 hours. Breakfast for me was usually at 0800, so I tried to place lunch at around 1130 or 1230 depending on work. I also drank about 1-2 L of water. If I simply couldn't take it I'd snack on fruit or almonds, cashews, peanuts, etc...

Lunch - Salad (1 medium sized bowl, I usually used lettuce, olives, cheese, green/red/yellow peppers, cucumber, tomato, brockley, cauliflower, and random samplings from time to time for taste...) Also, I only used Italian dressing, I stayed away from the Thousand Island and other creamy dressings, however when Italian wasn't available, I used Ranch. Main Course - I usually ate some kind of bread or pasta if it was available and some type of lean protien...chicken and beef were served every day and fish every 2 days or so. I ate a healthy serving, I can't say how much as far as weight per serving, that one is up to you.

Dinner - Fruit again, no later then 5 or 6 PM. I tried to eat light at night because that's when I was able to work out.

Also, I for at least 1 month I worked out in the AM right after I woke up. I started waking up 2 hours before I had to so that I could pull off a 1 hour work out that included cardio, and have enough time to shower and get to work. In the morning before breakfast is the absolute BEST time to work out if you want to loose weight. You will burn much more fat if you start early, plus your body gets a kick start in the AM and it usually doesn't slow down until lunch time.

For snacks, when I was tired of fruit, I would eat something like trailmix (only 1 serving as stated on the package) or other fruit/nut mix. The main thing was sugar, try to stay away from it and drink lots of water. If your urine is yellow and you're not taking vitamins then you are dehydrated. It should almost always be almost clear (which means that you're going to the toilet at least 4 times before lunch) except if taking vitamins, then expect an erie neon green.

That's about it...

Now that I am in BKK, I need to get back on that diet :o I put it off for 3 months after I moved here.


Thanks for all your advice !

I'll read them carefully later. I just want to said thank you and to correct a mistake, I need to go from 60 kg to 50, sorry !

I don't know why its not advisable to eat after 5-6 pm ?

My daily meal schedule it's quiet different:

Breakfast: 9 am

Snack: 11 am

Lunch: 1 pm

Snack: 4 pm

Another Snack: 7 pm

Dinner: 10 pm

Beadtime: around 1 am

I could move dinner time at 9 pm but not before.

I usually drink 4-5 lt. of water per day but i'm not doing any physical activity....

Thanks again

Thanks for all your advice !

I'll read them carefully later. I just want to said thank you and to correct a mistake, I need to go from 60 kg to 50, sorry !

I don't know why its not advisable to eat after 5-6 pm ?

My daily meal schedule it's quiet different:

Breakfast: 9 am

Snack: 11 am

Lunch: 1 pm

Snack: 4 pm

Another Snack: 7 pm

Dinner: 10 pm

Beadtime: around 1 am

I could move dinner time at 9 pm but not before.

I usually drink 4-5 lt. of water per day but i'm not doing any physical activity....

Thanks again

i lost 25 kg in 5 months ,went to the yanhee hospital in bkk ,a whole floor dedicated to weight loss ,gave me 7 pills a day 3 before lunch 4 before sleep ,all herbal no speed no side effects ,given a medical 1st to make sure okay ,its amazing you are hungry but eat a little stop the pills after 6 months 4 months later the weights still off ,magic :o


Lazeeboy, congratulations !!!! 25 kg in 5 months, that's amazing. The good thing is also that you didn't put any weight back. I'll should give it a try. Thanks for your information.


I need to loose 10 kg, about 20% of my body weight. It was always very difficult to me to loose weight and then keep it it down.... also, with a 1-year old very active baby it's not so easy to excercise.

Can someone recommed me a good doctor in Pattaya area ? I don't want to take anfetamins but some natural pills (if there are...) that helps me with the anxiety would be of great help.

Thanks in advance,


You must be quite small in height if you need to be 40kg as an ideal weight.

Drugs, such as ampethamines, do more harm than good - alot more harm.

Supplements such as tablets etc. are no quick fix.

Thing is really, to modify your diet and exercise.  Cut down on carbs - assuming you are Thai by your weight - cut down on rice.

Will power is the main requirement - no magic or quick fixes

PS dont try to follow any strict routine> Keep it simple. For anxiety vitamin B complex is a good option.


I need to loose 10 kg, about 20% of my body weight. It was always very difficult to me to loose weight and then keep it it down.... also, with a 1-year old very active baby it's not so easy to excercise.

Can someone recommed me a good doctor in Pattaya area ? I don't want to take anfetamins but some natural pills (if there are...) that helps me with the anxiety would be of great help.

Thanks in advance,


You must be quite small in height if you need to be 40kg as an ideal weight.

Drugs, such as ampethamines, do more harm than good - alot more harm.

Supplements such as tablets etc. are no quick fix.

Thing is really, to modify your diet and exercise.  Cut down on carbs - assuming you are Thai by your weight - cut down on rice.

Will power is the main requirement - no magic or quick fixes

PS dont try to follow any strict routine> Keep it simple. For anxiety vitamin B complex is a good option.

Thanks for your advice.

Let me clarify that I'm not thai and I have to go from 60 kg to 50 kg and yes, i'm very short in height.

I don't want to take ampethamines, I just like to know if there is something "natural" that helps in the process.

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