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The blame for the recent spate of deaths of Mekong dolphins has been placed on local fisherman, while an NGO is concerned at the dwindling numbers of the animal in the river, especially in the early part of this year. WWF country director Seng Teak said yesterday that five dolphins died and only three dolphins were born in Cambodia’s Kampi Pool early this year.


“I am very concerned about what is happening to dolphins in the Kampi Pool this year. We have to take action to protect and conserve the remaining dolphins because the recent deaths are a warning,” said Teak. He added that humans are the cause of the dolphins’ deaths as indicated by the injuries caused by nets seen on some of the animals’ corpses. The dolphins were killed by illegal fishing in the dolphin pool.


“We can see the cause of death with our own eyes. Some dolphins were killed because they got tangled in nets illegally set up in the dolphin pool, which are really having an impact on the animals,” said Teak. However, some dolphin deaths have no obvious cause. These cases have been sent to Laos for further investigation.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501080083/fishermen-blamed-for-mekong-dolphin-deaths/



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