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Things You + Your Thai Wife Do That Bug Eachother


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things she does:

1. this is more of a 'thai people' thing but she always has to get into the first subway or bts car that is jam packed with people when we could walk 10 meters and get into an empty car.

2. constantly unplugging electrical appliances

3. has a much of weird things related to "getting shocked". If I take a shower after eating I will "get shocked". If I throw cold water on her she will "get shocked". If I exercise and take a shower I will "get shocked".

4. Not running the air condition to save money

things I do:

1. Use logical reasoning

2. refuse to go to shopping malls except to eat

3. refuse to watch thai television

4. do not snuggle enough in bed - give me my space women!

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Not much really.


Pick her nose like Granny pulling out the winner at the village fete lucky dip.

Eat Durian in the bedroom


Slap her hand every time she's up to her knuckles in bogey exploration

Grab her bedtime Durian snack and throw it out of the nearest open window.

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mines basically a little angel but;


1.she likes to "go shoppinnng",without buying anything.yesterday she wanted to look at baby clothes,but doesnt want a baby. :D

2.she likes eating greasy pork fat. :o

3.she doesnt like the beach because of the sun.

4.she says up to you rather alot."yes but,what do YOU want to do?!!!"


1.ive developed a habit of farting in bed,rather loudly,rather than discretely (raising the leg style)to possibly get a reaction out of her.she sometimes says something about a dead dog.

2.i say "maybe tomorrow" maybe to much.

3.i always seem to have that 2nd beer.

4.whenever myself working is mentioned i possibly change the subject,or revert to #2.

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Her: she farts in bed alot, moans about everything, stinks out the bathroom, very lazy, wastes far too much money on beer and generally leaves a mess wherever she goes.

Me: The most perfect bloke she could ever want!

Yes, I think thats about right


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Her: Backseat driving, always unplugging the microwave.

Me: Driving in a style she does not like, leaving the microwave plugged in.

Solution: Sell cars and microwave.

Result: Public transportation and soi food 24/7.

Compromise: We both shut up about driving and cooking.

End result: Perfect marriage.

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Her: always complaining about how hot it is

walking at a snails pace

spending hours in the supermarket

being totally unorganised

insisting on asking directions from people who have no better idea of where to go then we do

walking into a perfectly neat and tidy room and leaving it looking like a war zone 30 minutes later

making me bring her a glass of water when she comes to bed even though she is perfectly capable of bringing it with her

Me: I'm perfect, of course. :o

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What drives me crazy?

- Her driving: always in too high of a gear, apparently incapable of revving the engine over 2000 rpm. Always stalls when backing up.

- Her translation: If she helps by translating a difficult conversation, she either A: talks for 10 minutes and gives me a one sentence rundown. B: Tells me all the random unimportant information and leaves out the most important details. C: Doesn’t say what I wanted to say, and gets nowhere in the conversation.

My Thai is good enough now though, that I can butt in and try to keep things on target. It's worth a try when it's going off the rails anyway.

What drives her crazy?

- My driving: I often get lost in my thoughts and end up on the wrong street, not lost just not paying attention.

-My learning Thai: If I am learning Thai by book, CD, or internet, she will leave the room. She hates the questions I ask. She says don’t ask, just speak.

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She is always making references to conversations we have never had. If she has thought it, or had meant to say it to me, it is assumed to have taken place.


I am just forgetful enough to enable her delusions of phantom conversations. When I legitimately get caught out having forgot something, it is evidence of my "Alzheimers", and all unejudicated cases are closed in her favor.

Edited by lannarebirth
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I never say anything, But I have always wonder way her and her friends will always make sumtum and eat it after eatting a huge meal or cooking something special. Never fails the pok pok pot comes out and the real party begains after everyone else has ate. I've seen this in the village also. :o I've always wrote it off as "thats the way it is" anyone else seen it?

Kinda funny how a little thing will eat at you, like a dollars worth of sumtum. :D


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I understand now, I never thought about it that much. But now that you've explained and I have thought about it, it makes good since. I've experienced the effects of green papaya myself.

Thanks for the insight.

Chung *j*

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I must be a lucky guy because I can honestly say that my Thai wife does absolutely nothing that bugs me. I would guess that several things I do may bug her but probably the worst thing is my snoring.

If your spouse does things that bother you, the best advice I ever heard was "Go into marriage with both eyes wide open--but after you are married learn to close one eye ." :o

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annoy me:

- She unplugs electrical appliances all the time

- Cook meat with big chunks of fat attached to it

- I tell her something in english of some importance and she says "yes", but she's shy to tell me that she doesn't understand what I'm saying which leads to even more confusion and arguments all the time

- Too much spooning, i can't sleep if someone touches me all night like this

- She wants to go at the beach, but once we get there she's hiding from the sun because she doesn't want to look "black"

annoy her:

- I complain all the time like "you know in my country, this and that no same same"

- That when we run into an argument, I bring to the table that I pay for everything so she should <deleted>

- That I clean all the time, windex is my best firend... she says that im like a "poo ying"

But we get along well, loads of fun :o

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She is always making references to conversations we have never had. If she has thought it, or had meant to say it to me, it is assumed to have taken place.


I am just forgetful enough to enable her delusions of phantom conversations. When I legitimately get caught out having forgot something, it is evidence of my "Alzheimers", and all unejudicated cases are closed in her favor.

You too..... thank god, I thought it was just me.

Mutterings from the hong nam while I am two rooms away all get filed under "I told you yesterday"

Her pet peeve with me .... I don't use the indicators in the car, when there is no one to indicate to.

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Her translation: If she helps by translating a difficult conversation, she either A: talks for 10 minutes and gives me a one sentence rundown. B: Tells me all the random unimportant information and leaves out the most important details.

LOL!! I can relate to this one :o

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My Thai partner operates on Thai time...which means she is never on time. After years as a soldier and as a cop in the USA, I always want to be early for an appointment. So when I see her meticulously applying her makeup and we are already 20 minutes late to be somewhere, my blood pressure rate doubles.

And what do I do to drive my lover crazy? I like pinching her ass in public. Definitely a non-Thai thing to do. :o But it sure does produce some interesting gymnastic moves from her.

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1) Heightened Jealousy

2) Doesn't like to speak when she is upset about something and will not tell me when I ask. but if I don't ask or ignore it she gets even more angry. :o


1) Don't spend enough time chatting with her when I am away at work

2) Can't get work off my mind even on vacation (I run a company)

3) I people watch, this becomes problematic when I look at girls (though I'm getting much better at not looking:P)

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She is always making references to conversations we have never had. If she has thought it, or had meant to say it to me, it is assumed to have taken place.


I am just forgetful enough to enable her delusions of phantom conversations. When I legitimately get caught out having forgot something, it is evidence of my "Alzheimers", and all unejudicated cases are closed in her favor.

You too..... thank god, I thought it was just me.

Mutterings from the hong nam while I am two rooms away all get filed under "I told you yesterday"

Her pet peeve with me .... I don't use the indicators in the car, when there is no one to indicate to.

These two post sum it up for me, all that's missing is reference to the manic PMT.

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My complaint: She constantly forgets things, specifically things I ask her to do. Doesn't seem to forget a friends phone number after only being told it once. :o

Her complaint: My forgetting to do something once out of a hundred times remembering to do them. :D

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She is always making references to conversations we have never had. If she has thought it, or had meant to say it to me, it is assumed to have taken place.


I am just forgetful enough to enable her delusions of phantom conversations. When I legitimately get caught out having forgot something, it is evidence of my "Alzheimers", and all unejudicated cases are closed in her favor.

You too..... thank god, I thought it was just me.

Mutterings from the hong nam while I am two rooms away all get filed under "I told you yesterday"

Her pet peeve with me .... I don't use the indicators in the car, when there is no one to indicate to.

Ha ha does she tell all the Thais this too as most dont indicate either?

My wife always chanegs the subject without saying so first or just blurts out "the man will come Friday" and leave me wondering what the hel_l she's on about??

I usually just respond with ok!!

Alos have a big problem with Logic, she doesnt seem to have much but have encountered this phenomena all over Thailand, then there's the simple question requiring a "yes" or "no" type response that gets a 1 hour discussion on the phone with a friend??????????

My failings are not understanding having no logic and wanting things done quickly without a 1 hour discussion.

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