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How Much To Tip Traditional Masseuses ?


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If you were her what would be a fair tip for you?

If I got a 200 baht massage, I'd probably give 50 to 100 baht depending on what I had in my pocket. Just because prices are low doesn't mean they are fair. If you can afford it do it. Some people are cheap for sure. I've heard that a lot of wealthy people got that way by being cheap and saving every penny they could.

If you beat people down all the time eventually they are going to turn around beat you. Then you'll call them a criminal or terrorist.

So, by your logic, if you had a 200 baht food bill, you would leave a 100 baht tip if that is what you had in your pocket? For every beer you order at a bar you would leave a 45-60 baht tip? Or are we to believe that a masseuse is a special type of person more deserving than a waitress -- who I might add has to work a lot harder and has to split her tip with the entire staff? What about at a salon, does the hairdresser deserve 125 baht on a 250 baht cut?

Really, I am trying to figure out why this one particular service gets such a good percentage tip from some of you. Sounds like some of you are reading into the massage customer relationship a bit too much.

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If you were her what would be a fair tip for you?

If I got a 200 baht massage, I'd probably give 50 to 100 baht depending on what I had in my pocket. Just because prices are low doesn't mean they are fair. If you can afford it do it. Some people are cheap for sure. I've heard that a lot of wealthy people got that way by being cheap and saving every penny they could.

If you beat people down all the time eventually they are going to turn around beat you. Then you'll call them a criminal or terrorist.

So, by your logic, if you had a 200 baht food bill, you would leave a 100 baht tip if that is what you had in your pocket? For every beer you order at a bar you would leave a 45-60 baht tip? Or are we to believe that a masseuse is a special type of person more deserving than a waitress -- who I might add has to work a lot harder and has to split her tip with the entire staff? What about at a salon, does the hairdresser deserve 125 baht on a 250 baht cut?

Really, I am trying to figure out why this one particular service gets such a good percentage tip from some of you. Sounds like some of you are reading into the massage customer relationship a bit too much.

LOL ... well if the waitress for my 200 baht food bill spent an hour ONLY serving me ... and doing so constantly for that hour with no break ... yeah :o If the Barber spent an hour only cutting my hair then yeah both would get 50 baht at least :D

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Really, I am trying to figure out why this one particular service gets such a good percentage tip from some of you. Sounds like some of you are reading into the massage customer relationship a bit too much.

Furbie, I think you are on to a piece of the puzzle. It is the services that are more intimate that get the tips. The people that cut your hair, feed you, take care of your personal property, and especially the ones that touch you all over. They’re the ones that get the tips. It is like people believe the workers really care about them, like they have a bit of mojo going on. It must some sort of codependency syndrome . Would it help to know that if you walked out of the shop and were hit by a song tow, they would all look shocked for about 5 minutes and then they would have a good laugh.

Just put down a 10 to 20 % tip and save the rest for therapy.

Edited by canuckamuck
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Just put down a 10 to 20 % tip and save the rest for therapy.

Is that working for you yet?

What, not giving stupid amounts of money to strangers? Yes it's going quite well.

no, the therapy! :o

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Never having had a massage, i cant comment on the pricing or tips involved therein.

But I will tip in restaurants, caddies and for things like haircuts. How much I tip depends entirely on my personal whim and, while I appreciate the collective wisdom herein to help me, i'll keep making up my own mind. If that spoils it for the rest of you, I'm sorry, but it can't be helped. I'm here to make my life comfortable and enjoyable, not yours.


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It does have to do with total attention during the time. I always give a fair tip to my barber too.

Waiters I stick with the 10 - 15 % philosophy.

I get paid well enough for what I do. I can afford to give what I do. If you don't have much money maybe you shouldn't be getting massages.

If you like the service you get tip well, the next time you go there you should get the same service or even better service. If you get good service but don't tip well what do you think you'll get the next time you go there?

There's no requirement to be a nice guy and there's no requirement for other people to like you either. You can live as you please.

BTW, I think some of you hairy and sweaty guys should probably be giving a 500 baht tip on top of the initial 200 baht cost of the massage.

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It does have to do with total attention during the time. I always give a fair tip to my barber too.

Waiters I stick with the 10 - 15 % philosophy.

I get paid well enough for what I do. I can afford to give what I do. If you don't have much money maybe you shouldn't be getting massages.

If you like the service you get tip well, the next time you go there you should get the same service or even better service. If you get good service but don't tip well what do you think you'll get the next time you go there?

There's no requirement to be a nice guy and there's no requirement for other people to like you either. You can live as you please.

Good post.

I am not sure if it is really that I like to tip. But I don't like seeing people not happy. I like to see people feeling happy. So I always tip reasonably. I guess I sometimes do over tip. But I like to see their happy faces. In fact I like to share what I have with others.

Some people say people will just think you are stupid for tipping much. I disagree. Most will appreciate your generosity and feel that all the hard work they have done was worth it.

And also, tipping helps get good service. I tip when I go to discos in thailand and I get taken care of very well.

I have no problem with those who don't tip though. I am not going to bash them. But I do hope they at least would tip 20-40 baht for a massage, so that the girl could get herself a packet of som-tam for lunch.

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I'm lucky. My Thai ladyboy is trained in traditional Thai massage and I get wonderful massages whenever I need them...plus I get a "happy ending" every night. Life is good.

One note about tipping. My ladyboy was a cabaret performer when we met and so she knows much more than I do about tipping in Thailand. We spend six months in Bangkok and six months in the United States. When we are in Bkk, Irin handles all our finances. When we are in Santa Fe, New Mexico, I handle all the finances.

Frankly, she does a better job. She is a notorious tightwad. Forget about tipping cab drivers or most service personnel (I always tip at least 15% in the USA). She will tip a modest amount (about 10%) for good service in a restaurant (I tip 20% for the same type of service in the USA). When we order in a meal, she tips about 10% (about what I do in the USA).

I discussed this thread about what to tip a traditional masseuse with her. She wouldn't tip. I told her I would tip about 20% to 25%. She looked at me like I was an idiot. Maybe I am.

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The last time I played golf with a caddy- we finished the round and I gave the caddy 70 baht tip. She looked at me and smiled and said she wanted more. I said well "give me back the 70 baht and now ###### off'. She answered her telephone whilst I was putting. She slagged farang off all the way round. She didn't even want to take the ball out the hole. She didn't deserve any tip at all.

Why is she like this? I suppose due to the farang that give 200 + baht tip every round and then wai the caddy. For 18 holes, it's only 350 Baht for everthing. Now when I play I carry my own clubs. Bloody farang, piss me off sometimes. :o

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I'm lucky. My Thai ladyboy is trained in traditional Thai massage and I get wonderful massages whenever I need them...plus I get a "happy ending" every night. Life is good.

One note about tipping. My ladyboy was a cabaret performer when we met and so she knows much more than I do about tipping in Thailand.

Do you have a Thai ladyboy, farang prince? That's news to us.

Perhaps, in future, you could mention that in every single god-damned thread you post so we don't forget it . . . . : :o

Edited by bendix
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Just because prices are low doesn't mean they are fair. If you can afford it do it.

The prices are not low, they are relative to Thailand. Comparing to Western countries is somewhat naive as is calling someone a 'Cheap Charlie' (typical bg talk) who tips using their head.

If you beat people down all the time eventually they are going to turn around beat you.

No-one's beating anyone down. These people set the prices and those who are receiving the service, reasonable tip or no tip, are paying said stated price... they're not undercutting. How can you be beating someone down by tipping responsibly, or not at all if indeed the service was substandard? Rounding up to 300 for a 250-baht massage is fine, but rounding up to 500 or even 1,000, for example, no matter how rich one may be, is not being generous, it's showing off. If it's all about generosity, then perhaps give to a children's charity. :D If you already do then fine, tip big and lets all turn wonderful Muang Thai into another US of A :o

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In Thailand bascially all farangs who come here have more money than the poor Thais who are servicing them. The farangs who are here come from different backgrounds back west. In the west, some of the farangs live/lived as 'the poor people' Here both the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' of the western world find themselves a bit closer in their doings. They may play golf on the same courses. They may get massages at the same places and can eat at the same restaurants. It would be interesting to find out how they act being in the same position of tipping. I'm not saying that the have-not farangs tip better or worse than the haves. There may be a noticeable difference between the two. I may be wrong about this whole idea that that all farangs here in Thailand living in basically the same commercial world. It justs amazes me that people who don't seem to have it so hard (playing golf and getting massages) are fighting over spare change. As for some Thais being ungrateful for fair tips they receive well that's would make anyone a little upset. Just as some tippers are stingy, some of the receivers of tips don't deserve them.

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Really, I am trying to figure out why this one particular service gets such a good percentage tip from some of you. Sounds like some of you are reading into the massage customer relationship a bit too much.

Furbie, I think you are on to a piece of the puzzle. It is the services that are more intimate that get the tips. The people that cut your hair, feed you, take care of your personal property, and especially the ones that touch you all over. They're the ones that get the tips. It is like people believe the workers really care about them, like they have a bit of mojo going on. It must some sort of codependency syndrome . Would it help to know that if you walked out of the shop and were hit by a song tow, they would all look shocked for about 5 minutes and then they would have a good laugh.

Just put down a 10 to 20 % tip and save the rest for therapy.


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If you were her what would be a fair tip for you?

If I got a 200 baht massage, I'd probably give 50 to 100 baht depending on what I had in my pocket. Just because prices are low doesn't mean they are fair. If you can afford it do it. Some people are cheap for sure. I've heard that a lot of wealthy people got that way by being cheap and saving every penny they could.

If you beat people down all the time eventually they are going to turn around beat you. Then you'll call them a criminal or terrorist.

So, by your logic, if you had a 200 baht food bill, you would leave a 100 baht tip if that is what you had in your pocket? For every beer you order at a bar you would leave a 45-60 baht tip? Or are we to believe that a masseuse is a special type of person more deserving than a waitress -- who I might add has to work a lot harder and has to split her tip with the entire staff? What about at a salon, does the hairdresser deserve 125 baht on a 250 baht cut?

Really, I am trying to figure out why this one particular service gets such a good percentage tip from some of you. Sounds like some of you are reading into the massage customer relationship a bit too much.

LOL ... well if the waitress for my 200 baht food bill spent an hour ONLY serving me ... and doing so constantly for that hour with no break ... yeah :o If the Barber spent an hour only cutting my hair then yeah both would get 50 baht at least :D

It's interesting to see the rationalization for people tipping excessively at a massage parlor. At least the folks who say it makes me feel good are honest (if a little foolish) about it. By the way, give me a couple of hundred thousand baht and I will smile so big you'll feel good for a week - though I will be sure and tell everyone how foolish you are. Now let's re-cap:

1) Poor wages. Again, if you are so concerned about the wages, go somewhere that treats their employees better. This one reminds me of people who give money to beggars – perpetuating the cycle. Oh, I don't need to pay a decent wage because dumb Westerners will tip big and I can continue to rip off my staff.

2) Westerners are bigger (or the guy who feels so bad someone has to touch him he feels compelled to tip big). The girls are not slaves; they don't need to massage you. Reminds me of the motorbike guy who wanted more because I was bigger than a Thai – he relented when I pointed out he was bigger than me. If we are going to charge people by how big they are, let's start with the all you can eat buffets – at least this makes some sense. I don't see doctors (especially gynecologists) charging by the looks of their customer - this same logic should apply.

3) Time involved. I have to admit, this one was creative and on the surface sound plausible. However, tipping is based on price and quality of service. I never read a book or a Dear Abby that said base your tip on time spent or the fact that its one on one. Funny, I thought the price you paid was on the time, and your tip derived from that price, augmented by the quality of service. However, if we are going to create a tipping scheme based on time, this could cause issues – I for one want my food or beer to arrive fairly quickly when I am out – so staff dragging their feet hoping for a bigger tip may present an issue. I guess we are back to the argument that the two week Wat Po course (if you're lucky) makes someone worthy of a 50% tip because a masseuse is in some special exalted category. – Sorry, I just don't buy it; but since your giving it away, I guess it's not a problem.

Face it, you feel some foolish connection because the person is touching you; get over it, its not reciprocated.

Now, all this talk has put me in the mood for one - I'm off to Health Land.

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The last time I played golf with a caddy- we finished the round and I gave the caddy 70 baht tip. She looked at me and smiled and said she wanted more. I said well "give me back the 70 baht and now ###### off'. She answered her telephone whilst I was putting. She slagged farang off all the way round. She didn't even want to take the ball out the hole. She didn't deserve any tip at all.

Why is she like this? I suppose due to the farang that give 200 + baht tip every round and then wai the caddy. For 18 holes, it's only 350 Baht for everthing. Now when I play I carry my own clubs. Bloody farang, piss me off sometimes. :o

Honestly, will you do her job?

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"but rounding up to 500 or even 1,000, for example, no matter how rich one may be, is not being generous, it's showing off."

I didn't say anything like this. And I wouldn't say it is about 'showing off'. Those are your words. There are morons who might like to flash cash around in Thailand but I'm not someone who has any to flash around.

As for beating people down well that's my opinion. Whatever the case, you have your money to do as you please. I know you are here for the bargains as you're afraid that they are threatened by the following statement. It's funny how your whole economic models falls apart with this statement.

"If you already do then fine, tip big and lets all turn wonderful Muang Thai into another US of A"

What does this mean anyways? There are some great countries in Africa where slavery seems to still be a practice if you are interested.

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Just because prices are low doesn't mean they are fair. If you can afford it do it.

The prices are not low, they are relative to Thailand. Comparing to Western countries is somewhat naive as is calling someone a 'Cheap Charlie' (typical bg talk) who tips using their head.

If you beat people down all the time eventually they are going to turn around beat you.

No-one's beating anyone down. These people set the prices and those who are receiving the service, reasonable tip or no tip, are paying said stated price... they're not undercutting. How can you be beating someone down by tipping responsibly, or not at all if indeed the service was substandard? Rounding up to 300 for a 250-baht massage is fine, but rounding up to 500 or even 1,000, for example, no matter how rich one may be, is not being generous, it's showing off. If it's all about generosity, then perhaps give to a children's charity. :D If you already do then fine, tip big and lets all turn wonderful Muang Thai into another US of A :o

It is the owners who set the prices. Not the masseuse herself. The owners couldn't care less what their employees are getting. They do rely a lot on tips.

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I don't get the posters who are so bothered by people who give a two dollar or 5 dollar tip for a massage. They must really be living on the edge moneywise. This is Thailand 2007 not 1967 when you were here last. Prices have gone up. Two dollars is not a giant tip for a two hour massage. The next time you send that birthday card to your granddaughter, take out the two dollar bills and put in a Twenty or more or she won't visit you in the nursing home! If you can't afford this world, you better hurry up and die.

Sorry, I'll start meditating now to relieve the evil which has come over me.

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It's funny how your whole economic models falls apart with this statement.

"If you already do then fine, tip big and lets all turn wonderful Muang Thai into another US of A"

What does this mean anyways?

It's called sarcasm :D

Sorry to lump you in with the 1000-baht tippers btw.

Just because prices are low doesn't mean they are fair. If you can afford it do it.

The prices are not low, they are relative to Thailand. Comparing to Western countries is somewhat naive as is calling someone a 'Cheap Charlie' (typical bg talk) who tips using their head.

If you beat people down all the time eventually they are going to turn around beat you.

No-one's beating anyone down. These people set the prices and those who are receiving the service, reasonable tip or no tip, are paying said stated price... they're not undercutting. How can you be beating someone down by tipping responsibly, or not at all if indeed the service was substandard? Rounding up to 300 for a 250-baht massage is fine, but rounding up to 500 or even 1,000, for example, no matter how rich one may be, is not being generous, it's showing off. If it's all about generosity, then perhaps give to a children's charity. :D If you already do then fine, tip big and lets all turn wonderful Muang Thai into another US of A :o

It is the owners who set the prices. Not the masseuse herself. The owners couldn't care less what their employees are getting. They do rely a lot on tips.

That goes without saying, but whatever, that is the price that was set so how could that be beating someone down by paying said price plus a responsible tip? They may rely on tips but that's their vocation... no-one forced them into it.

I don't get the posters who are so bothered by people who give a two dollar or 5 dollar tip for a massage. They must really be living on the edge moneywise. This is Thailand 2007 not 1967 when you were here last. Prices have gone up. Two dollars is not a giant tip for a two hour massage. The next time you send that birthday card to your granddaughter, take out the two dollar bills and put in a Twenty or more or she won't visit you in the nursing home! If you can't afford this world, you better hurry up and die.

Sorry, I'll start meditating now to relieve the evil which has come over me.

There you go again quoting spurious currencies. I don't think the posters who don't tip big are bothered what some nincompoop overtips, it's when they get up their arse about not tipping big that probably bothers them.

Although probably 20 years away from grandfather status, not overtipping has got squat to do with treating one's family well as far as I'm concerned!

Enjoy the yoga :D

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The last time I played golf with a caddy- we finished the round and I gave the caddy 70 baht tip. She looked at me and smiled and said she wanted more. I said well "give me back the 70 baht and now ###### off'. She answered her telephone whilst I was putting. She slagged farang off all the way round. She didn't even want to take the ball out the hole. She didn't deserve any tip at all.

Why is she like this? I suppose due to the farang that give 200 + baht tip every round and then wai the caddy. For 18 holes, it's only 350 Baht for everthing. Now when I play I carry my own clubs. Bloody farang, piss me off sometimes. :o

Honestly, will you do her job?

What being a golf caddy is difficult? Give me a break. The only difficult part is surviving the heat. The job is so non labor intensive that if you don't have a caddy, you barely notice the difference. I have no idea about what the pay scale is, but I have a suspicion its average pay for unskilled labor plus tips, and those tips I am sure are occasionally better than a weeks pay.

Neeranam makes a strong illustration about the negative effects of tipping out of habit or show off tips. You end up with declining service and higher costs.

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The last time I played golf with a caddy- we finished the round and I gave the caddy 70 baht tip. She looked at me and smiled and said she wanted more. I said well "give me back the 70 baht and now ###### off'. She answered her telephone whilst I was putting. She slagged farang off all the way round. She didn't even want to take the ball out the hole. She didn't deserve any tip at all.

Why is she like this? I suppose due to the farang that give 200 + baht tip every round and then wai the caddy. For 18 holes, it's only 350 Baht for everthing. Now when I play I carry my own clubs. Bloody farang, piss me off sometimes. :o

Honestly, will you do her job?

What being a golf caddy is difficult? Give me a break. The only difficult part is surviving the heat. The job is so non labor intensive that if you don't have a caddy, you barely notice the difference. I have no idea about what the pay scale is, but I have a suspicion its average pay for unskilled labor plus tips, and those tips I am sure are occasionally better than a weeks pay.

Neeranam makes a strong illustration about the negative effects of tipping out of habit or show off tips. You end up with declining service and higher costs.

Meemiathai asked a simple question if Neeranam would do the job. You end up telling me the only difficult part is surviving the heat.

And yes, surviving the heat is the only part difficult. And the only difficult is surviving the heat. So what is it that makes you think since surviving the heat is the only part that is difficult thus making it not difficult? You think fighting war in Iraq is difficult for a soldier? Well the only part that is ..blah blah

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no-one forced them into it.

Agreed. Certainly not with a gun or knife.

No one forced me into the work I have here in HK either. But I am forced to work where I work by... I don't know. I am forced to work there as a civil servant coz that's the place I could probably get paid most. I am forced to go back all the time to see those ass-licking people by ....

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The last time I played golf with a caddy- we finished the round and I gave the caddy 70 baht tip. She looked at me and smiled and said she wanted more. I said well "give me back the 70 baht and now ###### off'. She answered her telephone whilst I was putting. She slagged farang off all the way round. She didn't even want to take the ball out the hole. She didn't deserve any tip at all.

Why is she like this? I suppose due to the farang that give 200 + baht tip every round and then wai the caddy. For 18 holes, it's only 350 Baht for everthing. Now when I play I carry my own clubs. Bloody farang, piss me off sometimes. :o

Honestly, will you do her job?

What being a golf caddy is difficult? Give me a break. The only difficult part is surviving the heat. The job is so non labor intensive that if you don't have a caddy, you barely notice the difference. I have no idea about what the pay scale is, but I have a suspicion its average pay for unskilled labor plus tips, and those tips I am sure are occasionally better than a weeks pay.

Neeranam makes a strong illustration about the negative effects of tipping out of habit or show off tips. You end up with declining service and higher costs.

Meemiathai asked a simple question if Neeranam would do the job. You end up telling me the only difficult part is surviving the heat.

And yes, surviving the heat is the only part difficult. And the only difficult is surviving the heat. So what is it that makes you think since surviving the heat is the only part that is difficult thus making it not difficult? You think fighting war in Iraq is difficult for a soldier? Well the only part that is ..blah blah


He's saying that the service is <deleted>, in this case, probably because the lazy one has been repeatedly tipped in the past regardless of providing <deleted> service or not and now expects it, period, thanks to nincompoop overtippers. I had one like that at Lanna in CM who wouldn't stop talking on her mobile, kept disappearing, rarely pulled the clubs and when she did they were wrong, and could never find the ball in the rough (not that I was in there that often :D ), and she still had the gall to hold her hand out! Like a <deleted> I actually did tip her (to no thanks) but was reeling at myself after for doing so. In future, if caddy good, tip no problem, if no good please <deleted> off!!!

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Meemiathai asked a simple question if Neeranam would do the job. You end up telling me the only difficult part is surviving the heat.

And yes, surviving the heat is the only part difficult. And the only difficult is surviving the heat. So what is it that makes you think since surviving the heat is the only part that is difficult thus making it not difficult? You think fighting war in Iraq is difficult for a soldier? Well the only part that is ..blah blah

Wow you got me there. Armed conflict and caddying - really like twin occupations wouldn’t you say.

Perhaps I should have said. When caddying in tropical climes, one finds the heat to be the biggest concern. This and the numerous roadside bombs can combine to make a very long day indeed.

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