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Justice Dept. to review response to Texas school shooting


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UVALDE, Texas (AP) — The Justice Department said Sunday it will review the law enforcement response to the Texas school shooting, an unusual federal look back prompted by questions about the shifting and at times contradictory information from authorities that have enraged a community in shock and sorrow.


Department spokesman Anthony Coley said the review would be conducted in a fair, impartial and independent manner and the findings would be made public. The announcement came as President Joe Biden was visiting Uvalde, where he and first lady Jill Biden paid their respects at a memorial to the 19 students and two teachers killed at Robb Elementary School on Tuesday.


The goal of the review, which the mayor requested, is “to provide an independent account of law enforcement actions and response that day, and to identify lessons learned and best practices to help first responders prepare for and respond to active shooter events,” Coley said in a statement.












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The solution is simple.

Social media's are the common denominators for all these psychos and their need to have photos online showing off their macho image.


Tweak algorithm to recognize guns.

Red flag to enforcement who can then go round for a chat and confiscation 

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There are no simple solutions. After the fact people say the gunman was crazy. They say more mental healthcare is needed. BUT no one has an explanation for why a crazy guy was able to get a gun so easily AND being a country with no free healthcare who is going to pay for thousands, possibly millions, of people with the mental healthcare they need. 

As it wasn't until 2008 that SCOTUS ruled that keeping guns at home was allowed, maybe repealing that ruling would take American back to the constitution writers' intention.

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2 hours ago, jcmj said:

They’re not looking for ways to improve the response they’re looking for someone or some people to blame. I’m sure the police are shaking in their boots. It would be nice if they knew how to do their job to protect others but seems like they were more worried about protecting themselves. Sad situation that hindsight cannot change. 

Here here !????

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Heard a senior and highly experienced very senior police (ex) officer and official on PBS (US TV) yesterday say that one of the primary focuses of policing training and procedure is to immediately put yourself between the victim/s and assailant and to make yourself the focus of the assailant even at your own safety even unto death. He said there is no grey area in this, that this is solid and clear procedure in all policing training in the US and known to ALL police. This was simply not done! 


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2 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

Heard a senior and highly experienced very senior police (ex) officer and official on PBS (US TV) yesterday say that one of the primary focuses of policing training and procedure is to immediately put yourself between the victim/s and assailant and to make yourself the focus of the assailant even at your own safety even unto death. He said there is no grey area in this, that this is solid and clear procedure in all policing training in the US and known to ALL police. This was simply not done! 


If the enquiry finds that the responders did not act to procedure , that is not an action that can ever stop shootings , it is only a reaction . The focus needs to be on the security of the schools and also for the school security workers . A single entry point to the schools , during lesson times , that is guarded by security could work but the weak times are when the parents are delivering and collecting their children .  Also how was the killer able to buy 2 AR 15 semi automatic rifles with lots of ammo ? No questions asked by the gun shop ? They are guilty by association and supply .

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