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Laptop Freezes and Fan Comes on.


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1 hour ago, mvdf said:

Did you just try to waste my time by making me do that nonsense??? Adding you to my IGNORE list!


Screenshot 2022-06-05 20.17.03.png

He'll be beside himself... 


Now...  do you want to look at the flaws in the comment you posted. 


- You cannot get viruses on a Chromebook..... 

- How do I project my Chromebook from Malware ??


See the contradiction ???...  one comment tells us that a Chromebook cannot get viruses (which is wrong of course), then it contradicts itself by telling the reader how to protect the Chromebook from getting viruses...  (hold on, I thought it couldn’t get viruses !!...)... 



Now onto blocking people....  Why do people always announced that ’they have added someone to their ignore list’ is it about wanting to win ????.... If you want to ignore someone, just be mature enough to ignore them !!!.....  In this case you are going to ignore someone who has given you solid advice... It could be a virus !




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2 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

No, I didn't try updating the bios. Whenever I've tried doing anything other than downloading programmes etc. in the past, its caused more problems so I leave such things well alone.


I'm also wary of any form of updates due to problems I've had in the past. For example, when I was on Windows XP, the boffins always advised me to carry out updates.  On numerous occasions when I did that, my PC crashed and I quite often lost data - I know of others who often had the same problems.

Updating firmware and updating OS/programs are a bit different. With an OS there is this huge amount of code trying to fit to a ton of different machines running lots of different programs so the chances that something breaks when you update is much higher. Firmware is often targeted at a single hardware device and the devs test on that same device. The install process is a little more involved and picking the wrong update file or having a power outage mid-install can really mess things up, but once that step is complete it usually will fix a lot of things and the chances of introducing new major bugs is pretty low.


1 hour ago, Bruno123 said:


If your laptop was as solidly built with a better design, then it would be worth spending the 600 baht on an SSD that you could quite easily fit yourself. Takes seconds on my device. Yours has to be completely disassembled; so not worth the cost of someone doing that plus the cost of the parts. Especially when you aren't even sure that it will fix the issue.


 Would it though? 600baht is like the lowest price for a 120gb ssd, which maybe they need more data than that on a one-drive machine (I know I do). And it's a 2.5" sata which maybe they'll have no use for if it doesn't fix their issue. And we're not even sure if pagefile thrashing is the cause, so it could be the first in a line of fixes and upgrades sinking money into a laptop that's already pretty outdated. I'm all for right-to-repair and accessibility but that's probably not the limiting factor on why they shouldn't go too far to repair this thing. And we probably shouldn't be too harsh at someone who has no intention of opening up their device for not researching and buying something designed to be easily fixed. That's on the manufacturer not them.

Edited by RedBackman
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57 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

- You cannot get viruses on a Chromebook..... 

- How do I project my Chromebook from Malware ??


See the contradiction ???...  one comment tells us that a Chromebook cannot get viruses (which is wrong of course), then it contradicts itself by telling the reader how to protect the Chromebook from getting viruses...  (hold on, I thought it couldn’t get viruses !!...)...

It's pedantic but this is a "square - rectangle" situation. All viruses are malware but not all malware are viruses. I don't believe there are any documented cases of a virus within chromebooks but there are definitely malware programs/extensions that you can install, they're just sandboxed and controlled in such a way that it's unlikely to be able to 'infect' the host system. Phrasing it as "You cannot get viruses" seems like a bit of a marketing gimmick but it is true that Chromebooks are more secure than Windows in general.

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11 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

He'll be beside himself...

I am beside myself laughing at people saying I am on their ignore list due to their ignorance and misleading posts knowing they are not going to read what I really think of them.

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24 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:

You keep arguing stupidly.

Again, no need to be harsh. You're not giving awful advice but just accept that some people have a different mentality than you on this issue.

24 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:

Allow me to reiterate.... Don't make the same mistake again in buying that plasticky cr@p that cannot be maintained easily. 

You end up using it sub-optimally for the lifetime of the device and then when something goes wrong, it's easier to throw it away.

Eh their previous one isn't even that bad. It doesn't have glue or soldered cpu/ram. A feew screws, pry some clips, disconnect some cables... if a friend came over with beer I'd swap their drive for free in about 5 minutes.

24 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:

The mistake was that you got five years of sub-optimal usage as you had to chug along with a mechanical HDD and now you have to throw it away. 

If you had bought a Latitude or similar in the first place; swapping to an SSD could have been done when you first bought it or anytime afterwards, with ease. 

So don't buy cr@p that just looks nice, but is designed to be disposable or expensive to upgrade/fix.

Buy an business grade device. They are designed to be easy to maintain and will have firmware upgrades and fixes far beyond the plasticky consumer crud. No need to pay more than you would for the 'consumer' quality stuff.

I bought this Latitude to replace a fifteen year old laptop. Not five years of usage, but fifteen. Remember that you told up that the other identical laptop also failed. So they are cheap cr@p, as opposed to cheap and good. ACER bought e-Machines; known for their ability to fall apart, difficulty in maintaining and unreliability. They were incorporated into their range....with an E prefix. 

Understand now? Look at second user business devices; rather than devices built down to a price.

Even "business" class devices have no guarantee of being easy to disassemble. New latitudes have more screws and clips too. Not to mention the amount of proprietary stuff dell likes to shove in their products. There were recent reports that they're even switching to proprietary ram in a bunch of laptops...


Repairability is definitely a factor to consider, but on the used market especially it's just one of many and usually price and performance are going to be the biggest factors.


And 15 years out of a laptop is commendable if it does everything you need, but for normal users ~5 years is about the time to start looking at replacement and by ~10 years the device is pretty much obsolete. Sinking money into battery replacement / ram capacity and replacement / drive replacement / other component repairs just to stay on old tech without an upgrade path isn't necessarily the best use of money.

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19 hours ago, Bruno123 said:

600 baht to fit your own SSD quickly and easily; compared to perhaps 2000 baht from your local tech as he had to take the whole thing apart....and perhaps cracked the plastic along the way.

This has zero to do with SSD, it is a CPU, fan speed and temperature issue if it arises while doing Internet browsing. Barely any HDD is used in that process, let alone the need to read and write fast. 

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5 minutes ago, JeffersLos said:

4GB of RAM, where 3GB are being used by the OS, is probably going to have some RAMifications. 


It's just a relatively poor quality device. Poor CPU, mechanical HDD and no firmware updates since 2015. Whereas my Latitude of the same age, has a 2019 BIOS update.


Contrary to the suggestions put forward here, a faulty HDD can lead to the freezing described here. As can a poor CPU and HDD combo when put under pressure.



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2 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:


It's just a relatively poor quality device. Poor CPU, mechanical HDD and no firmware updates since 2015. Whereas my Latitude of the same age, has a 2019 BIOS update.


Contrary to the suggestions put forward here, a faulty HDD can lead to the freezing described here. As can a poor CPU and HDD combo when put under pressure.



Wait a minute. Do you have a Dell Latitude?

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4 minutes ago, RedBackman said:

Wait a minute. Do you have a Dell Latitude?


Yes; if you had actually read my posts, you would understand that I advised the OP that his NEXT second user device should be a second user business quality device. It was about this I suggested would be easier to maintain and upgrade. I even posted a link to show a typically inexpensive example, along with videos to show the OP the relative ease of getting to user replaceable parts. But you missed all of that.

There was no suggestion of spending further on the ACER.

You rambled on without reading properly in the first place.

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28 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:

It's just a relatively poor quality device. Poor CPU, mechanical HDD and no firmware updates since 2015. Whereas my Latitude of the same age, has a 2019 BIOS update.

It may well be but its done me for 5 years.

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25 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

It may well be but its done me for 5 years.



It worked....relatively poorly.

It's only because your needs are few, that you did not notice quite how bad. If someone could stick an SSD within, you might understand that you suffered unnecessarily.

Put it this way....imagine you had a car, a Mini, but you manage to put huge tractor tyres on it. It would struggle to pick up speed. It would be okay once it starting rolling, but it would be performing sub-optimally. But it would do you since you had nothing else.

Better to run it properly in the first place.


Then imagine you had a car where you could simple slot in a new gearbox, no need for specialist knowledge/garage with associated costs.


You know about cars; we know about PCs. I would not presume to argue with your knowledge of vehicles unless I knew different.


Don't waste energy arguing with me. Get yourself a better quality of device on your next purchase. No need to spend a lot. e-Machines are ACER's lowest quality laptop range. Cr@p in; cr@p out. Your laptop cost under 10k when new. Mine; 46k. I can swap the HDD with an SSD in two minutes. 

My device is on within seconds of pressing the power button. How long with the ACER? Do you go to make a cup of tea or simply just leave it on because you cannot be bothered with the loading time before you can use it?

You get used to the laptop being slow because it's completely normal to you.


So don't waste your money on plasticky crud that looks good but performs poorly and stop wasting energy defending a cheap and nasty material item. 

You seem to feel offended that I am criticising it. Get over it, it's no reflection on you.





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1 hour ago, Bruno123 said:

Don't waste energy arguing with me. Get yourself a better quality of device on your next purchase. No need to spend a lot. e-Machines are ACER's lowest quality laptop range. Cr@p in; cr@p out. Your laptop cost under 10k when new. Mine; 46k. I can swap the HDD with an SSD in two minutes. 

My device is on within seconds of pressing the power button. How long with the ACER? Do you go to make a cup of tea or simply just leave it on because you cannot be bothered with the loading time before you can use it?

You get used to the laptop being slow because it's completely normal to you.

Look, I asked for advice and I received many different versions - I have decided its not worth spending money on my current machine. I don't really care how long it takes to change your Hard Drive - its not something I expect to have to do - but I did it on my old Sony. I didn't find it difficult


Which brings me to another point - many years ago I bought a top of the range Sony Vaio. It cost me over £800 which was crazy at the time but I read the reviews and decided to buy it. Within 2 years it was out of date and needing additional RAM. When there is a need for a quality product, I buy quality.  Yes, my current laptop takes a few minutes to fully switch on but that's not a problem for me - if it was, I would do something about it. If I need some information quickly I can use my phone.


If I had to use a computer for work, I would buy a quality one.  I still have a desktop PC which works fine and if I want to do any graphic work etc. I use that. I don't connect that to the internet as a). I don't need to and b). its still on XP and probably vulnerable.


I use my laptop for very little and until now, its done what I need.  It cost me 5000 baht and I've had 5 years out of it.  Yours cost 46,000 - will it last you 46 years?


Finally, I am not the one turned this into an argument - I read all the advice and then posted that I had decided to replace my laptop rather than repair it.  You are the one who started lecturing - I'd already had your advice and made my decision.


@CharlieH would you - close this now please before it descends into the usual TV fight. 

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