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I know the chances of me getting a job is small  because, firstly, I am not farang and secondly,i am not a Thai.I am currently studying in Thailand, majoring in Education and Psychology for two eyars now.i can speak the language a bit. I would like to know if anybody would offer me a job or how much chances of me getting one over here after i graduate? I am from Sarawak, I am Christian and not Muslim, like many people think Malaysians would be.

Thanks for your concerns.

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Yes, I would be qualified to teach English and other subjects. I agree with you that most schools would prefer native speakers. But if I try to apply, what are the chances i will get a job? I wish to stay here right after i graduate in 2 years time, and i want to know how long does a job seeker have to wait for a reply from schools administration?2 weeks?1 month?

Thanks for your information, i appreciate it.

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Sorry to be a pedantic nit-picking old fart but shouldn't that be " how long is a piece of string"

A ball of string would have a diameter not a length

As a  Super Administrator you should be putting an example to us all. Remember there may be Americans reading this.

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Check out www.auathailand.org, they have a branch in Thonburi an area south of BBK, the manager is Malaysian and very very helpful. I'd suggest you travel to the place and talk to him directly as opposed to walking into their head office. In Thailand it's best for non-native speakers to walk in rather than send out resumes. I have been in Thailand and I am a non-native speaker myself. Tell them that you've lived in England or the U.S for a very long period of time or spend your early childhood in England or something. Make sure you're well-groomed when you visit a school, very inportant in Thailand!
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