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Receiving Email As Sms Text On Thai Prepaid Phones


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Does anyone know whether 1-2-Call's prepaid SIM cards can handle GPRS, specifically emails converted into text messages? Has anyone successfully got AIS to make the association to do this?

If not, would my UK SIM card, enabled at home, work with the Thai networks?

I need fast access to my emails but can't always be near a computer to retrieve them whilst abroad.

Thanks for any feedback.

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Yep, you can use GPRS on One-2-Call, the rate is 1 baht / minute. The only restriction with One-2-Call sims is that AIS won't let you subscribe to one of their flat-rate GPRS data plans, they only let you do that if you are a post paid subscriber (but if you've had your One-2-Call account for a while they will let you switch over with the same sim and number).

You need to request activation of the service, give the service centre a call and they send you an SMS that configures your phone somehow. I don't think your UK sim will work, and if it does they will charge like bandits :o

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I have a pre paid AIS sim card which I have had since january last year. i have not rang up to sort out GRPS access or anything but a mate was buying a phone in pattaya the other day so I told him to make sure he gets one with GPRS ( I said bluetooth also ).I told him he might want to get a post paid account to get the good deal, but when he was talking to the bloke who sold him the phone he said that the pre paid works you don't have to ring up and organise anything..ok

so tonight I tried it on my phone, and it does work

I used bluetooth to my phone and then gprs to the network.

in the dial up properties I just put in smee for the login , no password and *99# for the telephone number. bingo

marvelous.. I just had a quick peep at the thaivisa page and then logged off.


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