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If you go to Tuk Com it will cost you money. If you give some details here about what the problem is you're experiencing, then perhaps some of us have had the same issue and found a solution, and perhaps you can sort out the problem for free... up to you, as the Thais say.

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Thanks for your help. While doing a back-up to a My Passport ext drive I seems I cut rather than copied my files. I want to restore them but when I try to copy and paste to the Documents file, all I get is 'working on it' and that green bar.

My One Drive also seems to have deleted all files after a 2021 date (before I bought this computer). 

I am using a Lenovo laptop with 16gb Ram and over 350gb of free space on the SSD.

Any ideas would be welcome - I don't mind paying to get it sorted.

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Have you tried making a 2nd copy of the docs on the ext drive, then cut and paste them back to your laptop? Also rather than select and copy a big bunch of files can you copy and paste a single doc back to your laptop? 

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8 hours ago, DDbkh said:

Thanks for your help. While doing a back-up to a My Passport ext drive I seems I cut rather than copied my files. I want to restore them but when I try to copy and paste to the Documents file, all I get is 'working on it' and that green bar.

My One Drive also seems to have deleted all files after a 2021 date (before I bought this computer). 

I am using a Lenovo laptop with 16gb Ram and over 350gb of free space on the SSD.

Any ideas would be welcome - I don't mind paying to get it sorted.

If I'm reading this right, you have all the files intact on the external drive but are just struggling with the copy/paste (presumably on windows)?  If you want to use the normal copy/paste style it might be better to take the data in smaller chunks because it might be overwhelming your memory. Another option is to open two file explorers, right click drag and drop the folder or contents from the source to the destination and click "copy here". Should work a little better.


The best built-in way for windows if you want to copy large amount of data all at once is robocopy. It's command line interface but you can download GUI's for it if you need too. Pull up a command prompt (windows key + x) and the syntax is just:


robocopy sourceFolder destinationFolder /e /v


example: robocopy e:\laptopBackup c:\users\yourName\yourFolder /e /v

This will copy all the contents from the laptopBackup folder into the yourFolder folder. The /v is just a verbose mode so you can see if there are any errors or hangups. If you have a space in a folder name put the whole path quotes ie: "e:\laptop Backup But This Folder Has Spaces"



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