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66% children face ‘disciplinary torture’ within families


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In a shocking report, the Ministry of Health has revealed that 66% children aged between one and 14 are victims of violent disciplinary methods inside the family. The report also said that the ‘disciplinary torture’ is affecting them both physically and mentally.


Lo Vesnakiry, a secretary of state at the Ministry of Health, said yesterday that the ministry carried out case studies across the Kingdom and has found out that the majority of children are subjected to violence in the family as a disciplinary action. “The psychological aggression includes shouting, yelling or screaming at the child, calling the child dumb, lazy or similar abusive words,” he added.


“The physical punishment includes spanking, beating with a belt, hairbrush, sticks and other hard objects, hitting or slapping on the face, hitting the head, hands, arms or legs, and beating them up as hard as one could,” he noted.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501097762/66-children-face-disciplinary-torture-within-families/



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