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Suvarnabhumi Left Behind In Fight For Traffic

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Well it now seems official, according to figures quoted in today's Post report, that Bangkok's Swampy Airport is set to lose out to neighbouring airports in Singapore and Hong Kong in the race to become SE Asia's airport hub.

Does this mean that the Thai government will now admit that the airport is the kingdom's biggest white elephant ? And what about Thaksin's involvement ? Must be fertile ground for bringing more charges cagainst him considering his personal involvement and the enormous international embarassment the whole project has caused.

Thailand's asian neighbours must be secretly pleased that while the Thai government continues to fumble along it's way without any definite signs of progress conmparable to other countries the majority of the economic spoils of SE Asia's growth will go to those countries who have made significant progress.

Sad for the Thai people to be failed repeatedly in such an important area....but as a result Thailand will remain for the foreseable future one of the cheapest places (ie. the lowest standards of per capita income and standard of living) of SE Asia country, and therefore remain an attractive place for tourists, expats and retirees.

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