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Infant Meningitis

Need advise please my GF niece 7 months old may have meningitis would appreciate urls that she can

Access in Thai so that she can get a proper explanation and understanding as there is a lot of blame at the moment concerning causes. Grandmother takes care of child at the moment GF normally does.

I have tried to explain symptoms and causes i.e. viral and bacterial prevention ect. As she is here in my country this is difficult .

Infant Meningitis

Need advise please my GF niece 7 months old may have meningitis would appreciate urls that she can

Access in Thai so that she can get a proper explanation and understanding as there is a lot of blame at the moment concerning causes. Grandmother takes care of child at the moment GF normally does.

I have tried to explain symptoms and causes i.e. viral and bacterial prevention ect. As she is here in my country this is difficult .

I agree with Leisurely, don't muck around, get the child to the best hospital you can afford. This condition is life threatening. Worry about the cultural issues and other stuff later. Try Samitivej Childrens hospital near Bangkok.


i think the gf is in onecountry and the granparents with the neice are in thailand... hence the request for info...



Bina is correct and at the moment the Doctors can not diagnose the problem as yet.

The child is getting seizures and has red spots on arms and is a dark colour.

Again is there a site in Thai she can access for information .

Between blaming each other and blaming ghosts in the mothers family learning a little more would be a great help.


Apologies, but in my defence it was very early when I read the post. Could you find the number of a hospital in Thailand and ask them to contact the family. I am afraid I don't read Thai so can't help you. If BambinA is knocking around, she is usually a fabulous source of information for something like this. If I were you, I would PM her, as I said she is the most helpful person here (or at least one of them)


Thanks leisurely i will do this . At the moment the doctors dont know exactly what is wrong.

There waiting for more results and a specialists to see her.

My GF is distraught at the moment.

She will be phoning again tonight at 12.30 am gmt and hopefully better news.

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