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They Say You Should Never


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You certainly have not been through all pages of this magnificant thread, also called: "The Mother Of All Threads"

If you did, you would know that option 1 has never been an option.

It was all planned, you know.

This whole financial meltdown thing is only the start of something much bigger that is going to unfold in the coming months.

As Tijnebijn said, You are "The One"

As you have stated before in your Avator that you are Genius, I leave it up to you to connect the dots.

I think I have given enough hint's.

Are you ready?


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Well the good thing is that you do not remember anything about it.

And you will not remember anything after.

Therefore you are safe.

We just need some time.

You hold "The Key"

It took us almost 7 years to track you down, but now "The Answer" is close.

Do you remember when you where young, going to "The Hospital"


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OK, I am gonna make it real simple for all of you.

I have told you all many times to "Connect The Dots"


Oops, a straight line indicating the major events that happened recently.

Do you still think this happened without a reason?

Take care all.

If you wanna know more, just ask.




Edited by AlexLah
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How are all those conspiracy theories coming along, T? Did you know that the man behind the grassy knoll was actually Elvis Presley? He was working for the KGB at the time (as a double agent). If you look closely at the face on Mars, you will also see a similarity to Elvis's features. He was not of this planet! Currently, he is believed to be working on a planet out of Messier 42 (the Orion Nebula) and those in the know used this belief for the background story in the Men In Black film. Did you notice the similarity between Orion the cat's collar and Elvis's favoured wardrobe style? He's supposed to be recycling all his old hits out there - with adjustments, of course, for the local differences. (You Aint Nothing But A) Hound Dog had to be changed to (You Have Similarities To A) Sqwublazzlewilt.

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You peeps just do not want to see it.

A tsunami

An earthquake

A severe flooding

Al in one straight line, and within a few years.

I guess I am waisting my time here.

I came here to warn you all.

I have predicted, and 90% came true.

But I guess you prefer to live in your artificial life.

Have you ever opened your eyes and see the real world?

Have you?


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How are all those conspiracy theories coming along, T? Did you know that the man behind the grassy knoll was actually Elvis Presley? He was working for the KGB at the time (as a double agent). If you look closely at the face on Mars, you will also see a similarity to Elvis's features. He was not of this planet! Currently, he is believed to be working on a planet out of Messier 42 (the Orion Nebula) and those in the know used this belief for the background story in the Men In Black film. Did you notice the similarity between Orion the cat's collar and Elvis's favoured wardrobe style? He's supposed to be recycling all his old hits out there - with adjustments, of course, for the local differences. (You Aint Nothing But A) Hound Dog had to be changed to (You Have Similarities To A) Sqwublazzlewilt.

KGB?? as a double agent?? am i watchin Indy Jonesey?

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huh hmmmmm..... alex

all the disasters thesedays although they are dangerous still they cant destroy all whole world unless they all happen in the same same time

u know?

No I do not,ha ha.

No they do this slowly to keep us in a constant state of fear.

Like in my condo yesterday, I hear over the speaker: A fire has been reported in the building, use the stairways to get out of the building, do not use the lift!

This was repeated several times, so I started looking at the building to see if there was any smoke, nothing.

\They repeated the warning about 5 times and I was thinking of taking the stairway down.

You see that is how it works.

It was an excersise to check the system they later announced.........


Google for example the following keywords that we have been bombarded with recently.

Global meltdown

Financial crisis

Job loss


Al Quida

And I think Ping posted in the wrong topic, it should have been in the weirdo's that think man went to the moon.

25 posts per page.

Where did you find that if I may ask?

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