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My biggest annoyances, it may sound petty.

1. Driving with a Thai who will shun all other parking spots for 30 mins looking for a spot 20 metres closer to the supermarket, mall etc.

2.. The Thai's paranio of rain,u would think it was acid rain .Kinda get sick of hearing " u will catch cold" even if the shower in the morning is bloody freezing anyways . Frequently get strange looks because am quite happy to get a soaking :o

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"2.. The Thai's paranio of rain,u would think it was acid rain .Kinda get sick of hearing " u will catch cold" even if the shower in the morning is bloody freezing anyways . Frequently get strange looks because am quite happy to get a soaking"

I second that, and advise to always grap an umbrella on your way out, the sun might shine, which is the second worst thing to happen, and you need to be prepared to shelter yourself.

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I forgot number 3...that little Ovaltine brat on tv trying to teach english . Number 4 could be Jonas the falang who sings Thai folk music me and the missus debate all day whether he is gay or not :D

Sorry, a topic like this just gives a falang having a bad day a good excuse to bitch :o

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how about...over enthuastic security guards and parking attendants.

blow that whistle buddy....thats right thanks....keep blowing....ok its good that your blowing....its really helping me park.

try taking the thing off one of them.....booo hoooo.....ok little boy you can have it back if you promise not it blow it so much.....gimme gimme gimmee......ok here..........beep beep beep beep beepbeepbeepbeep beepbeep beeep beeep beepp beeepp beeepp beep beep bneep beep beep beep beepbneepbeep beep bveepo beep beep.....

bah. :o:D:D

anyway thats pretty annoying

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I  forgot  number  3...that  little  Ovaltine brat on  tv trying to teach  english . Number  4  could be Jonas the falang  who sings  Thai folk music me and  the  missus debate all day whether  he is  gay or  not :D

  Sorry, a  topic  like this  just  gives a  falang having a  bad  day a  good  excuse to bitch  :o

The Jonas guy is just nauseating to a tee. The whole concept is beyond understanding for me. Todd Tongdee was also up there on the rediculosity scale.

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I live in a university dorm. It's really remarkable that of all the students here, I didn't see one single student riding a bicycle. They all have motorbikes. A bicycle is for poor people only!!! :D Nobody wants to be seen as somebody poor. Would be good if Thai government try to change the mentality. You can also see that students generally don't want to walk. If the shop is 50 m further, they insist on taking the motorbike :wub::(:o

The major importance of status symbols here I also find a bit annoying. Some students are making fun of my mobile phone. It's just a Nokia 3410. :D Why don't I buy a nice one? :D-_-:D Thaksin was very clever to see that an affordable status symbol was a niche in Thailand. Not everybody can buy a mercedes-benz. You can see people around who have one of the latest and very expensive mobile phones while on the other hand they don't have a fingernail to scratch their ass. Not that that annoys me, I think it's rather funny. :)

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Ya, the whistle blowing parking attendants are terribly annoying. Simple body language would be equally effective in directing cars, but I wonder if that is really their job. Most of the time their efforts are absolutely unnecessary. Perhaps being loud is part of their so called function? To make others feel that they are being attended upon, and therefore in a position of superior status?

My pet peeve would be an avoidance and disinterest in debate in conversations.

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Ya, the whistle blowing parking attendants are terribly annoying. Simple body language would be equally effective in directing cars, but I wonder if that is really their job. Most of the time their efforts are absolutely unnecessary. Perhaps being loud is part of their so called function? To make others feel that they are being attended upon, and therefore in a position of superior status?

My pet peeve would be an avoidance and disinterest in debate in conversations.

it's very simple. You give them a whistle and a military style uniform and they think very highly of themselfs and their jobs and get a lot of "face".

Then you only have to pay them 1000 bath a month. :D

You should go and see the parking guards at Big C on sukhumvit in pattaya. They look like airforce or army generals :o

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First Post...So I should include just a short intro. My name is Michael, and I'm from the U.S. Been coming to Thailand for work and pleasure for around 9 years now. Fingers crossed, if it works out I'll be coming here "permanently" in the near future. This whole status change is was prompted me to start looking for visa requirements and how I eventually found my way to this site. Great site/forum by the way.

Since coming to Thailand through the years, I've met a lot of great friends Almost all from the U.K. and a few from Germany and of course many in Thailand. I've been married to a Thai. Unfortunatley it did not work out, but I haven't given up and currently have a great Thai girlfriend.

This whole thread had me :D:D:o

I was tempted to make some comments on the whole America thing that was happening earlier in the thread, but I'll save those comments for some other time (My Brit friends and I have had many good conversations over a beer... maybe will have an opportunity to with some of you over time). However, That "Get a BRAIN Morans" picture made me both laugh and cringe (The same cringe I get as when our President Bush gives a speech). Fortunately, the photo of that particular NASCAR/WWE fan :D is not representative of America as a whole.

To the topic of annoyances:

Overly aggressive drivers on the highways. I actually understand the "rules" of driving in places like Bangkok, Pattaya, etc. I do just fine and I don't find the driving in the city all that stressful (more like a game). I don't enjoy driving on the highway with the arrogant drivers who A feel like it is beneath them to follow behind someone whose car is not at the same "status" level as there car or B have to be at the "front" of the line... at all costs (Usually slowing down after they get past you). Both cases involve the driver in question either getting to within a BCH ("B" could be substituted with "R"ed) of the rear of my car or trying to stuff their Merc or whatever into the, already small, 2 meter gap between myself and the car in front. I know how to get out of the way, but I'm nowhere near a right lane dodderer either. I've already paid for a couple lunches so far this year. Hey, but then maybe it is just the city "rules" applied to the highway. To be fair though... I spent a few weeks in New Dehli.... not even driving and the place had me totally unnerved. Thailand driving seems absolutely docile comparatively.

Nothing else bothers me too much really although i do get a kick of the difference between the seeming shyness they display when using a toothpick after dinner yet the next minute they can be burying their finger into their nose trying to get at a nasal nugget :D My girlfriend chastised me saying mai supaap (not polite), because I used my finger to dislodge a piece food from my teeth.... we were in the car where noone could see and I had no toothpic -_-

One other thing I find funny is that the number of department store (U pick it) staff can outnumber customers by a substantial margin. I mean I was in a Big C in the household appliance section and there were 6 staff to support that one section. Man, talk about committment to customer service!

splitlid... Don't let the parking attendants get to you! You are a male (I'm guessing), so you are already equipped with the ability to filter out and ignore unwanted noise :wub:

Ah well... TIT as they say, and I love the place and people the more I come. I hope that never changes.

Cheers and chok dee to everyone


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splitlid... Don't let the parking attendants get to you! You are a male (I'm guessing), so you are already equipped with the ability to filter out and ignore unwanted noise :o


arrrrr. .selective hearing.

a great talent to posess.

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I order Fish + Chips with bread and butter. When the little packet of butter comes with the bread, its always frozen, so when you try to spread it on your bread, it tears big holes in it and then you cant make a proper chip butty, because the chips poke through or fall out onto your table.

You can sit and wait for it to warm up, but this is at the price of your food getting cold!

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That just happened to me! salami and cheese sandwich? Nope, ripped and mutilated carbohydrate crumbs squeezed back onto a salami / cheese magnet.

The Yang to that mess-that-was-dinner would have to be the fact that the bread was nearly 3 weeks old and no mould - not one bit :o

Single man's dinner.

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I order Fish + Chips with bread and butter. When the little packet of butter comes with the bread, its always frozen, so when you try to spread it on your bread, it tears big holes in it and then you cant make a proper chip butty, because the chips poke through or fall out onto your table.

You can sit and wait for it to warm up, but this is at the price of your food getting cold!

Ah Grasshopper the answer is simple, put butter, still in packet, in amongst hot chips. Butter will soften more quickly :o

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To be fair though... I spent a few weeks in New Dehli.... not even driving and the place had me totally unnerved. Thailand driving seems absolutely docile comparatively.

I can recommend anyone complaining about traffic in Bangkok to spend some time in New Delhi, when I came back Bangkok traffic was 'heaven on earth' to me. In Bangkok they don't open the windows, shake their fists at other people, yell and scream, get out of the car to threaten you in front of your car, kick your car, chase you, etc. It's coooooooooool here.. music, aircon...paradise!

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