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What companies in Phuket provide Condo Management


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With the end of the year not far off, the time is coming for the contract with our Condominium's management (CJPM) to be renewed, or another company hired to manage the upkeep of the condominium complex where I live.


I am looking for suggestions for CJPM experienced companies that already have a Phuket presence.


I found an old thread on this topic here ... but it doesn't list companies (except for mentioning QPM) but rather it talks in general of the need.  


The above thread is also not in a Phuket specific area (of the forum) although it does have a "Phuket title".   Our co-owners in our condo complex are not interested in a company that does not have other complexes in Phuket that they also manage.  For example I have heard of TW (The Works) but best I can determine they have no management projects in Phuket at this time.


Some companies I know of with a Phuket presence are Greenhill, CBRE, KnightFrank, and QPM. 


Can anyone suggest any other companies worth considering for decent condo management? 


Our condo is a relatively small luxury condo complex, so it may be too small for some companies, hence we likely need to explore the CJPM possibility with many companies to find a 'match'.


Thanks for any suggestions.


and for the forum mods, if my starting a new thread here in the Phuket area is not desired, feel free to move or delete my post.  


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3 hours ago, inThailand said:

The best JPM we ever had was not from a company but just the right lady we hired. And a lot cheaper. 

Thanks for the reply.


Well done in finding the "right" lady to manage your condo complex and be the Condominium Juristic Person Manager (CJPM).  I think here the word "right" is the operative word as it is difficult to find such a person ...


To properly manage a condo complex, a lot of knowledge is needed, which is typically obtained only by experience. Further the location of one's condo complex often means one is restricted to find a person who lives nominally close to the condominium complex and is willing to drive to/from the complex.


To emphasize the point about knowledge, 'off the top of my head' , ... my trying now for first time,  I think one needs a CJPM that:

(a) can manage security staff, manage gardeners, manage an on-site technician / handyman. They could be direct hires also or they could be contractors, where if contractors there is the extra work of managing contract (and changing contractors where necessary). If changing contractors one needs to know which contractors are in the 'business' of doing the activity one wants done. Easier said than done.

(b) supervising work of those contractors, where security staff could require extra work if needed to be involved in co-owner disputes that go bad

(c) supervising swimming pool maintenance which typically requires a lot of extra work. ie daily cleaning, equipment/pumps/filter maintenance, every x-number of years do massive pool cleaning overhaul.  Plus ensure pool furniture maintained, ...

(d) supervising cleaning of beach in front of condo if a beach front condo

(e) supervising maintenance of condominium electrical and water supply, where on occasion there could be 'after hours' problems that need an immediate fix,

(f) obtaining annual condominium insurance, including getting proposals and awarding contracts

(g) liaising with Condominium Committee (of co-owners) for any contracts above some TBD amount of money

(h) maintaining parking lot and managing any parking disputes amongst co-owners/guests/contractors ...

(i) supervise contractor accountant who produces monthly financial summary (and obtaining annual bids to either keep same accountant or obtain new accountant)


(j) monitor fund expenditures in bank account and conduct the banking for the condo complex, which includes paying contractors and depositing co-owner annual (or monthly) payments

(j) co-ordinate, follow-up in collection of condominium fees and any extra "sinking fund" fees (if any)

(k) co-ordinate collection of utility payments for electricity and water if it goes via a central condominium complex control, and then in a timely manner pay such to the central Phuket authority

(l) liaise with police if/when they may show up

(m) monitor any large co-owner maintenance activities and/or moving some condo/co-owner planned activities to ensure it does not infringe on other co-owners

(n) arrange/coordinate the Annual General meeting (AGM) of co-owners, which has a lot of work, from writing an agenda, preparing a budget for the next year, possibly preparing a 5 or 10 year plan of future work on the condo, preparing an annual report of previous year, write the minutes after meeting, and take minutes of AGM to the Land Office and possibly have to modify minutes based on Land Office observations.

(o) monitor and help enforce condominium rules

(p) liaise with co-owners and co-owner Committee and many adhoc issues, maintaining a good polite attitude (this is harder to find than one might imaging - it amazes me how some CJPM will 'bit the hand' that feeds them.


... I am sure there are dozen of things I did not list.


When it comes to contracts that the CJPM administers, unfortunately its not uncommon for the CJPM to add a "hidden" 5% or more on top of what the contractor bids, and the co-owners can unknowing play this extra 5% fee (which the CJPM silent pockets/keeps).  So its desirable to find a CJPM who does not do this unethical practice.


Trying to find 1 "right" person is not an easy thing, and this is (in my opinion) why some companies specialize in providing this activity, where the 'depth' of the company experience can significantly assist an on-site Manager of the condo. Further some contractors will "behave better" when they know they are dealing with a larger company, that can potentially give them more (different contracts) while a single CJPM of no company, does not have that leverage.


So WELL DONE in finding one person who can do all this without the experience of a larger company behind them, giving them guidance if/and as appropriate.


Hence my hope others might chime in on this thread and note some of the companies in Phuket that they know of that do the CJPM job.


My thanks in advance to any who post.


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2 hours ago, natway09 said:

Is it not up to the Juristic Committee to appoint a Manager ?

My view is likely a Condominium Juristic Person Manager would need co-owner approval.




I suspect this varies depending on each Condominium complex and the rules they have in place.  I further suspect nominally there will be a limit as to how much money the "Juristic Committee" can spend without co-owner approval ... and I further suspect the amount in which a Condominium Juristic Person Manager would cost could exceed that 'limit'.  Hence co-owner approval would be needed.


Further, I think co-owners would want confidence that the "Juristic Committee" just did not pick "any manager" but rather checked the 'market' to see what was available for management ... I think as well a "Juristic Committee" would be interested in knowing what is available, to help them choose, the "Juristic Manager" to recommend to co-owners for approval.  Hence the "Juristic Committee" would listen to and consider suggestions from 'co-owners'.

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