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Iconic Siem Reap hotel celebrates 90th anniversary


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The Raffles Grand Hotel d’Angkor, the iconic Siem Reap hotel and one of the most famous heritage properties in Southeast Asia celebrated its 90th anniversary on Friday with a glittering party set at Angkor Wat. The event, which saw nearly 30 participants, was also aimed at commemorating the recent reopening of the historic hotel with a fresh new look.


The occasion began at dawn with the butlers, dressed as ancient Khmer palace guards, welcoming the guests of honour, including US Ambassador Patrick Murphy with his spouse and daughter at the Kravan temple, a beautiful 10th-century temple with five sanctuary towers located in the Angkor Archaeological Park.


On their way to the dinner tables set in front of the temple, they were greeted by an authentic performance of Sbek Thom shadow theatre, with natural lighting from a bonfire that threw the puppets’ shadow onto a large white screen. Served to guests at the dinner were the dishes originally on the 1936 menu of the Grand Hotel, which was recently discovered.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501114338/iconic-siem-reap-hotel-celebrates-90th-anniversary/



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