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Border police deny claim that they levied ‘tax’ on border crossers with valid passports

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The Daung International Border Crossing Police Station – who administer the international crossing point into Thailand – have strongly rejected claims by media alleging that immigration officials illegally exacted charges on border crossers. In a strongly worded letter denying the charges, border police strongly deny that they took the sum of 1500 baht (approx. $41) from people with valid passports


The letter states that no immigration official has ever taken 1,500 baht per person from the people to stamp their passports, as alleged by the Youth Journalists Association. Also, the location and pictures posted on social media are not within the geographical area of operation of the International Border Police.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501118386/border-police-deny-claim-that-they-levied-tax-on-border-crossers-with-valid-passports/



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