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Three Chinese men held for killing compatriots

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Preah Sihanouk police have arrested two Chinese men and a Chinese woman for shooting two of their countrymen dead and injuring another man at a Chinese-owned-casino in Sihanoukville on Saturday night. All six worked for the casino and the shooting took place at about 10.45pm in a room on the upper floors of “Tong Fang Palirin”. Sihanoukville Police chief Colonel Tey Visal identified the suspected shooters as Zheng Ying Fei, 37, and Du Chong, 34, and the female Chinese suspect as Xiong Zheng, 31.


Col Visal said that the three Chinese suspects and the three victims were having an argument in a room of the casino when the male suspects pulled out their guns and opened fire. “The shooters fired many rounds, and two were killed on the spot and a third was seriously injured. “The three suspects fled after the shooting,” Col Visal said.


He said police knew their identities from CCTV recordings and in an operation mounted by police and Military Police, the three suspects were apprehended five hours later, at about 4am the next day.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501123112/three-suspects-held-for-killing-compatriots/



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