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City Police Chief Bans Motorcycle Taxi Drivers From Anti-cns Rally


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City police chief bans motorcycle taxi drivers from anti-CNS rally


Motorcycle taxi drivers in Bangkok and adjacent provinces will not be allowed to join an anti-coup rally led by the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD) today at Sanam Luang in a bid to maintain order, Metropolitan Police chief Adisorn Nonsi said. The commissioner said he had instructed all police stations in Bangkok and adjacent provinces, including Samut Prakan, Pathum Thani, Samut Sakhon and Nakhon Pathom, to stay alert for a possible move by motorcycle taxi drivers in their areas of jurisdiction.

Police are to ensure that motorcycle taxi drivers in their areas refrain from joining any anti-coup activities, particularly the DAAD-led rally at Sanam Luang, which is to begin at noon

The Post Publishing Public Co.,

the above stinks , though I've no doubts that the Right Wing Majority here on the boards will educate me as to why it's a good thing .

seems that the rallies are not as benign as the puppet masters would have us believe.

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How can they tell who is a motrcycle taxi driver? Do they wear their vests to rallies? What is it about motorcycle taxis that make them worse than say bus brivers?

Can tuk tuk drivers protest?

I would be more afraid of the sum tum ladies.

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If I was in charge of security in Bangkok, I guess I would be worried to, there must be thousands death defying road maniacs, you imagine they all gang up and start making trouble, all high on cheap whiskey and with the usual big knifes in the backpockets, they are surely a force to be reckoned with, and they do have a genuine grievance.

Kind regards :o

Edited by larvidchr
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The point of the ban is that motorcycle taxi drivers are often paid (by either side) to go to events and start fights, riots etc..

all of them ??

only them ??

good to see the righties waking up ......

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The point of the ban is that motorcycle taxi drivers are often paid (by either side) to go to events and start fights, riots etc..

all of them ??

only them ??

good to see the righties waking up ......

Did i say "All motorcycle taxi drivers are always paid, and given exclusive rights to terrorize political events"??


Edited by dave111223
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then why are they all banned , collective punishment ??

Mid, I really haven't followed your thinking on all this, but do you really believe these motorbike taxi guys are acting in the name of democracy? You don't think it's for some baht, or even at the most altruistic, because of some personal, family, or village pork barrel benefit they received under the former PM's reign?

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then why are they all banned , collective punishment ??

Yes, the majority are probably good people, but sometimes it is the few bad people who give a whole group a bad name.

And there would obviously be no way to ban "only the paid trouble making motorcycle taxi drivers".

Sometimes you just need to be a bit pragmatic in your thinking. It is all well and good to be on your high horse yelling "How dare they ban them!".

But if you are the guy who gets a bottle smashed over your head because some guy has been paid 500baht to "start a scene" you may be singing a different tune.

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Mid I don’t think this is a left wing right wing dispute. It has more to do with people’s contempt of history and the failure to establish a free press, which I believe is the benchmark of democracy. Anyone who loves freedom should be concerned.

The development of the police state we are witnessing now is resulting from the very things that make Thailand so popular with the expats. The sabai sabai attitude, the lack of sophistication and international awareness has left the door wide open for abuse. Because Thais apparently have no foundational appreciation for Democracy, they have let it get away, and I believe that the only way they will ever get it back in a meaningful way, will be through some form of struggle. Absolute power once attained is not likely to be handed back on a platter. And the Thais have not yet felt the sting of military rule. It is going to take some motivation to get Thailand back to being land of the free.

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I'm sure those Motorcycle Taxi Drivers are real BAD.

They are certainly far worse than Saprang, who tried to get 800 million Bath under the table from Vuthipong,at TOT(in the papers today).

Protect Thailand from the Taxi drivers!

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'Govt gag' provokes workers at TITV

Sat, June 23, 2007 : Last updated 17:55 pm (Thai local time)

Journalists told to toe the line in news coverage

Several TITV employees yesterday lodged a complaint with the Thai Broadcast Journalists' Association against "government officials" dictating to them not to produce any news reports that ran counter to government policies.

The statement said government officials attended every news briefing to make sure no news content conflicted with the government's interests.

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