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Anthelminthica ยาถ่ายพยาธิ


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GF wants to take albendazole because her anus is itching. 

Mine has been itching for weeks, too.

I would rather take tablets only after a stool exam. But that costs a couple of thousands and a whole day. Albendazole is just 35 baht and not really dangerous. 


But there are many regimens of albendazole, depending on which kind of worm.

What kind of worms are Thais actually suspecting? How many days do they take albendazole?


On the farm, they take it every 6 months.  I am not going to do this,  for sure. 

Edited by Lorry
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no, if you have symptoms you don't need exam and diagnosis.

Tell you girlfriend to start with mebendazole up to 500mg for several days. It has no side effects - unlike albendazole, which can give side effects after some 30 pills taken within shortish time.

To minimise side effect do take all available  medicines - niclosamide 500mg, praziquantel 600mg. And ivermectin - that one is expensive, so get veterinarian one.

Rotate them.

Some those medicines work synergisticaly - albendazol+ivermectin, praziquantel enhances albendazole. So smaller doses are needed 

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