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Everybody is entitled to a past, and is wrong to be judged in my opinion. True or not is not the question. the question is how you shape your future together. Everyone deservers a second cahnce and everyone deserves to be loved. :o

Ruperts hasn't just done his infamous disappear/reappear trick has he (#93)?

Dunno, I'm staying tuned for his next threadthough.

Any bets it'll be about sin sod, STD, or recipes for dog?

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so for the massively anticipated follow up...

well, she just rang to say hello. "i miss you alot" and "when are you coming back", stuff like that, bless her



Bless you!

There you are; we thought you'd gone MIA.

Anyway, if she said that, she must be a real pearl.

I'd get over there and marry her straight away if I were you.


Bless you!

There you are; we thought you'd gone MIA.

Anyway, if she said that, she must be a real pearl.

I'd get over there and marry her straight away if I were you.

:D Haha, that made me chuckle a bit.

Then i looked to my left whilst still slightly smiling, and the huge slightly pyscotic looking guy on a PC a couple of yards away thought i was smiling at him, and then he smiled back. Now he keeps looking across at me.

So thanks, I think I've made a friend. :o

  • 1 year later...

Two years later... I went back in late 2007, spent a month with her before going off to do some travelling. The month wasn't very enjoyable, we argued a lot, I think I expected too much. On the last night before i left she told me she was going to work, later on i went to her workplace and she wasn't there... she arrived home at 6am and jumped in the shower, i sneaked a look at her text messages... another falang. End os story, I thought, I'll leave now and never come back.

Well I'll be damned, six weeks later and I was back with her. I had done some travelling and met a really nice Chinese girl who spurned me, and i was frustrated, so i thought i would go back to her for some quick relief. She was most accomodating. We started to get on really well again, but every now and then i'd check her phone and there would be calls and messages from a few different international dialling codes.. France, Belgium, England... so I knew where I stood and everything was fine.

I ran into some money problems and often had to rely on her to buy me breakfast and keep me in beer with handouts from the place she was working at. She was happy to do this for me and i was very grateful... all the money was coming from her English sponser, so this guy was paying for both her and me to live. He found out about this somehow, and cut loose.

At around the same time as her English sponser ditched her, she started her own business which failed dramatically within a few weeks. She had borrowed money from somewhere and was in massive debt. I had some money by now but not enough to help her and it was clear she didn't expect my help. But she still wanted to be with me all the time. She would cry herself to sleep and threaten to kill herself because she was in so much financial trouble... no income and a massive debt.

At this point I started seeing other girls, and when she suggested that she should move into my place so that she didn't have to pay rent I refused, simply because i liked the idea of bringing other girls back to my place from time to time and this wouldn't work if she was living there. She cried for hours after that. A day or two later she was knocking on my door with a great big smile and taking me to a local bar for drinks. It was clear she was trying to forget about what i had said and resume normal play, but i was cold and distant and chose this moment to properly dump her. She sat at the bar next to me and cried.

A few days later she was calling me again, and for a week or two we were friends, her financial situation showed no signs of improving and she was still very depressed. Everything came to a head when we both ended up in the same bar one night, her with one of her girlfriends and me with a new girl. She was very drunk and angry, and became quite violent, punching me before being dragged away and then narrowly missing my head with an ash tray thrown from a distance. I thought the best idea was to go home, but when i got there she was waiting for me outside my door. I let her in and she let loose with punches and kicks and i, not wanting to retaliate, ended up taking quite a savage beating.

Later, when things had calmed down, she got a call on her phone from a number I recognised as being from France, and she left. I didn't see her to speak to again after that. She called me when I was at the airport on the way home and I let it ring out. I got an email a few weeks after arriving home asking for cash, and i responded politely in the negative. Apparently she has since borrowed large amounts of money from her friends and taken off somewhere, nobody knows where, without leaving a trace.


I have to go with the plick crowd here - you have plenty boomsing for free and now want to test her?

Find yaself a fruitcake katoy - enjoy them head-games - you surely dont deserve any female respect.

Prolly dont have much of the 'self' varietal either.

Its also good to know that you grace us with garbage like this when ya bored. Sweet.


So i'm not exactly pulling my hair out about this, to be honest I'm just painfully bored and this is a good way to eat up a few minutes. So opinions please.

I met a Thai girl in Chiang Mai some 6 months ago. We got on really well and all that, spent about 6 weeks together just messing around, pretty much. All through that time i was very doubtful about the whole thing, I was pretty sure she was just your typical gold digging Thai chick. But she never asked for any money - although she did once mention that her 'friend' was in prison and needed some money to get out, but that was only 2 days after we met, and she never actually asked me directly and only mentioned it very briefly once - she never asked for money and was in fact quite a generous person, she would buy me food in the mornings and let me stay in her apartment free of charge etc etc. But still I remained doubtful, she was surely just playing the long-term game.

After a few weeks her birthday rolls home and i decide to conduct an experiment (by now i'm getting hooked on this lady - at one point i decided i would go and chill in the south for a while but found myself missing her somewhat so i returned to the north within about 10 days). Surely today of all days would be the day i would give her some money, and if i don't surely now she'll realise i'm not going to give her anything and she'll tell me to go sling my hook (or words to that effect - maybe 'you go home now, back your room, no more many free boom boom you'). So i didn't give her anything. Infact, as it happens, on the night of her party i recieved some bad news and found myself alone drinking myself into oblivion (a situation i'm sure many TV'ers can sympathise with), i finally rocked up to her party at about 2am smashed. No presents, no cards, just me, completely smashed. So did she seem to mind? Not at all, she was annoyed, thats for sure, but she was only annoyed because i hadn't turned up. She didn't seem to care about the lack of gifts.

A few more weeks of chilling together passes by in a second and before i know it i'm on a plane to New Zealand, this time missing this chick with some intensity. But still, she's blatantly a gold digger, surely? I decided to give it a few weeks of ignoring her phone calls and then surely if she's a faker, she'll give up. She left loads of messages pleading with me to call her and eventually i caved in and rang, had a nice chat and she seemed very pleased to hear from me. Now as i'm sure is normal in long distance thingys the time between phone calls began to grow. I never rang her but she would ring me. It had been about 12 weeks and although she was still a daily fixture in my thought schedule she had been pushed back to the status of 'oh yeah, those were the days', and i was now pretty sure i had been forgotten about at her end and that would be the end of the matter.

Until just now, when i see a voicemail has been left on my phone.

Yeah, you guessed it, its TGF. Asking why i haven't rang and that she wants to talk to me and all this and all that. So to reach the conclusion of this rather long winded scene setting story, i would like to pose the question:

Is she for real?

Is she for real?

You know what the problem is - stereotyping (sub-consicously?).

The best thing you can do?

Forget she is "Thai". Just forget the whole "Thai thing" - put aside thoughts/ideas/perceptions which ex-pats/Westenersare so often associate with "Thai" girls. Treat & think of her as you would a New Zealand girl.

So what if she's Thai(?) - she is going to have the same idea's about wrong versus right, honesty versus dishonesty, intergity versus lack of, sense of humour versus no sense of humour.... ect ect ...... these values and character/personality traits are universal and what make a person who they are - not been Thai, Burmese, Russian, English or whatever else.......

Deal with the matter (her) as you would with a girl back home.

All the best

I think the real question is, are you for real? You've behaved like a right selfish prick. If you can't see that, shame on you.

Don't butter him up, tell him straight Bendix!! :):D

I think the real question is, are you for real? You've behaved like a right selfish prick. If you can't see that, shame on you.

:D That was just what I was thinking :D

If I were a genuine, financially independent woman, I would have given this guy the boot. :D

Someone who tolerates his nonsense is obviously up to something. And serves him right if he gets duped in this case. :)


This bloke should stick to having relationships with those on the same intellectual and emotional plane as himself, like other normal Kiwis do.


(you're not the same bloke who was looking for somewhere to buy gumboots are you?)

I think the real question is, are you for real? You've behaved like a right selfish prick. If you can't see that, shame on you.
I agree, seems he has thought of her a a gold digging prostitute from the start and i think hes used her !, what with staying at her place and not contributing,and no card or gift on her birthday id have to ask what she sees in him ? i think hes the user,. :)
Be gentle with him.

Ewe's in New Zealand are used to being treated this way, he knows no different. :)

Yes, but this bloke is enuf to make a u-turn

I was pretty sure she was just your typical gold digging Thai chick.

I read until about there .... then tuned it out .... must be a lot of bored folks in farang land today

same here. i got right up until that point and thought "you're the farang who gives all of us farangs a bad name". "typical gold digging Thai chick". god, that makes me so mad when people say shit like that. you're fuc_king dooshbag who is a "typical come-to-thailand for sex and decides to go one step further and dick around with the girl like she isn't human".

anyway, i had eggs and toast for breakfast. it was delicious.

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