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German Shot Dead In Pattaya

Jai Dee

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German shot dead in Pattaya

Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 63-year-old German man was shot dead late Sunday night police said.

Heinrich Hermann Friedrdch waas shot dead shortly after leaving a convenient store on Soi Suksomboon in Tambon Nong Palai of Chon Buri's Bang Lamung district at 11:27 pm.

He was shot four times by a pillion rider. The bullets hit his left temple, his back, his chest and left leg.

His Thai wife, Nantha Sukdee, 25, said she has been living with the German man for two years without registering their marriage.

She said the man had bought a house worth Bt5 million under the name of his former Thai wife whom she was suing for the return of the house and other assets.

Source: The Nation - 25 June 2007

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She said the man had bought a house worth Bt5 million under the name of his former Thai wife whom she was suing for the return of the house and other assets.


Move along please, nothing to see here....


/edit format//

Edited by A_Traveller
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German killed in Pattaya shooting

PATTAYA: -- A gunman riding pillion on a motorcycle on Monday shot dead a 64-year-old retired German policeman in the beach resort city of Pattaya, police said.

Heinrich Hermann Friedrich, from Kalisch, Germany, was shot dead at 12:10 am Monday as he was walking to his residence at Pattaya, where the retired policeman has lived for the past eight years.

Eyewitnesses said Friedrich was shot by an unidentified assailant riding pillion on a motorcycle. He took four bullets in his head, back, chest and left leg.

Police said Friedrich's former Thai wife was the prime suspect in the murder.

"According to Friedrich's current Thai wife he had been having problems with his first wife over the sale of some property," Pattaya Pol Sub-Lt Nittipumi Bootwong told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa in a telephone interview.

--DPA 2007-06-25

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there is no town named Kalisch in Germany, at least none with a post code. The name of the victim does also not sound right. Could be the three names are christian names and Kalisch is his family name. Strange piece of news.

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German shot dead in Pattaya

Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 63-year-old German man was shot dead late Sunday night police said.

Heinrich Hermann Friedrdch waas shot dead shortly after leaving a convenient store on Soi Suksomboon in Tambon Nong Palai of Chon Buri's Bang Lamung district at 11:27 pm.

He was shot four times by a pillion rider. The bullets hit his left temple, his back, his chest and left leg.

His Thai wife, Nantha Sukdee, 25, said she has been living with the German man for two years without registering their marriage.

She said the man had bought a house worth Bt5 million under the name of his former Thai wife whom she was suing for the return of the house and other assets.

Source: The Nation - 25 June 2007

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Wonder if the keystone cops (aka thai police) have figured out the link yet, or are trying to cut the best deal with the ex wife or the new wife before they arrest the other one, proving that they always solve the crime... TIT

RIP to the poor misguided victim :o

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there is no town named Kalisch in Germany, at least none with a post code. The name of the victim does also not sound right. Could be the three names are christian names and Kalisch is his family name. Strange piece of news.

'Kalisch' is a sister city between Germany and Thailand, it is a a surburb of Pattaya (located between Hackfleisch and Dumonkel)...

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German shot dead in Pattaya

Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 63-year-old German man was shot dead late Sunday night police said.

Heinrich Hermann Friedrdch waas shot dead shortly after leaving a convenient store on Soi Suksomboon in Tambon Nong Palai of Chon Buri's Bang Lamung district at 11:27 pm.

He was shot four times by a pillion rider. The bullets hit his left temple, his back, his chest and left leg.

His Thai wife, Nantha Sukdee, 25, said she has been living with the German man for two years without registering their marriage.

She said the man had bought a house worth Bt5 million under the name of his former Thai wife whom she was suing for the return of the house and other assets.

Source: The Nation - 25 June 2007

People always comment its the same old story but whats really scary in Thailand is that people here do things like this knowing full well they will get caught! There is no thought processes involved! They still do it! When a Thai gets angry or says they are going to do something, you better listen! If you think along the lines of Farang Logic "oh, they won't do it cause its too obvious and they'll get caught" then you can forget that! They will do it and they will get caught! But they just dont seem to care! And you will be dead anyway! Just an experienced warning for newcomers!

Edited by markokang
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Fail to plan

plan to fail

what amazes me is the child like mentality that these murderers will never be caught out

er hello

does anyone have a motive

Well yes the ex wife wants to keep the house

and has been causing trouble

talk about dumb and dumber

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They will do it and they will get caught! But they just dont seem to care!

How very very true, could be because they can stand the jail time *(and it will be short, after the money has passed over...especially if the bib know of a 5 million baht house in the picture)...back down to a matter of face


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The murder makes sense, "someone" wants to keep the house, people like money.

What doesn't make sense (though is very common) is this:

63 year old man marries woman aged in 20s (lets assume the ex is too) and transfers considerable wealth to her, does this within a country where legal protections are whoeful and he by virtue of nationality can be expected to be treated second class.

He didn't see trouble would eventuate? hel_l this guy was a policeman...

Now maybe the guy was cashed up and the house was nothing to him. Seems to be his current lady was sueing the old, so could be she was chasing the money for her own gain and he's become the unfortunate victim.

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German shot dead in Pattaya

Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 63-year-old German man was shot dead late Sunday night police said.

Heinrich Hermann Friedrdch waas shot dead shortly after leaving a convenient store on Soi Suksomboon in Tambon Nong Palai of Chon Buri's Bang Lamung district at 11:27 pm.

He was shot four times by a pillion rider. The bullets hit his left temple, his back, his chest and left leg.

His Thai wife, Nantha Sukdee, 25, said she has been living with the German man for two years without registering their marriage.

She said the man had bought a house worth Bt5 million under the name of his former Thai wife whom she was suing for the return of the house and other assets.

Source: The Nation - 25 June 2007

STRANGE... first time i see some farang get killed, and the police not found him NAKED ???

People always comment its the same old story but whats really scary in Thailand is that people here do things like this knowing full well they will get caught! There is no thought processes involved! They still do it! When a Thai gets angry or says they are going to do something, you better listen! If you think along the lines of Farang Logic "oh, they won't do it cause its too obvious and they'll get caught" then you can forget that! They will do it and they will get caught! But they just dont seem to care! And you will be dead anyway! Just an experienced warning for newcomers!

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there is no town named Kalisch in Germany, at least none with a post code. The name of the victim does also not sound right. Could be the three names are christian names and Kalisch is his family name. Strange piece of news.

'Kalisch' is a sister city between Germany and Thailand, it is a a surburb of Pattaya (located between Hackfleisch and Dumonkel)...

kalisch belonged to germany before the world war, its now in poland.

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So little has been expressed about what seems to be the obvious: this was a man who enjoyed the delights of Thailand, just like all of us, and was simply trying to live a good life -- like all of us.

A moment of silence in repect for his untimely death would be in order please.

And why not move cold and inane comments to an entirely different string and let this poor man as well as the very sad ending of his life, truly rest in peace.

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They will do it and they will get caught! But they just dont seem to care!

How very very true, could be because they can stand the jail time *(and it will be short, after the money has passed over...especially if the bib know of a 5 million baht house in the picture)...back down to a matter of face


horrifying story. unnecessary comments about the victim's name and hometown.

always the same stupid arguments about money and property (house worth ridiculous five mio baht?!) that, however, is the same in germany or any other country in case of divorce, but german ex-wife would probably not hire a killer to get you shot, there are legal solutions, usually pretty successful for ex-wives.

no big problem for the thai killer and whoever hired him, just go temple, pray blablabla and donate some money to local wat to avoid getting haunted by evil spirits.

looks like we've got used to living in a city of crime, drive-by-shootings and all that sh...t. but just imagine that same story would happen in your hometown back in farangland. i have personally always felt safe in pattaya but i guess that poor german felt the same.

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What is so interesting? This is just a normal, although very sad, tale of Pattaya, marital jealousy and money.

I feel a little sympathy for the guy, although I do not see why he changed partners after buying the first one a quite expensive house. Nor do I understand why he was still living there and not the owner (lady number one).

Had she just gone back to her family for a while, and he moved lady number two in as a stop-gap; or had he fully broken up with number one? If so, why didn't she live in the house and he move out?

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German shot dead in Pattaya

Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 63-year-old German man was shot dead late Sunday night police said.

Heinrich Hermann Friedrdch waas shot dead shortly after leaving a convenient store on Soi Suksomboon in Tambon Nong Palai of Chon Buri's Bang Lamung district at 11:27 pm.

He was shot four times by a pillion rider. The bullets hit his left temple, his back, his chest and left leg.

His Thai wife, Nantha Sukdee, 25, said she has been living with the German man for two years without registering their marriage.

She said the man had bought a house worth Bt5 million under the name of his former Thai wife whom she was suing for the return of the house and other assets.

Source: The Nation - 25 June 2007

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German shot dead in Pattaya

Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 63-year-old German man was shot dead late Sunday night police said.

Heinrich Hermann Friedrdch waas shot dead shortly after leaving a convenient store on Soi Suksomboon in Tambon Nong Palai of Chon Buri's Bang Lamung district at 11:27 pm.

He was shot four times by a pillion rider. The bullets hit his left temple, his back, his chest and left leg.

His Thai wife, Nantha Sukdee, 25, said she has been living with the German man for two years without registering their marriage.

She said the man had bought a house worth Bt5 million under the name of his former Thai wife whom she was suing for the return of the house and other assets.

Source: The Nation - 25 June 2007

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but whats really scary in Thailand is that people here do things like this

They will do it and they will get caught! But they just dont seem to care! And you will be dead anyway! Just an experienced warning for newcomers!

Yes, things like this never happen in other countries!

Ex-husbands & ex-wives in other countries never resort to violence or hire hit-men. Domestic violence is never an issue in other countries.

If you ever watch the news, what they report is the tip of the iceberg ...O.J. Simpson?? That pregnant women just found dead in Ohio?? In every country in the world when a murder takes place, family members are always high on the list of suspects.

It's unfortunate that it happens, whether in Thailand or elsewhere, but Thailand does not have any more greedy, revengeful, bitter, violent people that committ crimes that are both obvious & stupid, than any other country.

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