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Visa To Ireland - Shocked

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A male Thai friend applied (on 16th June) for a Tourist Visa to come and visit me in Ireland. I had read extensively in this forum about people's problems getting visas for girlfriends et cetera and had practically no hope of success.

Much to my astonishment, the visa was granted. And in only two weeks (1st July). I am amazed. I was ready to kick up a real fuss with politicians over here when the refusal came through!

I supplied what I was asked for in the form of documentation but I did not have to supply translations of documents or anything other than the basics.

My friend works in a bar in Patpong, earns about 6500Baht per month. No property.

He is 33 and I am 47. He had been to Japan once but when he was working for a market resaerch company over 10 years ago so I do not think that was a factor because he would now have a different passport.

A member of this forum contacted me just before I made the application with some advice but he is having awful problems getting his (male) friend into the country and has gone to great expense with solicitors and translators et cetera. Also a good friend of mine was unsuccessful in getting a tourist visa for his girlfriend about 12 months ago after going to great expense (they are now married and due to come to live here happily ever after next week).

I feel like I am complaining! I just feel really sorry for all those people who try so hard and get nowhere. I wonder if I did something right that other peole don't do? But I think the genereal concensus of opinion is probably correct : you are just totally dependent on the mood of the person dealing with the application.

One question : Now that my friend has been granted a tourist visa to come here once, does that mean it should be easy for him in the future?


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A long time ago a friend of mine could not get his BG into the UK.

As he had an Irish passport as well he applied for a visa got accepted and the just brought her across on the ferry.

Don't know if this would still work today.

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A long time ago a friend of mine could not get his BG into the UK.

As he had an Irish  passport as well he applied for a visa got accepted and the just brought her across on the ferry.

Don't know if this would still work today.

That could work but I think with heightened security arrangements these days, even ferry passengers are probably checked. Especially if they have dark skin.

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