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Watching The New Michael Moore Movie In Thailand


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For those (mostly Americans) who live in Thailand and really want to see this very important movie named SICKO, what other choice is there but to download it? I rate it a must see. By all means, buy a ticket if you are in the US. But otherwise, find a way to watch it. This is more about politics than box office. Search yourself, or if this allowed, check out zerosworld . net

If you watch it, keep some tissues handy. For your eyes that is.

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It is to be released in the US theaters next week.

Being Thailand, of course, the copy DVDs will be on the streets within weeks.

It will never be on Thai screens for obvious reasons.

Yes, after that in some months, people here could buy a legal copy.

But most won't. Moore is on record as not being upset that the downloads are out there.

This is a political message movie. The idea is that as many Americans as possible need to see this movie, and after watching it, I heartily agree. Moore is rich and fat enough.

BTW, if you need tissues for this movie for something other than your eyes, then I guess SICKO was even more an apt name than I thought. Reports are that at the Cannes Film Festival, even right wing Bush style Americans were crying. I believe it. This movie could easily turn Moore haters into Moore lovers.

For those who don't know, the movie is about the unspeakably crappy health care system in the US.

And if you are going to bother to start talking about the evils of "socialized medicine" please do yourself a favor and at least watch the film first.

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enjoyed all his other movies ,so i'll look out for this one :o

SICKO is avalaible on BitTorrent, everywhere, and in perfect quality.

I saw it last week. I have to say that... it's very funny. And scary too.

I'm not a big fan of M.Moroe, but really SICKO is a good one. Like a bad doctor, he knows where to push to create pain...


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He doesn't have to worry.

I would NEVER buy a Michael Moore or Abby Hoffman product if any of the profits went to them. :o

That would be quite a trick in Abby's case. He died in 1989.

Seriously, I do believe this movie, free downloads or not, will become the biggest box office documentary in US history, breaking Moore's own record, and will be seen by historians as an important factor in swaying public opinion against the health insurance industry and the US health care delivery system in general. Change is coming. And Moore is a real American hero.

The thing about the link I did provide is that it provides a direct download, also flawless quality. No bittorrent needed. But, yes, it is all over the net now.

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Although not American I would like to see this as he raises some interesting points, but of course i dont take his word as gospel. If I find the subject interesting enough i will try do some research of my own. MM known to project a biased point of view and some would say his documentaries are pure propaganda. I personally sont totally trust all he presents on screen, but i do think he helps to raise awareness and open up interest in areas which often need looking into.

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Yes, it is propaganda in the best sense of the word. And he was right about Bush. Right about Iraq. Right about gun control. But he hits a home run on health care. I can understand why people from other western countries would want to watch this movie so they can feel superior to Americans. Enjoy. We did do it to ourselves. Now only we can fix it.

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He doesn't have to worry.

I would NEVER buy a Michael Moore or Abby Hoffman product if any of the profits went to them. :o

I whole heartily agree. I've seen his so-called 'documentaries' and I find his stuff nothing more than second class propagandist CRAP!!!!

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He doesn't have to worry.

I would NEVER buy a Michael Moore or Abby Hoffman product if any of the profits went to them. :o

I whole heartily agree. I've seen his so-called 'documentaries' and I find his stuff nothing more than second class propagandist CRAP!!!!

To each his own.

The film now has a 90 percent rating on rottentomatoes.com and the buzz of a billion bees.

It is true they are not classic documentaries. That is just the closest category to what they are. You can't create a new category just for Michael Moore, special though he is. Its also true Moore is very polarizing. But Sicko is much less polarizing than his past ones.

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Not a comment on this film, but I note there has been considerable controversy about Roger & Me and the allegation, which Moore has, in part, at least, confirmed, that he did in fact meet {ambush at a shareholders meeting might be a better description} with Roger Smith the Chair of GM. but declined to add this element to the final film.

Suggest a search for Manufacturing Dissent.


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Not a comment huh? Just a personal attack on the filmmaker. Did I mention he was very fat? He was also an Eagle Scout, is a college dropout, and is rumored to enjoy ho hos. I made that last one up.

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i thought bowling for columbine & f911 were great docos,& very funny.he made charlton heston look like he was dying to shoot a black man.

looking forward to seing the latest offering.

in f911 though,i did think that he was leading people on with his interveiws,sort of deceiving them in away,from someone whos critising others about ethics,but maybe they needed a slap of reality anyway.

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He doesn't have to worry.

I would NEVER buy a Michael Moore or Abby Hoffman product if any of the profits went to them. :o

Have some problems with Reality, do we.

No, stupidity.

Moore and Hoffman are nothing but clowns. :D

Not exactly the same people. Not all famous leftist media whores are alike.

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Not a comment huh? Just a personal attack on the filmmaker. Did I mention he was very fat? He was also an Eagle Scout, is a college dropout, and is rumored to enjoy ho hos. I made that last one up.

No a comment upon his film making.


Okie Dokie

He's no saint. But he just makes movies. And he isn't running for political office. But he is trying the best he can to make a really big positive contribution to his countrymen about important issues that he feels passionately about.

Not bad for a lardo college dropout.

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The honorable Michael Moore: The man that lied his way into Charlton Hesston’s house (an old man suffering with Alzheimer’s disease) and then unleashed a serious of carefully planned snares to show this guy off in the worst possible light. The poor guy is so old, he could only slowly shuffle away and the cameras kept following his slow speed escape. And that is how to make a respectable documentary? I think Sicko is a better description of this irresponsible, sensationalist, director. Watching his movies is like watching the trial of a black man when the judge and jury are all KKK. One sided is to an understatement. He’s a punk

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