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Passenger’s nud_e antics causes THAI to consider psychological screening

A male passenger on a THAI Airways flight who was booked for taking off his clothes and dancing nud_e has caused THAI to think twice about the psychological screening of passengers.

Pannatta Mesuwan, 31, on a Dubai-Chennai was charged for being a “public nuisance” by THAI Airways immediately after the plane landed in Chennai last Thursday.

The complaint describes how Mr Mesuwan removed his clothes before anyone could figure out what he was up to and began to dance around the cabin.

Speaking to an Asian newspaper, an unnamed police source said, “When co-passengers and airhostesses asked him to sit and behave, he responded by removing his dhoti. He was not wearing anything beneath.”

“Unabashed, he stood up and began to dance. Later, a few passengers and crew members overpowered him and forced him to sit quietly. They also threw some clothes over him.”

Mr Mesuwan was subsequently detained by police and has been sent for a medical examination after pleading a “temporary memory blackout”.

This latest incident has caused THAI to reconsider its psychological screening of passengers following quite a few recent dramas which featured passengers with undisclosed psychological irregularities.

“We do not have any control on passengers globally on our aircraft managed mainly by agents. So far there have been no similar incidents in our planes anywhere in the world, but one instance itself is too many,” said Mike Panatta, THAI Chennai office General Manager.

Mr Panatta also added that the passenger in question did not consume any alcohol on the flight.



I guess I've got to start flying Thai. I never get any weirdos that strip on my flights :o

Passenger’s nud_e antics causes THAI to consider psychological screening

A male passenger on a THAI Airways flight who was booked for taking off his clothes and dancing nud_e has caused THAI to think twice about the psychological screening of passengers.

Pannatta Mesuwan, 31, on a Dubai-Chennai was charged for being a “public nuisance” by THAI Airways immediately after the plane landed in Chennai last Thursday.

The complaint describes how Mr Mesuwan removed his clothes before anyone could figure out what he was up to and began to dance around the cabin.

Speaking to an Asian newspaper, an unnamed police source said, “When co-passengers and airhostesses asked him to sit and behave, he responded by removing his dhoti. He was not wearing anything beneath.”

“Unabashed, he stood up and began to dance. Later, a few passengers and crew members overpowered him and forced him to sit quietly. They also threw some clothes over him.”

Mr Mesuwan was subsequently detained by police and has been sent for a medical examination after pleading a “temporary memory blackout”.

This latest incident has caused THAI to reconsider its psychological screening of passengers following quite a few recent dramas which featured passengers with undisclosed psychological irregularities.

“We do not have any control on passengers globally on our aircraft managed mainly by agents. So far there have been no similar incidents in our planes anywhere in the world, but one instance itself is too many,” said Mike Panatta, THAI Chennai office General Manager.

Mr Panatta also added that the passenger in question did not consume any alcohol on the flight.


Its odd that the GM of THAI and the culprit share such similar names.


Thai Airways Psychological Screening Test - version 1.


Please answer true/false to the following questions.

1. God told me to be naked.

2. If I am naked the plane won't crash.

3. If I dance naked the plane won't crash and I will be upgraded to 1st class.

4. Nakedness is next to godliness.

5. If i dance naked many people will give me free clothing.

Thankyou for your cooperation.

Have a lovely fully-clothed flight.


I doubt that a mini mental would weed out the madder passengers, it would also create a longer queue. Mind you, naked dancing men would possibly be better than the inflight entertainment. :o

I guess I've got to start flying Thai. I never get any weirdos that strip on my flights :D

agree! That would certainly have been a trip to remember. :o

They might want to give a physical test?

"Are you wearing underwear?"

hihihihi ,how they ever can check peoples psycholgical status ? It seemingly is just in the business ,things can happen you know...............


i have long thought that the shoe bomber missed a great opportunity to immortalize himself. If he had dressed as a woman, and hidden the bomb in his bra, everytime you have had to take off your shoes at the airport, it would have been a woman who had to remove her bra


As you check in your baggage maybe you could be given a Rorschach (sp?) inkblot test...? :D

"The blot reminds me of Satan riding a chariot of steaming entrails"....... Erm, this way please, Sir. :o

i have long thought that the shoe bomber missed a great opportunity to immortalize himself. If he had dressed as a woman, and hidden the bomb in his bra, everytime you have had to take off your shoes at the airport, it would have been a woman who had to remove her bra

Wouldn't it be a good idea to make people go naked once they are on the airside of an airport?

How would psychological screening be carried out without significantly slowing down the check-in and boarding process?

Flashcards? :o

i have long thought that the shoe bomber missed a great opportunity to immortalize himself. If he had dressed as a woman, and hidden the bomb in his bra, everytime you have had to take off your shoes at the airport, it would have been a woman who had to remove her bra

Would have been a bit tough with that beard... :o


"Thank you sir. Now, before we can confirm your ticket, we need you to provide medical evidence of having undergone a psychological test... No sir, it is only a requirement of Thai Airways... Yes sir, I agree, it was a typical knee-jerk reaction... Certainly sir, which other carrier would you prefer..." :o

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