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Taxi Scare


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Keeping in mind my own checkered taxi history and stories about people getting their eyes stabbed for throwing up in a taxi, etc, it is with no sense of shock that I read a Stickmark II piece recently about a taxi driver getting out a gun and threatening a Western passenger after he answered in the negative some questions about Thaksin's greatness.

Last night, I was headed home around 9pm from the Suk area, near Sunrise Taco. I got into a taxi and told the driver where I was going – about a 15 minute ride. No problems so far. Then a very weird line of questioning started - you speak Thai, yes (I always hate these exchanges), well I have a question for you (######!), OK, what is it – oh, I forgot. OK, just let me know. Oh, how do you say turn left in English – I dutifully explained. Then silence. Then, the guy starts to make some twitchy movements that I am hard pressed to explain, but kind of like a mildly mentally challenged person trying to think – rocking back and forth in the seat with his face twitching slightly. Then he starts with a couple of questions about the economy, how I think it is, will it get better, etc. I give some non committal answers and then mention that I am worried about the future but sure things will get better after elections.

Then, and here is where I start to get real unhappy, he starts to ask what I think about Thaksin – but I mean, he is pushing hard to get me to say bad things. No matter what non committal answer I give. This guy is now rocking back and forth in the drivers seat trying to get me to say something bad about the ex-PM – are the problems his fault, did he steal money, does he care about the people, was he a bad PM….. I was so relieved when we pulled up to my building I forgot I was thinking I should get dropped off around the corner. I just gave him the money and jumped out.

But I wonder what would have happened if my answers were negative. Is there some nutcase cabbie out there looking for an excuse to defend the ex-PM?

Edited by Furbie
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So, to recap.

You were in a taxi. The driver was trying to discuss politics with you. The driver rocked. The taxi trip ended. You paid the fare, got out and left.

What happened next?

Bendix, I was hoping for more from you. What about an "I don't believe you, its just an urban legend that there are taxi drivers in Thailand"? What about an "All taxi drivers in Thailand are wonderful people who will drive you to the hospital for free and give up a kidney"?

I am simply adding to a story I read on StickmarkII (I hear some people on this board read his stuff) and a veiled warning to others not to discuss the ex-PM with the people who look up to him as a hero. Yes, completely normal behavior on the part of the taxi driver. By the way, don't those rose colored glasses ever hurt your eyes?

As to what happened next, the story is over. Unless you want to hear if the tacos were good - they were.

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I must be the only bloke who has lived in Thailand for so long without ever getting into grief with a taxi driver.... Am I normal? :o

As a rough guide, keep conversation neutral as you would do with anyone else that you don't know from Adam; in a service - customer scenario. In any country in the world...

I'm sure UK-based forums have horror stories of London cabbies being rather terse with anyone foreign offering an in-depth summary of British politics. Probably. Whatever.

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it is with no sense of shock that I read a Stickmark II piece recently about a taxi driver getting out a gun and threatening a Western passenger after he answered in the negative some questions about Thaksin's greatness.

Perhaps the driver thought that passenger was disputing his TAXI's greatness ?

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No I'm serious. My point is that the whole premise of the OP is based on the OP's perception of something being odd or dangerous when, frankly, I'm not sure what the issue is.

Maybe the taxi driver was rocking cos he had piles, yet the OP presents it to us in a 'dangerous' light.

So far as i can determine, it doesnt sound that ominous to me. But, what do i know? I wasnt there and I'm not paranoid.

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Bendix is searching desperately for something to be cynical about. The OP was there. He attempted to relate the odd behaviour of the taxi driver. Probably nothing would have happened, but he was merely saying things have been known to happen.

Once, in the paper, I saw that a taxi driver shot a Japanese stewardess, stole her money, and dumped her on the roadway. End of story? We should watch out for those taxi drivers, right? Another taxi driver saw this happen and stopped and took the women to a hospital. She was shot in the stomach and ended up surviving. Moral? There are certainly crazy taxi drivers, but they're the minority. Occasionally you come across a few that seem off their rocker and it makes you think back to the stories you've heard. It's only human nature. Most taxi drivers are probably pretty good blokes, except for the ones that don't bring me back the phones I accidentally left in their taxi. End of story. Not much to be cynical about.

Best taxi story ever from my friends' experience 3 years ago. Taxi driver starts talking about Buddhists and Muslims. Says Buddhists are good, but Muslims are so crazy. Says, "Look, I'm a Muslim, eeh eeh eeh" (last phrase is him mimicking someone shooting a machine gun with actions and his own sound effects added). He ends the converstion with, "Why are Muslims so crazy?" A truly humourous taxi ride for them nonetheless.

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I once had a Taxi driver who, seeing a traffic cop, managed three English words; Police bad, motherf###### police.

On average most are nice fellows, some not. That case don't get in or get out, no pay. :o

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I must be the only bloke who has lived in Thailand for so long without ever getting into grief with a taxi driver.... Am I normal? :o

Nope. There is at least one other: me. Most of them are incredibly friendly, talkative (just turn the conversation around and ask them about themselves) and IF one is a bit grumpy I think Iwould be in much worse shape if I would have been driving passengers all over Bangkok for 8 hrs or more.


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Those those of you needing a tip on how to handle beligerant taxi drivers trying to bait you on the ex PM:

1. Ask him if the radio works.

2. Ask him to put on morlam music.

3. Tell him you love morlam music. Throw out names like Jintala and JobJoy, and say dee, dee! with thumbs up.

4. Start tapping to the beat consciously on your door so he hears, and smile.

End of problem.

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Never had any threatening taxi rides but had a fair share of lunatics, most in a good sense though.

Worst one was probably when my Mum was with me in the taxi heading to Silom night bazaar or something wehn the guy was WASTED on yaa baa. He wasn't being offensive to us, although that was part of the problem a he completely ignored my repeated orders to "jot thii nii" and so on. I swear we almost crashed twice as he tail-gated like a maniac.

I wasn't so bothered but my Ma was pretty shook up afterwards. He just ignored us and ranted on to himself and every other car on the road !

Never a dull day in Krung Thep !


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You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hel_l else are you talking... you talking to me? Well I'm the only one here. Who the <deleted> do you think you're talking to? Oh yeah? OK. :o

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Never had any threatening taxi rides but had a fair share of lunatics, most in a good sense though.

Worst one was probably when my Mum was with me in the taxi heading to Silom night bazaar or something wehn the guy was WASTED on yaa baa. He wasn't being offensive to us, although that was part of the problem a he completely ignored my repeated orders to "jot thii nii" and so on. I swear we almost crashed twice as he tail-gated like a maniac.

I wasn't so bothered but my Ma was pretty shook up afterwards. He just ignored us and ranted on to himself and every other car on the road !

Never a dull day in Krung Thep !


In a good sense :D   Jot thii nii - bit of a linguist are you :D

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Something must be in the air because my taxi driver last night also decided it was time for a political discussion around his favorite ex-PM. This guy, however, was not nuts like the fist driver; though his final comments were very anti-coup and he got a bit animated when telling me how much he hates them.

To stress, I in no way shape or form start this topic of discussion, nor do I answer beyond politeness. Last nights driver asked me if I liked the ex-PM the second he confirmed my destination.

Maybe my Thai is too good and they want a Western opinion, but I really hate engaging these guys in political conversation – I think I will start speaking pigeon Thai in the taxis.

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nvr had a problem like that with any taxi drivers. Maybe they dont go into depth with female passangers? In any case, i would personally avoid any conversation regarding politics or royal family.

Ive only encountered two problems (both in Bangkok)... One taxi driver who obviously had no idea where he was going and couldnt read a map. I knew where he should go and tried to gently point this out but he was determined to go wherever he pleased. Eventually when getting near 2 hours (when it should have taken around an hour tops) I called up the place i was going and passed him the phone. We got there eventually..which was exactly where i showed him on the map when i first got in the cab. :o Another time i think the driver was drunk..or at least pretty tipsy. I didnt notice at first because I was sorting some paperwork out in the back seat, but eventually the constant loud and long belching aroused my curiousity and realised he had some kind of bottle of something or other and was sipping at intervals. Didnt smell any alcohol smell so dont know for sure. Anyway..i thought ok to myself, this journey isnt a long one, bear with it. Decided to put on my seatbelt just incase but it was broken. Ah well, i lived.

Thankfully Ive never had anything really bad happen, or been threatened!

Wonder if any checks are done on these guys. :D

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Wonder if any checks are done on these guys. :o

Not many. Once they have their liscence they can go to any taxi company & hire out a taxi for 500B for the day. (24 hours) Return with full tank. Previously all they had to do was proclaim support for TRT & they would get a cheap loan to buy their own taxi.


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As long as we are on taxi drivers, some time ago I had two almost back to back that had clearly dumped a load in their pants, and rather than clean up decided to finish their shift. Now I always take a sniff as I poke my head in the window to speak with the driver.

Here is the decision tree for that, feel free to use it:

1. Poke head in or near window to ask driver if he wants to go to X.

2. Sniff:

BAD smell: Walk away

OK smell: Get in

Bonus: You can also detect if the AC is working/on.

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As long as we are on taxi drivers, some time ago I had two almost back to back that had clearly dumped a load in their pants, and rather than clean up decided to finish their shift. Now I always take a sniff as I poke my head in the window to speak with the driver.

Here is the decision tree for that, feel free to use it:

1. Poke head in or near window to ask driver if he wants to go to X.

2. Sniff:

BAD smell: Walk away

OK smell: Get in

Bonus: You can also detect if the AC is working/on.

Time is money. These guys have obviously got the porta potty system going! Too bad if you miss the bag at high speed on an un-even surface! :o


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