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How to select a health insurance plan in Thailand


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Thailand is famous for many things, and one of them is the quality of their healthcare. CEOWORLD magazine ranked Thailand at No.13 in their Health Care Index 2021, ahead of Germany, Switzerland, and Singapore. It’s little wonder the Land of Smiles is one of the leading destinations for medical tourism in Asia.


If your plan is to stay in Thailand for longer, however, securing a health insurance plan for you and your loved ones should be near the top of your to-do list. With so many options available and nuances to consider, naturally the smart route to take is to engage a brokerage well versed in health insurance in Thailand, and secure suitable coverage at zero extra cost.


Still, it helps to do some homework first, before you get the ball rolling. Our friends at Pacific Prime Thailand are here to help

Get yourself up to speed on some insurance jargons

When an insurer or broker sits down with you with a proposal or contract, there will be a number of insurance terms that you’ll come across time and again. So a good way to start will be to familiarize yourself with them. For instance, you should know what a policy exclusion is, why a plan with a higher deductible costs less, and what a rider does.

Know exactly what it is you need

You don’t walk into a car dealership only knowing you want to buy a car, so why should you be any less prepared when you are shopping for health insurance? That way, you can avoid getting coverage you don’t need while skipping coverage you do. Of course, that isn’t to say you cannot change your mind on the spot - one hallmark of a good insurance intermediary is their ability to see what’s missing in a client’s plan, and convince the client to do what is ultimately in their best interest.


Will local private health insurance suffice or do you need to go for international health insurance? How much deductible should you opt for in light of the payout features of your employer’s group medical plan? Do you need outpatient treatment and dental coverage? These and similar questions should be thought through before you sit down with your intermediary for the first time.


What’s more, what you need from the coverage you secure on your own depends heavily on what your employer’s group medical plan already provides. It is therefore crucial to get a good grasp of the latter, and objectively assess the stability of your employment with your current employer.


Another crucial consideration is about the very unpleasant subject of pre-existing conditions. It is understandable that people with a pre-existing condition would love to just skim through it, but the principle of utmost good faith in insurance requires that you disclose any pre-existing conditions you are aware of, even if you are not asked about them. Otherwise, you may end up without coverage.

Know that coverage and price are not everything

There is a whole lot more to a health insurance plan than just its coverage and cost. Intangibles like quality of service and claims processing speed are just as important if not more so. The devil is often in the details.


Ask yourself the following questions to find out what else you’d like from an insurance policy, such as:


  • Does the insurer’s network of service providers include your GP?
  • Is there 24/7 emergency support and will your calls be answered by a real person?
  • Will someone be available to answer your calls in your native language?
  • Will the insurer help you find a specialist or get a second opinion?
  • Will your insurer settle the bills directly or will they only reimburse you later on?


One thing in particular that you need to pay attention to is renewability - some plans that seem like a steal have this catch whereby plan renewal is by “mutual agreement”. By contrast, “lifetime renewable” plans, though likely to be more expensive, will not leave you out in the cold even if your medical bills turn out to be quite hefty in the future.

Secure health insurance with the help from a broker

Now that you know what goes into the health insurance decision process, it should be clear why the best way by far is to enlist the help of a knowledgeable and reputable brokerage like Pacific Prime Thailand.


Their expertise and experience in all matters related to insurance, combined with their in-depth knowledge of the products from all the major insurers around the world, give them the ability to provide impartial advice that only a leading global insurance brokerage can.


Not only can the health insurance specialists at Pacific Prime Thailand tailor a plan that meets all of your needs and fits your budget (all at no extra cost to you), but they will be with you every step of the way and stand up for you when you need them most. The difference between going straight to an insurer and securing insurance via a broker is most obvious when you make a claim, especially when you have a brokerage like Pacific Prime Thailand on your side who is serving your best interest first and foremost. 


Furthermore, Pacific Prime Thailand's experts will ensure a smooth and pleasurable experience when securing insurance through them. Their company motto of “simplifying insurance” is more than just a slogan - it’s a core value of theirs.

Contact Pacific Prime Thailand for a quote or no-obligation consultation today!

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