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Anyone done this she is in the uk on flr she is my step daughter but it may make things easier in the long run ?

Her age is 13 years old.

Do i have to do it in Thailand ?


The adoption should be done in the UK and, if successful, it is likely your daughter will be entitled to British citizenship with immediate effect without having to register or naturalise; i.e. she can simply apply for a British passport on the back of the adoption certificate.

I know of one other member of this site who has been through this and I will draw his attention to this thread.


it may make things easier in the long run ?

As a matter of interest, what things do you think it will make easier?

If you really want to do it you could start here

Then she can take my family name on her passport etc and at school when i married my wife kept her family name its just easier when filling out forms etc.And it gives her a sense of being taken on as my daughter.

Then she can take my family name on her passport etc and at school when i married my wife kept her family name its just easier when filling out forms etc.And it gives her a sense of being taken on as my daughter.

Fair enough, but if thats about all.. this is a quote from the above link "adopting a stepchild"

An important point people can forget is that the courts view adoption from the child's perspective, rather than the adult's. What an adult wants is taken into account, but an adoption order will only be granted if it is viewed as being in the best interests of the child. Some people feel the need to adopt their stepchild in order to make the family feel complete, but this is not a good enough reason for a court to grant an adoption order.

I wish you luck with it if you decide to go ahead.

Then she can take my family name on her passport etc and at school when i married my wife kept her family name its just easier when filling out forms etc.And it gives her a sense of being taken on as my daughter.

Fair enough, but if thats about all.. this is a quote from the above link "adopting a stepchild"

An important point people can forget is that the courts view adoption from the child's perspective, rather than the adult's. What an adult wants is taken into account, but an adoption order will only be granted if it is viewed as being in the best interests of the child. Some people feel the need to adopt their stepchild in order to make the family feel complete, but this is not a good enough reason for a court to grant an adoption order.

I wish you luck with it if you decide to go ahead.

yes be interesting to know the outcome and it gives her a UK passport but that should not be a reason to apply for it il have chat with my wife about it all.Thanks for your help



I adopted my step-daughter in 2003. she is from Guyana in south america.

First point of contact should be your local social services dept, ask for parental adoptions.

The process was about 6 months, and at all times the repeated question was to her...

'are you sure that you want to be adopted and why?'

I was interviewed, also my wife, as she has to give up her parental rights and adopt her daughter also.

Separate and joint interviews, plus CRB enhanced checks.

Well worth it on the day, seeing her smile and joy, amazing feeling.

Regarding citizenship. she still had to be naturalised, that took 8 months and then getting passport was no problem.

I do not know if this has changed or not! maybe someone knows?

good luck and be patient with the process, CAFCASS are there to help you and to support your girl.

frank :o

p.s. a reason for adoption is security for the girl, if your wife dies, the girl is not a relative of yours, she may be returned to family in thailand.

once adopted, she is you daughter and she cannot be sent back in those circumstances.

Anyone done this she is in the uk on flr she is my step daughter but it may make things easier in the long run ?

Her age is 13 years old.

Do i have to do it in Thailand ?

I adopted my step son about 7 years ago and the sooner you start the better. It takes time but you must do it as soon as possible because if I remember the adoption route for a UK passport runs out at 16 or 18.

basically you start in BKK at the adoption offices.  Medical reports are required plus home visit reports which will be done by Social Services in the UK. Also visits to Thailand for interviews will be required.

If you go to Social Services in the UK ask about Intra country adoptions, they should have the info.

Not used this site a great deal but would prefer you provide a means to contact me privately.  I may still have the info somewhere but not su

e. Got a feeling I tarnsfered it to pdf file.

Anyone done this she is in the uk on flr she is my step daughter but it may make things easier in the long run ?

Her age is 13 years old.

Do i have to do it in Thailand ?

I adopted my step son about 7 years ago and the sooner you start the better. It takes time but you must do it as soon as possible because if I remember the adoption route for a UK passport runs out at 16 or 18.

basically you start in BKK at the adoption offices. Medical reports are required plus home visit reports which will be done by Social Services in the UK. Also visits to Thailand for interviews will be required.

If you go to Social Services in the UK ask about Intra country adoptions, they should have the info.

Not used this site a great deal but would prefer you provide a means to contact me privately. I may still have the info somewhere but not su

e. Got a feeling I tarnsfered it to pdf file.

Isn't that only required for an inter-country adoption. i.e. Where the child is still in Thailandand you're in the UK.

In the Original Post, the child is already in the UK, legally, and a UK adoption would be all that's required (and a LOT simpler/cheaper).

Personally, I'm in the situation of wanting to do a UK adoption of my Thai stepdaughter, while we live most of the year in Thailand (She's got UK ILR, and we live in the UK part of the year, to make sure it doesn't expire - just not long enough for the paperwork). Basically because getting her a UK passport would simplify things (the hassles we had at the Oz embassy when she went to the Gold Coast for a week with her mother and sisters was utterly ridiculous - admittedly, we didn't have any such issues for Schengen visas or US visas, so that could be more an Australian issue), and while Thailand will recognise a UK adoption, the UK will not recognise a Thai one. (Add in that the Thai ministry in charge of adoptions here said it would take years as they have a strict quota on foreign adoptions of Thai nationals.)

Anyone done this she is in the uk on flr she is my step daughter but it may make things easier in the long run ?

Her age is 13 years old.

Do i have to do it in Thailand ?

I adopted my step son about 7 years ago and the sooner you start the better. It takes time but you must do it as soon as possible because if I remember the adoption route for a UK passport runs out at 16 or 18.

basically you start in BKK at the adoption offices. Medical reports are required plus home visit reports which will be done by Social Services in the UK. Also visits to Thailand for interviews will be required.

If you go to Social Services in the UK ask about Intra country adoptions, they should have the info.

Not used this site a great deal but would prefer you provide a means to contact me privately. I may still have the info somewhere but not su

e. Got a feeling I tarnsfered it to pdf file.

Isn't that only required for an inter-country adoption. i.e. Where the child is still in Thailandand you're in the UK.

In the Original Post, the child is already in the UK, legally, and a UK adoption would be all that's required (and a LOT simpler/cheaper).

Personally, I'm in the situation of wanting to do a UK adoption of my Thai stepdaughter, while we live most of the year in Thailand (She's got UK ILR, and we live in the UK part of the year, to make sure it doesn't expire - just not long enough for the paperwork). Basically because getting her a UK passport would simplify things (the hassles we had at the Oz embassy when she went to the Gold Coast for a week with her mother and sisters was utterly ridiculous - admittedly, we didn't have any such issues for Schengen visas or US visas, so that could be more an Australian issue), and while Thailand will recognise a UK adoption, the UK will not recognise a Thai one. (Add in that the Thai ministry in charge of adoptions here said it would take years as they have a strict quota on foreign adoptions of Thai nationals.)

I have spoken to the relevant people she has to have been in the UK 6 months then we apply cost is 140 ponds if succesful she applys for UK passport asap seems easy .

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