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Water drilling and solar powered water pump

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We have 6 rai of land and we're just in the process of getting our pond and canals dug out. We're planning to use a large patch of the land for growing fruit and vegetables so we're going to need an irrigation system. We won't be living on the land, the power and water required is just for watering and topping up the pond, although I may set up a simple shelter at some point and it would be convenient if it had access to electricity. I'm trying to find someone who will drill for water and set up a solar powered pump and I want to get an idea of what I'd expect to pay. I've just read through the boreholes thread in this section of the forum which was informative but doesn't give me much indication of current prices. I also need some advice on how many solar panels I require and the power rating of the pump. I've just been given a quote of 62k baht for a 6" bore hole, three solar panels and a 750w pump and I was wondering if that sounds about right? Any advice on this would be very welcome and if there's anyone in the Buriram area who would like to meet up to discuss this a bit more then please message me and I'll give you my phone number. 


I just thought I'd add that we've been out today driving around the local area, literally asking people at random (who we could see have this equipment) about prices and the set up etc which has made us realise we're probably paying a little too much and not doing this the most effective way because the guy that says he can do it is not able to give us a straight answer (big shock) about the equipment that we'll be buying. Of course, every Thai we spoke to claims that they paid a lot less but I think that's because they've bought second hand equipment. 


We've decided that we're going to buy the equipment ourselves and then get someone to both drill for the water and assemble everything. Solar panels and pumps are all available in the likes of Do Home and Global House so we're going to buy from one of these places unless anyone knows a cheaper place? We've also learned that we're going to have to put the panels and water tank up high because people steal the panels when you're not around so we need to factor in the cost of building a tall structure to put them on. 


Apparently 2 large monocrystalline solar panels and a 750w pump will be suffice for our needs but I'd like some advice on this please. I went to a cafe today that had solar powered water wheels that prevent the pond / canal water from stagnating which is probably a good idea so can anyone advise me on these as well? I've spoken with a different guy about drilling for water and he says he'll do it for 15,000 which seems fair enough. If we buy the equipment ourselves the 750w pump is 9,260, the 1000 litre water tank is 2,380, and the solar panels are 10,780 which means a total cost of 37,420 but that doesn't include building the structure to put the panels and tank on, and the labour. I'm hoping that I'll get everything for around 50,000? Does all of this sound about right or am I forgetting something? If anyone has any advice I'd be very grateful. 


Topic moved to the DIY Forum where you are more likely to get some answers.



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