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Crackdown On Bangkok Porn - 91 Arrested


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Bangkok police mobilize forces to crack down on pornography

BANGKOK: -- Over 2,000 police officers from across the capital yesterday mobilized forces for a mass crackdown on pornographic material.

From 16.00hrs yesterday afternoon to 05.00hrs this morning, the officers fanned out across Bangkok in one of the biggest anti-pornography raids in the capital's history.

Targeted areas included Chatuchak Market and department stores thought to be trading in pornographic CDs and printed materials.

By this morning, the raids on 182 sites had led to 91 arrests and the seizure of over 10,000 pornographic CDs, DVDs, videos, books and cartoons, worth an estimated Bt532,618.

Police said that most of the traders received their materials from middlemen who ran legal bookshops as a front for their illicit activities.

-- TNA 2004-07-06

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(Porn) Dvd's, Video's and book's

You should be able (as an adult) buy watch and read whatever you want in the privacy of your own HOME.

If they are that worried about porn, they should visit nana plaza, patpong or pattaya not bloody markets and stores.



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Bangkok police mobilize forces to crack down on pornography

BANGKOK: -- Over 2,000 police officers from across the capital yesterday mobilized forces for a mass crackdown on pornographic material.

Chatuchak Market......Well done boys, a real hotbed of vice and corruption for sure :o

Pity they can't concentrate on the murderers, flesh peddlars, and corruption within their own ranks. A complete wast of 'effin time and money. Sorry, not a complete waste, they nabbed 91 hardened criminals, who will really make a big difference as to how Bangkok will function with them off the streets! The capitol will never be the same :D

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All that time and effort for Bt532'618. A complete waiste of time, and as far as i can see a totol waiste of the tax payers money. If every officer was to be paid Bt100 then that would be Bt10,000 just in wages. They would have to carry out assults like that every day to make any impact!

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2000 police officers. 91 arrests. 182 locations. That's a ratio of over 20 officers per arrest. Not a terribly efficient operation. But, what is worse, is the ratio of half an arrest per location visited! I can only assume that the boys in brown are all so pure and innocent that they didn't really know where to look (Patpong, Nana, Cowboy, for instance) and blew a whole bunch of time at Tsutaya video shops by mistake.

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We all know that a player for Liverpool is worth much moore then 500'000 baht :D so what's the hassel for? Getting those little streetsellers is like helping other little streetsellers to find a job. :o vacancy: 91 pornsellers wanted for BKK. :D

all the best luck

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2000 police officers. 91 arrests. 182 locations. That's a ratio of over 20 officers per arrest. Not a terribly efficient operation. But, what is worse, is the ratio of half an arrest per location visited! I can only assume that the boys in brown are all so pure and innocent that they didn't really know where to look (Patpong, Nana, Cowboy, for instance) and blew a whole bunch of time at Tsutaya video shops by mistake.

Not a terribly efficient operation.

Neng, you're posting in the wrong place. "Jokes' make my day" is the place for funny stories.

When you make reference to effiency in Thailand ya gotta be joking.

Please give me an example (just one) of efficiency in the realm.

Oop's sorry I forgot, the head waiters companies have appreciated up to 500% under his dubious leadership. Gotta be some efficiency there ( :o )

What a greedy bast*rd. The richest man in Thailand and he still can't get enough.

I wouldn't be surprised if he (the head waiter) is not involved in the porn racket anyway. If there is money to be made who do you think will be at the front of the queue.

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I was in Bangkok on holiday recently. I was with a friend walking down Silom when a policeman approached us. My (Irish) friend had thrown a cigarette on the floor. The cops took him off the main street, down some little shopping arcade and fined him 2,000 Baht. One of the two stayed outside the arcade, obviously making sure that nobody saw what was going on. No receipt was given for the 2,000 Baht.

I imagine that the 91 arrests were of people who could not afford to pay the police a sufficient bribe.

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Stupid eh f&ing Thais! 2000 cops! No wonder the country is lost in space....unreal. How many Thais does it take to screw in a light bulb? 10 and another 50 to stand around and act like they are working so the boss looks good having so many employees. I sometimes wonder just why I stay. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment and enjoy living among racist idiots who are a few rungs down the evolutionary ladder....Ah, now I feel better getting that off my chest.

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2000 policemen busy for 13 hours, a 91 arrests with materials seized of a value of 538,000 Baht.

And nobody understands why ?

Simply: tell the world how much effort you put in fighting crime, but donot harm the business (of the police top and other high ranking crooks, called politicians): look at places where you hardly have a chance to find anything, warn many in advnce, let a lot going away after paying a contribution to the costs ( but limit the costs by NOT giving any receipts), and you understand the above results.

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Well, that's about 50B per CD they figure. That must be wholesale cost?

2000 Police each brought back 5 cd's each, that's 10,000 right? Those porn Cd's are pretty hard to find, if each policeman could only find 5. Sounds like they must have cleaned the whole situation up. Case closed. We should all sleep better tonight.


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They caught 91 porn peddlers ? Thank god we have the BKK police to maintain order and uphold the morality of the nation. I feel safer already :-)

I don't give a rats about the porn but I wish someone would round up the bloody 'sexy movie' guys in Pantip. Is it my imagination or has their sales pitch gotten more aggressive ? As if leaping in front of you and shouting "Sexy Movie !!" in front of the whole crowd isn't annoying enough. One of them actually grabbed me yesterday - and then turned nasty and called his mates in when I removed his hands from my body. Nice.

I'm going to get some "No Sexy Movies !" T-shirts made for future visits (in Thai). Either that or "YES !! Gimme two of the barnyard specials".

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I don't give a rats about the porn but I wish someone would round up the bloody 'sexy movie' guys in Pantip. Is it my imagination or has their sales pitch gotten more aggressive ?

The last I heard the hottest selling "sexy movie" item over there at Pantip was the drunk farrang genre... secretly filmed while having his wallet lightened. Is this a BKK Urban legend? Yes a crack down is in order!


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Stupid eh f&ing Thais! 2000 cops! No wonder the country is lost in space....unreal. How many Thais does it take to screw in a light bulb? 10 and another 50 to stand around and act like they are working so the boss looks good having so many employees. I sometimes wonder just why I stay. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment and enjoy living among racist idiots who are a few rungs down the evolutionary ladder....Ah, now I feel better getting that off my chest.

Rocky, you've made my day. LOL :o

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worth an estimated Bt532,618

Didn't they have time to count the satang's?

Where on earth did they get this figure from?

2000 cops - 532,618b = 266baht per cop for 13 hours work?

If these numbers are not misreported then this country's more seriously f*cked up than I thought.

If 1 copper went into the shopping mall near where I live in Khon Kaen he'd pick up 500+ porno cd's per stall and there must be over 50 stalls.

It'd take him half an hour.

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You guys just amaze me.Why come here & try & change the world.LOS is why we are here,because of what it is .Stop whinging.Funny thing is when you get immigrants in your own country & they are outspoken you say , well you are here , live as we do.We come here to live & enjoy stop trying to change it.


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maybe it's because we like this country so much and most of us have lived under good rule of law and governance and realise that Thailand is rich and could be a 1st world country if the head waiter and his cronies bothered to clean up corruption and the black hats.

They did it with the drug dealers, why not the MiB? Grrrr. :o

Do you like breathing black air?

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...And all the policemen who succesfully carried the operation will be rewarded with 100 dvd s each. This is part of the new goverment policy to improve the force s sex life. It s time they learnt what goes where and stopped screwing the wrong people!!!!


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Well that puts paid to the dumb notion the Thai means "free". Thai means "censorship". Sad they never matured beyond elementary school. I remember coming here 30 years ago Chic Channel would never have made it. Nipples were considered pornographic. & You will NEVER see the male penis displayed. That crosses over into the realm of sexism which is a national institution. If you want to see an example of the Ministry of Information Web Site Blocking try & load www.pornparks.com

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In Germany police let you pay when you forget to lock the door of your car. In the United States they fine you, if you forgot to maw your lawn… seems like some of you have nothing better to do than posting negative nonsense about how bad Thailand is. Get a life dudes!

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