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Flip Flops.


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Apparently, the Americans have 'Discovered' Flip Flops. And very excited about them they are!

But Doctors are damping down their enthusiasm by predicting all sorts of Foot Problems if they wear them.

Thais of course wear Flip Flops all the time and have done so for years.

Do you know if as a result, there are a lot of Bad Feet in LOS?

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Luckydog, dude

Been wearing flip-flops in US since the 1950's, when China was still in the Stone Ages, and our flip-flops were imported from (gasp!) Japan.

Other imports from Japan in this era were Christmas ornaments, and exceptionally cheap toy cap pistols that broke after using them twice.

Not sure where you got your info about Ameros just discovering flip-flops; I can assure you we have been flip-floppin' along for eons, now.. :o


PS Back still straight, walk/swim daily; no deleterous effects...

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Officially your supposed to wear shoes with a slight arch. Heels arent too good, nor are flats. Both may cause problems in the long run. Shoes with an arch provide the best support for feet. However, im an avid flip-flop, flat shoes, and occasional high heel wearer and so far I have no real complaints.

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Apparently, the Americans have 'Discovered' Flip Flops. And very excited about them they are!

But Doctors are damping down their enthusiasm by predicting all sorts of Foot Problems if they wear them.

Thais of course wear Flip Flops all the time and have done so for years.

Do you know if as a result, there are a lot of Bad Feet in LOS?

no no not good .Especially when you wear flip flops and step on a dog's poo .

you know what i mean :o:D

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That's 'cause yer a "dancing in the rain/trip the light fantastic" kinda gal, eek!

(about so far having no real complaints, that is)

And BambinA...flip-flops much better re: dog poo. Why?

Can you get in the shower with your 8" platforms? :o


Edited by mcgriffith
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Absolutely mcgriffith! :D

And Bambina, at least with good old rubber flip-flops a puddle can wash away the incident before too many people notice! :D(unless you mean the slip factor, that bit is seriously unfunny, esp if you fall directly on...on....well, what you slipped on. :o)

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That's 'cause yer a "dancing in the rain/trip the light fantastic" kinda gal, eek!

(about so far having no real complaints, that is)

And BambinA...flip-flops much better re: dog poo. Why?

Can you get in the shower with your 8" platforms? :o


why would you wait until you stood in dog poo to shower in 8" platforms? :D

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I've been in Thailand for years, and never seen a dog turd, let alone step in one. Babina, as vetinerary you should know the reasons for this?

Does anyone know the difference between 'Gerb Keep' and Gerb Soup'? Types of sandal.

เกิบคีบ เกิบสุบ

I've been asking for the last 5 years and still can't find anyone to answer me with a straight face.

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I've been in Thailand for years, and never seen a dog turd, let alone step in one. Babina, as vetinerary you should know the reasons for this?

Does anyone know the difference between 'Gerb Keep' and Gerb Soup'? Types of sandal.

เกิบคีบ เกิบสุบ

I've been asking for the last 5 years and still can't find anyone to answer me with a straight face.

funny, i've never seen one either. I've had a few thoughts why, but they turn my stomach. :o

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funny, i've never seen one either. I've had a few thoughts why, but they turn my stomach. :D
After Neeranam post i was thinking "yeah, me too, wonder why", but after your post you have just given me a really horrible idea why. Gawd!!... :o
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I've been in Thailand for years, and never seen a dog turd, let alone step in one. Babina, as vetinerary you should know the reasons for this?

am i right in thinking you shouldn't be letting a soi dog lick your face?

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Apparently, the Americans have 'Discovered' Flip Flops. And very excited about them they are!

But Doctors are damping down their enthusiasm by predicting all sorts of Foot Problems if they wear them.

Thais of course wear Flip Flops all the time and have done so for years.

Do you know if as a result, there are a lot of Bad Feet in LOS?

no no not good .Especially when you wear flip flops and step on a dog's poo .

you know what i mean :o:D

Actually , having spent some time in Thailand (One 2 year stretch in Patong) I was always surprised by the LACK of dog poo considering there were soi dogs every 50 metres (territory). In farang towns the pavements are a mess. Where do the Thai soi dogs poo ?


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I've been in Thailand for years, and never seen a dog turd, let alone step in one. Babina, as vetinerary you should know the reasons for this?

am i right in thinking you shouldn't be letting a soi dog lick your face?

I think it's ok if the dog has just finished eating a tub of ice cream, other wise it's a no no.

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us kiwis call flip flops- Jandles. Very comfy.

BTW has anyone worn those crocs or cheap copies of them? Ultra comfy but look like grannys shoes with a splash of colour. Best worn during the wet season. :o


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I've been in Thailand for years, and never seen a dog turd, let alone step in one. Babina, as vetinerary you should know the reasons for this?

I've been asking for the last 5 years and still can't find anyone to answer me with a straight face.

And I haven't seen any dung beetles.


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Well flip flops maybe...

Birkenstocks absolutely... they are all the rage in the USA.. Its the only thing I wear... which is very sad here in Chiang Mai I take off my shoes before coming into the house but always seem to forget they are exposed and the rain comes along and ruins a 4-5k baht pair of sandals. I have been buying the Birkenstock wanna bes that are real cheap here in Thailand but they fall apart in about two weeks of real usage. I have about 12 and all but 3-4 of them are still viable as the rain has done a number on the rest.

I haven't worn anything else since I was 18 and my arches are fine ... no foot pain.. the leather can dry your feet out a bit..

Edited by swain
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Thai people who wear flipflopys do tend to have broad feet. This is based solelly on my non scientific observations along with noticing that people of both genders tend to wear any size shoe. Too big and it's OK because your foot goes in, too small and it's OK because your foot just about goes in. I really don't like seeing had none and weeweewee all the way home hanging off the side of shoes. This is common in women who have graduated from 19 baht specials to something a bit dressier without considering the breadth of their feet :o

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Flipflops are great when just popping outside do do something quick or staying about in one place, but they are less so great when having a shop-marathon with the wife...but atleast it's alright to walk with them when the water floods the street up to the ancles.

Regarding dog poo..since we have over 30 of them I have seen my fair share of poo around, but on most occasions dogs tend to walk to every little spot of grass (or in our case, a huge field of 1.5m high grass) to do their biz. have also seen that if a dog doesn't walk into the grass but do it on the street we have the big red ants around - you know, the ones that are like a small pony - that really like to dig in on the smorgosboard...

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Good thread. After 20 years of high heels, I first wore only Bt20 flipflops in Thailand. But I did notice my feet starting to spread after several years and also noticed this on Thai folks who wore flippies. I started buying small-heeled slippers then. Comfy and gave more support to my feet (also make your legs look better, 555). Flips are OK for mucking about but I also get backaches if I have to stand in them too long. And not de rigeur for BKK.

And, guys, OK you don't have to paint your toenails but at least trim them every week. It takes two minutes. :o

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Apparently, the Americans have 'Discovered' Flip Flops. And very excited about them they are!

But Doctors are damping down their enthusiasm by predicting all sorts of Foot Problems if they wear them.

Thais of course wear Flip Flops all the time and have done so for years.

Do you know if as a result, there are a lot of Bad Feet in LOS?

no no not good .Especially when you wear flip flops and step on a dog's poo .

you know what i mean :o:D


you wimp! :bah: As a vet, you know very well that wearing flip-flops & stepping in dog poo isn't that disgusting. Stepping in dog poo barefoot - now that's disgusting! :D:D

I wear flip flops all the time here (apart from the odd night out when it's high heels), but I have heard that constant wear does flatten & broaden the feet. :D

Edit - For those that haven't seen dog poo in Thailand - it's there. Soi dogs do poo, believe me. I can only assume that, as they're free moving they take themselves off to patches of hidden ground, or similar, to poo. They're not restricted by leads, like Western dogs.

And, no, you shouldn't really let soi dogs lick your face, esp near eyes & mouth. They can carry all sorts of lovely things from bacteria to worms that you don't really want to get infected by. Having said that, many owned dogs in Thailand aren't vaccinated or dewormed, either...

Edited by November Rain
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Why do you think there are so many foot massage parlours in Thailand?

Well said Pops. First intelligent answer to my question.

And for info. Fox keeps doing a story about the 'Discovery' of Flip Flops and their new popularity etc

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I've been in Thailand for years, and never seen a dog turd, let alone step in one. Babina, as vetinerary you should know the reasons for this?

am i right in thinking you shouldn't be letting a soi dog lick your face?

I think it's ok if the dog has just finished eating a tub of ice cream, other wise it's a no no.

Lets get back on Topic ! This is all about <deleted> NOT Dog <deleted>!

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The broad flat feet are for traversing rice paddy at speed, if this helps. :o

Flip flops with the stirrup between the toes gives people claw-toes trying to keep them on. Hate them.

With a fast moving water buffalo, they can also ski :D

Likewise, the toe spreader type are horrid, especially if you are as ticklish as I am, I just can't wear them.

At the moment I am flying a set of these and have done for years.



Raised instep, never had any back problems (well, not from foot-wear) and easy to rinse in the case of dog poo trauma.

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And for info. Fox keeps doing a story about the 'Discovery' of Flip Flops and their new popularity etc

OK, this is probably gonna come across badly, but is it not often the case in America that even if something has been popular for years in another country that things only matter when happening in America. External popularity or global familiarity of a item doesnt apply. Well, that has been my somewhat small experience in general. Not meaning to offend. (And it seems to me America isnt the only country guilty of often having this train of thought either)

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