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Hi all,

I'm new here to this forum but not new in Thailand.

Have been working here for the past 2yrs plus coming 3yrs.

Enjoyed reading some helpful post on certain information and

thought maybe I can contribute something to help others.

Before I had a working permit I used to do border run at poipet and later baem laem.

As usual I paid 2000 baht for it.

Forced to apply for a work permit after they changed their policy last year.

Anyway later on I discovered that one can do it by paying only 200 baht for visa run.

Whether one do their border visa run in bangkok or pattaya,it is all the same.

Ok here goes.

It all started off with me trying out my luck at one of the casino in poipet with

my thai friends.

Later on I became a regular and I usually takes a casino bus from lumpini park

around 5.30am in the morning. The journey takes about 3 - 3 1/2 hrs.

Infact they have many area of pick up.Some at klongtoey and bang na.

Now here's how it works...especially to all farang who is not too sure about it.

The casino in poipet pays the bus driver about 750 baht each for every passenger they bring

to poipet casino irregardless of whether you gamble or not.

There are many buses and timing to go up to poipet casino.

Times starts from 5.30am - to as late as 2pm.

However I've not tried any time after 2pm.They might have it but I'm not sure.

Anyway when you arrive around 5.30am at the bus stop just directly opposite the HSBC bank

you'll see buses parked there waiting for passenger or gambler.

The attendant there will also call out and say...poipet or sometimes the name of a casino

eg..like star vegas or holiday inn.

When you go up to the bus and when the bus move the bus attendant will start collecting all thai passport only ( a service for the thai gamblers to help fill up their form).

Later on they will start to collect 200 baht each from everyone.They will return you 100 baht after crossing the border into their destinated casino.You must follow them to the casino and sign in at the rstnt for lunch so as to act as a proof that the operator did geniunely brought you there and not trying to cheat the casino.

Collect your lunch voucher and 100 baht. Have a nice meal and later process your visa on your own.

You can also have the option not to follow them to the rstnt to eat.But then no refund for the 100 baht because the bus operator will not be able to claim the 750 baht gambler allowance.

When you are about to arrive at the border you can asked the bus attendant what time they leave.They will give you their card which will state the whole day to and fro the timing to poipet.

There will be other buses leaving the thai border to bangkok in the afternoon too.

Back to bangkok they usually charge thai 100 baht and foreigner 200 baht.

You can negotiate if you like..there is no harm.They won't feel offended and will explain to you.

The ones that I've taken from the thai border bus depot to bangkok are mostly in the evening around 5.00-6.45pm.I've only took a 2pm bus once back to bangkok.

There are many casino bus operating in many province but I'm not sure where they operate and the ones I'm very sure are those in bangkok and pattaya.

I've done this more than 20 times since I'm a regular gambler in poipet.

I used to pay for my visa in cambodia but they have since changed their policy and Singaporean does not need to have a visa anymore.

I hope this information is very useful to all who needs to do a visa run every month.

You can pm or reply me if you like for further assistance.

Good day and good luck to all !


Hi sgthai

Very Interesting

Thanks for your time for sharing your experience

Hope it is useful to Visa Runners

On the Gambling Angle - which I might try...

Would you say that you generally enable

the Casino to cover their Bht 750 expense?

555 (hahaha)


I hope this information is very useful to all who needs to do a visa run every month.

You can pm or reply me if you like for further assistance.

Good day and good luck to all !

The only people able to do that for 200 baht would be nationals of ASEAN countries. i.e. Thais, Malaysians, Filipinos etc. and maybe some others I'm not aware of. Most of us on this forum will be paying 1000 baht for our Cambodian visas.


Still - that cuts the cost from about 2000 Baht to 1200 Baht. In addition one can try to bring the $20 note and rather than paying the 1000 Baht push hard to pay the official price of $20, as many people do and suceed with - thereby reducing costs further down to about 900 Baht for the whole run.

The saved 1100 Baht can then be 40 doubled in the casino and cover ones living costs for the month! :o



There are many different buses,pick up area and timing in bangkok and other province.

As you go along you'll have better knowledge about who's who and where to look out for other buses.

If you happen to succeed in taking their buses up to aranyanprathet,please remember to ask for their contact and timetables.

This is one of them.

I've just managed to dig out a name card given to me by one of the casino bus attendant.

They have a few pick up area and timing too to aranyaprathet border.( Poipet casinos )

Wong wian 22 07:00 am

Hua Lumphong 07:05 am

Lumpini park 07:30 am

Bongkai / klongtoei 07:40am

Bang na 08:00am

Return time to bangkok from aranyaprathet 17:30 pm

Tel: 086-340-0607

Tel: 089-671-5380

Tel: 083-025-8952

Note of advice : Just say you want to go to the casino.Not advisable to mention visa run.


Home-Pro / Bang yai 04:30am

Sai Tai Mai 04:50am

Pata Dept, Pinkao 05:00am

Sunam Luang 05:10am

Rachadam nueng road 05:15am

Lumpini park 05:30-06.00am

Bang na 06.20am

Return time to bangkok from aranyaprathet 15:00 pm

Tel: 081-437-5365

Tel: 086-062-5287

Note of advice : Just say you want to go to the casino.Not advisable to mention visa run.

This name card was last given to me on 02 Feb'2007 during my visa run for the 3rd and last 30 days stay in Thailand.

Now I am already holding a work permit.

Hope this info will be alot helpful to all.

Sawdee krup and have a nice stay in Thailand.

Chok dee na krup :o

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