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Going To Uk For 3 Days


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Hi Peoples,

I have just found out that i have to go to the UK for 3-5 days to renew my visa for work.

Although i would rather have fresh chilli juice rubbed into my eyeballs than go to England unfortunately i have no choice. Now i have to think about what to do while i am there.

If you are a brit and have lived in thailand for some time, what would you chose to do if you were there for such a short time? Other than sit infront of the fire trying to get warm!

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Favourite Brit foods? Perhaps i have been 'native' for too long but last time i was forced to go back to the UK i found that food was tastless. Until i got a jar of crushed chillis of course.

Aniseed rock - no problem, how much do you want?

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You're back with the family for a few days, sounds perfect. Eat all your favourite Brit foods, visit the mates down the pub, and most important catch up with your parents coz I'm sure they miss you.

I agree .

Make a list...NOW

Enjoy all the foods,books,drinks you crave for.

Watch TV/Cinema ,meet and talk......in other words immerse yourself in what you want to do !

On the outward ,flight , spend a little time planning what you want to take back to LOS.

It will help concentrate your mind on waht you really want to do over here !

Good Luck & Safe journey

:o Wiley Coyote

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Favourite Brit foods? Perhaps i have been 'native' for too long but last time i was forced to go back to the UK i found that food was tastless. Until i got a jar of crushed chillis of course.

Aniseed rock - no problem, how much do you want?

You've got no favourite Brit foods, not a pack of Jaffa cakes, not a nice lamb roast, not a sausage roll freshly baked at the bakery?

You're coming across as a real 'the glass is half empty' kind of guy Nidge. :o

Come on man, 3 days, it's not enough really. I'd be jumping at the chance for a few days with the family and friends. And that's in Dagenham! Brighton, by the sea in July, lovely.

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3 days in the uk.

day 1 say hello to family and freinds

day 2 get pissed

day 3 stay pissed

come back

you might find it a good change to talk to educated people and get what you want at the supermarket instead of getting no have :o cannot...

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Favourite Brit foods? Perhaps i have been 'native' for too long but last time i was forced to go back to the UK i found that food was tastless. Until i got a jar of crushed chillis of course.

Aniseed rock - no problem, how much do you want?

You've got no favourite Brit foods, not a pack of Jaffa cakes, not a nice lamb roast, not a sausage roll freshly baked at the bakery?

You're coming across as a real 'the glass is half empty' kind of guy Nidge. :o

Come on man, 3 days, it's not enough really. I'd be jumping at the chance for a few days with the family and friends. And that's in Dagenham! Brighton, by the sea in July, lovely.

Sorry for sounding so miserable, i know my glass is normally overflowing and it will only temporaraly be half full. But i left UK because i didn't like it, not because i wanted a change of scenery for a bit.

Anyway, a post of yours in another topic has given me some inspiration.

I am now looking forward to a sandwich with warburtons bread. Probably Picled beetroot and salad cream. Aroi mak :D

Jaffa cakes are awesome, especially if you save the orangy bit till last, but you can buy them all over the place, no need to go to uk.

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Full moon, half moon, total eclipse!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bring me back a pack of Jaffa Cakes pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzze :D:D:D

Sorry not possible. There is no way i could travel with jaffa cakes. I like to at least try to sleep on the plane, the sound coming from my bag would keep me awake...."eat me....eat me..." :o

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Have you considered a career in politics ?

A 3 day stay,might qualify you for a leading position in any of the major parties ,Labour,Conservative or Liberal

They are all looking for "new blood" .

And it would be doubtful that you would be able to sell honours,become an alcoholic,do insider trading ,have affairs with women/men/domestic animals within that short period.

Therefore you may well find yourself would eligible for office !


:o Wiley Coyote

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Have you considered a career in politics ?

A 3 day stay,might qualify you for a leading position in any of the major parties ,Labour,Conservative or Liberal

They are all looking for "new blood" .

And it would be doubtful that you would be able to sell honours,become an alcoholic,do insider trading ,have affairs with women/men/domestic animals within that short period.

Therefore you may well find yourself would eligible for office !


:o Wiley Coyote

I don't drink enough to be an alky, i fall asleep first! And an affair in only 3 days? What sort of domestic animals do you know? I thought it took at least a week unless you count leg humping and belly rubs.

Do politicians pay taxes? I'll consider it if the answers no.

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See if you can grab yourself a bit of fat ass farang why your out here! :D

why grab a "bit of fat ass farang" in the UK when there are plenty fat ass, flabby assed, beer-bellied men in Thailand he can choose from here already? :o

Yeh, anyway..

- Definately catch up with the family and friends!

- Take a suitcase of full of things from here, tale back a suitcased full of things from there.

- Arrange for a family bbq? COok some proper thai food also and have cultural mix of foods.

- Take lots of photos.

- Even if reminded about things you dont like, rather than like, be curtious and respectful. Dont be an expat ass!

- Eat, drink and be merry.


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Have you considered a career in politics ?

A 3 day stay,might qualify you for a leading position in any of the major parties ,Labour,Conservative or Liberal

They are all looking for "new blood" .

The new Foreign Secretary looks about 12. Experience is the key in politics.
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See if you can grab yourself a bit of fat ass farang why your out here! :D

why grab a "bit of fat ass farang" in the UK when there are plenty fat ass, flabby assed, beer-bellied men in Thailand he can choose from here already? :o

Men? Oh sorry I didn't realise.

Nothing wrong with me liking shapely women is there?

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