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Cocaine Addiction In Thailand


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a thai friend of mine seems to have developed a cocaine addiction. i don't know how that is possible in thailand but i guess he has a supply from somewhere. i don't want to get too involved but i was wondering if there is any thai rehab program available for this sort of thing?

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a thai friend of mine seems to have developed a cocaine addiction. i don't know how that is possible in thailand but i guess he has a supply from somewhere. i don't want to get too involved but i was wondering if there is any thai rehab program available for this sort of thing?

monkey house if he gets caught :o

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a thai friend of mine seems to have developed a cocaine addiction. i don't know how that is possible in thailand but i guess he has a supply from somewhere. i don't want to get too involved but i was wondering if there is any thai rehab program available for this sort of thing?

monkey house if he gets caught :o

Yes be careful if you are with him

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a thai friend of mine seems to have developed a cocaine addiction. i don't know how that is possible in thailand but i guess he has a supply from somewhere. i don't want to get too involved but i was wondering if there is any thai rehab program available for this sort of thing?

monkey house if he gets caught :o

Yes be careful if you are with him

That's VERY good advice. Unfortunately it is quite frequently guilt by association.

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a thai friend of mine seems to have developed a cocaine addiction. i don't know how that is possible in thailand but i guess he has a supply from somewhere. i don't want to get too involved but i was wondering if there is any thai rehab program available for this sort of thing?

monkey house if he gets caught :o

Yes be careful if you are with him

I had a cousin who was busted on drug problems. As part of a plea bargain package, they asked him to name anybody for anything and if they could build a rap on whoever he snitched, they promised reduced sentence. The A hole tried to get my dad busted for weekend football bets and pool table betting.

Don't trust anybody on drugs. That includes family members, friends, anybody.

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a thai friend of mine seems to have developed a cocaine addiction. i don't know how that is possible in thailand but i guess he has a supply from somewhere. i don't want to get too involved but i was wondering if there is any thai rehab program available for this sort of thing?

monkey house if he gets caught :o

Yes be careful if you are with him

I had a cousin who was busted on drug problems. As part of a plea bargain package, they asked him to name anybody for anything and if they could build a rap on whoever he snitched, they promised reduced sentence. The A hole tried to get my dad busted for weekend football bets and pool table betting.

Don't trust anybody on drugs. That includes family members, friends, anybody.

That's true the goodness of the people (if they every had any) is taken over by the drugs. I really pity addicts but more so their friends and families. A good friend of mine took the dope and got hooked and almost lost it all but then found God. Religion can help some. I wouldn't want to force my beliefs on anyone but having belief seems to help many. Good luck. Edited by bruceboy
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There is a good government treatment center in Khon Kaen that is excellent for Thai people seeking recovery. PM me for details. I'll be flying up there this weekend for a sober party there! There is hope. Recovery is possible. It takes time and effort on the part of the addicted. If he seems to want help and a new way of life, we'll find him some new friends that will do just about anything to help him. If he wants to keep using, well that's his choice.

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Soon Bam Bat Rak Sa Yaa Sep Dtit

Center for Treatment of Drug Addiction

775 Moo 19, Amphur Muang,

Changwat Khon Kaen

Phone at center: 043-345 391-2, ext 311

Ask for nurse Oiy and tell her Michael referred you.

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Stay away would be my best advice - def don't want to be around when the friend is nicked.

Offer them help once and if they take it good and if they turn it down leave them to their own destruction. Your conscience is clear. As Brit said you don't want to be around when the police arrive :o

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believe me i won't be around when the police arrive- i am not even sure i should give this guy advice on where to seek treatment. i just hate to see what it is doing to him and his life.

You seem to have alot of friends with problems.

who doesn't have friends with problems? even if you think you don't, you do.

Edited by girlx
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Didn't realise it was another girlx thread.

Here's some advice for you girlx, stop interfering with all your friends lives you must be driving them crazy.

Best advice I have heard. But its kinda like yelling into the wind.

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no they love me because i care :o

Do they really Girlx? Will they be there for you through thick and thin when you need help?

Why do you focus so much on others, while you yourself need quite some help?

To me it all sounds very much co-dependent. Being co-dependent is not healthy. And from the Xanax thread I understand that it DOES effect your health.

There is a very good book, called Co-dependency no more. I strongly suggest you to read it, followed by working hard on yourself. On the other thread there has been given already quite some good suggestions, such as positive thinking, meditation, and I just posted two threads on nutrient deficiencies and brain involvement.

You're a very good woman, Girlx. It's time you start focussing on yourself and treasure your own well-being much more than those of others.

Wish you good luck,


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Do they really Girlx? Will they be there for you through thick and thin when you need help?

that's not why i try to help people.

Why do you focus so much on others, while you yourself need quite some help?

thanks for your evaluation but i am just fine. i have been surrounded by crazy people my entire life and have come out remarkably sane myself. but i went to college for psychology, and i see people repeating patterns that i noticed previously in others and if i can help them stop that by pointing it out, i do. most people thank me.

You're a very good woman, Girlx. It's time you start focussing on yourself and treasure your own well-being much more than those of others.

thanks, i have plenty of time to focus on myself and have been studying tantra yoga for a year now.

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Nienke - whoa your psychological evaluation of girlx seems out of bounds and reeks of insincere altruistic intent.

bkkmadness - just asked about the k because club drugs are big here, yet there doesnt seem to be much coca plants in the region

Streets seem to be awash with coke at the moment in BKK, and as far as I know they process cocaine before they import it. Tends to make transportation easier. :o

Nienke seems spot on with his assessment, whether it's panicking about dogs or this friend and that friend, that girl needs to relax. So what some dudes doing a bit of charlie, he ain't beating old ladies over the head with a somtam pestle yet is he?

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So what some dudes doing a bit of charlie, he ain't beating old ladies over the head with a somtam pestle yet is he?

how would you know what he is or is not doing?

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there does seem to be a lot of coke around in general. i admit i have a prudish view of it but i have been around too many crackheads (lived on 6th and market in san francisco if that helps). they are vile, the scum of the earth. i would hate to see a friend or even an acquaintance degrade to that point.

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I degraded to that point and I can tell you that recovery is possible - 12 years and counting! One day at a time! Did you contact the treatment center in Khon Kaen? I spent the weekend visiting there for a wonderful celebration!

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  • 1 month later...
a thai friend of mine seems to have developed a cocaine addiction. i don't know how that is possible in thailand but i guess he has a supply from somewhere. i don't want to get too involved but i was wondering if there is any thai rehab program available for this sort of thing?
Cocain addiction is powerful if not so physicaly addictive the craving and pyscological addiction last a life time, i was and am addicted if now its limited to the occational relapse. Your friend first is going to have to know he has a problem, for a lot of people it isnt, that they cant handle occational use of a weeekend, but if its screwing his life you can do nothing till he regognizes it and sometimes that means reaching rock bottom. Be there for him but protect yourself, dont lend money ever, buy him ameal, clothes dont believe any plea for a loan, addiction destroyes even the best of friendships. There will be some form of rehab out there sometimes run by religous organizations with an agenda of their own, you can contact the churches. But best is get him back to his family get him away from his fellow users/dealers back to mama it has a chance of working short term and that is necessary as a first step,but as along term after rehab if he returns to where he had the problem within day he will be back. It has to be out of rehab and back home or at least somewhere far away, where he has a chance to start to construct another life without the old one dangling a minuet or a phonecall away. Ther is no magic solution but i hope this helps
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mama already lives next door to him and it is a drug mafia sort of family so that is not the answer but i have already tipped him off as to the existence of treatment in thailand.

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mama already lives next door to him and it is a drug mafia sort of family so that is not the answer but i have already tipped him off as to the existence of treatment in thailand.

If this is the case, I think you would be best off staying well away from him, he's probably the local dealer anyway.

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