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My Wife Is Having A Baby


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Hi all as stated my wife is going to have a baby we just found out on sunday ,

I realy feel sorry for her as she has bad morning afternoon evening skickness , today we went to the local hospital to register and do the blood tests and wee test , (660 baht for those interested) when we asked the nurse about the sickness all she said was it could go on for 1 month or 9 ,, does anybody have a suggestion on what might help her get through this please



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Our baby has just been born and we were lucky with morning sickness so i can't offer any advice. Just prepare yourself for the mood swings in a month or so, you will wish you were back in the morning sickness phase!

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Ginger. It takes the nausea away. Try it in tea or else a can of ginger beer. Eating little & often & nibbling on plain biscuits got me through 7 weeks of sickness.

I feel for her but it does pass just as quickly as it comes on.

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thanks boo and nidge congrats to you and the new baby.

I will try the ginger i will try anything can you get ginger beer over here il look tomorrow in big c

thanks again

Edited by colino
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yes, ginger is the way to go, you can also buy some wrist bands called sea legs I think from Boots, allegedly they work on the accupressure points. It passes though. I spewed every day with the first (right up to the day I delivered her) much less with the second.


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I did the same as Boo and carried around biscuits or bits of dry toast. Staying away from markets where they are frying pork etc helps too!!!!! At the other end of the pregnancy she'll probably need Gaviskon for heartburn!

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One positive thing though, it is said that the more you spew the more secure your pregnancy because you are making tons of hormones. I don't know if this is an old wives tale, but you can comfort your wife that babster is inside for the duration. :o

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Hi all as stated my wife is going to have a baby we just found out on sunday ,

I realy feel sorry for her as she has bad morning afternoon evening skickness , today we went to the local hospital to register and do the blood tests and wee test , (660 baht for those interested) when we asked the nurse about the sickness all she said was it could go on for 1 month or 9 ,, does anybody have a suggestion on what might help her get through this please



Nothing much you can help about, just accept the situation.

Possibly, be ready to get watermelons at 3 am from somewhere, if she is craving them.

Or lamb chops.

IME, it goes on for about 5-6 weeks.

A sign that you are both having a baby, not only her.

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Nothing much you can help about, just accept the situation.

Possibly, be ready to get watermelons at 3 am from somewhere, if she is craving them.

Or lamb chops.

IME, it goes on for about 5-6 weeks.

A sign that you are both having a baby, not only her.

Thanks for those comforting word's 5-6 weeks arrrrgggggggggg :o

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Morning sickness was the bain of my wifes existence for 6 out of the 9 months she was pregnant. It all has to do with hormones. We tried ginger tea, peperment tea, crackers, toast... nothing worked until we found these ginger candies (cant remember the name but when I do I will post it) Everyone told her that she would have a boy because she was so sick all the time.. We had a cute little girl named Ananda. But I think we are going to stop with one, she had overwhelming morning sickness until she had overwhelming back pain and had to go to the bathroom every 15 minutes. She of course blamed this all on me as the man that gave her this condition. I do not envy you. Its all worth it in the end of course. But during the process, it seems like its never going to stop. Best word of advice I can give... is start boning up on your back massage basics, if you want to stay in good with the new mommy to be.

Hi all as stated my wife is going to have a baby we just found out on sunday ,

I realy feel sorry for her as she has bad morning afternoon evening skickness , today we went to the local hospital to register and do the blood tests and wee test , (660 baht for those interested) when we asked the nurse about the sickness all she said was it could go on for 1 month or 9 ,, does anybody have a suggestion on what might help her get through this please



Edited by swain
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You could try preserved ginger. The stuff that is dried and lightly dusted with sugar. MMMMMMMM :o

To the poster whose wife was extremely sick. When I was nursing,one of the wards I worked on was gynae, we had lots of beds in those days and I would say that out of 36, there were generally 4 or 5 occupied by women who had hyper emesis. They would come in for rehydration as it is quite dangerous. I don't know if they would do that in Thailand though

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I really sympathise with your wife, but many congrats on your good news!

My morning sickness was pretty much all day and lasted 3 months.

1) ginger: as others have said - it does bizarrely help. You can get ginger tea in supermarkets, though I found it a bit too strong. I managed to find ginger biscuits (M&S) which were ideal.

2) I used to have sour/salted dried plums. I don't know what it's called in Thai. In Chinese it's 'hua mei' (sounds like hwaa may). They are quite salty but sucking on them helped me. You can get small packs all over e.g. 7-11.

3) eating sthg dry like wafers about half an hour before she gets up.

4) pollution, cooking smells and the heat don't help.

5) she's probably been told to take it easy, get plenty of bed rest but I found that being active was a good distraction from the morning sickness. Long naps though did help pass the time...

6) I couldn't stomach much food and definitely not spicy food. Very plain stuff was much better e.g. congee. But also very sour stuff too: granny smith apples for example!

My husband was very sympathetic and one thing he did say which made it more bearable is that at least there is an end in sight. Difficult to see when you want to heave... but getting things in proportion and knowing that at the MAX it could last 9 months, more likely 3 months, did help.

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Hi all as stated my wife is going to have a baby we just found out on sunday ,

I realy feel sorry for her as she has bad morning afternoon evening skickness , today we went to the local hospital to register and do the blood tests and wee test , (660 baht for those interested) when we asked the nurse about the sickness all she said was it could go on for 1 month or 9 ,, does anybody have a suggestion on what might help her get through this please



Hi Colino, congrats to you both. As the other posts have said, plain food, boiled rice, plain crackers, dry toast (make sure she's getting enough calories for them both though), little and often, make sure your wife is getting enough electolytes if actually being sick often ie re hydration sachets. I had it terribly for 13.5 weeks, lasted from opening my eyes until shutting them at night, ended up having to have IV fluids a couple of times, found some help from ginger juice - you can grate raw ginger, squeeze the liquid into a glass of water. I got some help from one of the B group vitamins, think it was Pyredoxine (long time ago now!) check with Dr first. A change of scenery helped too, getting away from the environment where she feels unwell, maybe a weekend away? Best thing is it does end, and then she'll feel great, good luck and enjoy,

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just forgot to add, there's certain acupuncture points which can help as per the travel bands. On the inside of the wrist about two fingers' width from the crease, in between the two bones: pressing down on that point can help when she's feeling very nauseous. I tape a 'seed' (a very small round metal ball) on to the area and press it whenever I feel very bad. It's a good distraction point.

This point on your left wrist, combined with one on your right foot, pressed together can be very effective according to my sister-in-law (who was vomiting all day). Not sure exactly where on the right foot, but maybe a local acupuncturist can help you out.

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My wife is now 8 months pregnant but lucky enough to escape morning sickness. She has really bloomed in pregnancy and it suits her. Best of luck anyhow, the next few months will likely fly by.

Edited by garro
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Thank's to everybody for your kind post's and help

we have tried eating abit of ginger and also many of the other things that you all have posted .

and the good new's is the sickness has been less the last few days , and my wife is starting to feel ok and begining to feel less tired , plain food seemed to help but as she is thai the food seemed very dull we are both hoping that the morning sickness is finished (everything crossed)

thanks again everybody

colino and dom +1

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good to hear she's feeling better.

Thai hospitals will rehydrate her if she gets bad again - I had two overnight stays my last pregnancy, 32 weeks of hyperemesis.

Acupuncture can help. as can the acupressure points mentioned by others. B6 vitamins. Benadryl can help as well.

Green mangoes and other sour foods.

Flat Coke to drink, Gatorade helped me stay hydrated.

It's no fun at all but the baby's totally worth it!

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My Wife had the morning sickness for first 3 months,i told her to tell the doc on her monthly visit,he changed her tablets,both vitamin and whatever, and she stopped straight away,and what a relief, for both of us,so just check on the tablets next time u go to the doc.it worked for us [at satahip]


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Friend is preggers again & having terribke nausea & sickness. She stopped talking the pregnancy vitamins the doc had prescribed & things have improved greatly. She has stuck only with the folic acid though as it is an important one.

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Congrats Colino & Dom + 1,

Just gone through this with the Wifelet, can't help with the sickness as she was surprisingly clear! But look out for the mood swings :o

It is all worth it in the end, honest.

Good Luck


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