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Cost of living in thailand poll  

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My hat is off to you that can live for so cheap.

Apartment, utilities  35K

Transportation  7K  (taxi and skytrain)

Food for apartment  12K  

Misc.  40K  

Is just me and the mrs

We are in BKK

I am 37

Take trips home 4-6 times a year but those are free and should be for everyone that knows BKK.

Take trips home 4-6 times a year but those are free and should be for everyone that knows BKK.

Enlighten me dear Rolling Stone... I know BKK well, but I know nothing about 4 to 6 trips " home "  per year and for free too



Begs no has nothing to do with fake football shirts or eyeglasses to much risk of getting busted either at the airport or at the markets.  Besides flea markets are not what I call an easy way to go and make a living.  Jail is not my idea of fun in any country and getting my stuff snatched losing the duckets is not either.  Besides the Chinese have that sewed up in US.

After spending the morning reading the posts here,  I will keep it to myself you guys are hard on people here man.  I will just keep it to myself and stay on the good side of all.  

I am not into getting a ton of replies telling me what a stupid guy I am or what a dumb idea.  Works for me and thats good enough.  

Keep it real!


Im gonna say under 20K for myself.

Not materialistic: except when it comes to electronics, e.g. dvd, tv, stereo, computer.

Really depends on what you want here. If you have a real gf, as in one you dont pay for, life can be extremely cheap.

Once went through a month on 3K baht. Played snooker for hours on end, paid for my entire existence with my winnings. Wouldnt recommend it. Tough and often nerve-racking existence.

Also spent more than 75K in a month. Wouldnt trade one for the other, though.

Money be relative, ya'll.

Im gonna say under 20K for myself.

Not materialistic: except when it comes to electronics, e.g. dvd, tv, stereo, computer.

Really depends on what you want here. If you have a real gf, as in one you dont pay for, life can be extremely cheap.

Once went through a month on 3K baht. Played snooker for hours on end, paid for my entire existence with my winnings. Wouldnt recommend it. Tough and often nerve-racking existence.

Also spent more than 75K in a month. Wouldnt trade one for the other, though.

Money be relative, ya'll.

It all depends on your Girl Friend. If both of you are real and into a Long-term relationship with the intention of getting married, then things will be very cheap in Thailand. I think it is easy to manage with 20, 000 Bht if exclude the Condo Prices. [The place you stay, it varies from 10,000 Bht to over 350,000 Bht per month.]

But if you are into Short-term relationships, Thai Girls will also take you around like the way you take them around. You think you win by having “Free Sex” but it is not. :o

Some of the tricks they do are;

1. Take you to known Apartments, Condos to them and then get the commission from the Apartments. I know one Apartment mainly get the customers through Short-term Girlfriends.  

2. Take you to Restaurants/Bars run by their Friends and then make them charge you over the norms . She will get her commission later.

3. She will always push you to pay more for Thai People, as she knows that you can pay and some Thai person will get benefited from it.

I think it is fair enough.

So the Cost of living will depend on your Short Term Girlfriend’s ability to control you. I know many of them can control the Foreigners, as the outcome will be the result of what they will enjoy by having her. If make her upset, then needless to say the end result. :D

I know the Guy rented the Same Condo that I live at a price over 50% above what I pay. That portion is for the Girl.  B)


One  of the other variables is where you decide to live in Thailand, Udon for example you can rent a three bedroom two bath house for 3000 to 5000 a month. I'm not talking about dumps, nice homes. You have to have your own furniture.

The other aspect is that long term girlfriend, mine is 2000 a week. Family is all deceased, so that drives the cost way down. Treats me great I'm all she has. Is she a little goddes from the GoGo clubs, no she was working on a rice farm when I found her.

Eating farrang food adds to the cost mine is a mixture about 50 Thai and American, hey it's hard to spend 2000 a week.

I'm settled in now and don't hit the bars, so my entertainment expenses for a week I probably spend another 1000 a week.

My passion beyond the girlfriend is my two Mia Nois, of course they are phantom motorcycles so I'm always tinkering with them and my famous last words is hey that one is done, but there is always something you want to do to enhance the comfort or power, so they take up a bit of monthly money. Throught the rainy season I stay in pretty close, so not many hotel expenses in the rides during the those times. Non rainy season then it is traveling around Thailand and seeing my new home, so costs go up a bit during that time.

I go to local gym located in a college here three time a week, cost 120 a week, girlfriend hits arobic classes, during that time.

This area is not Bangkok, or Pattaya but you can find just about anything you want here, the only thing I miss is Mexican Food, no Mc'Donalds, but a two hour ride to Khan Kean and you can solve your big mac attack, I don't have them often. Even heard a nasty rumor there is a mexican reasturant there, haven't found it yet.

I have no children so I can't contribute with that. I spend some where in the area fo 3000 baht a month for launguage schools, hers and mine.

Utilities les then 3000 a month including UBC.

My annual is based on 65 K a month and I save between 20 to 25K a month.

Now I had to learn how to do this and it no way reflects what my first nine months of living cost. During that time I probably did spend a 100 K a month building up furniture, motorcycles finding the right lady for me. I look at that time as education costs and the tuition was high.

This area is not for everyone thank god, if that ever happens so long inexpensive living.

I look at Thailand as Burger King, you can have it your way, you just decide what that is, and be willing to pay for it just like you do anywhere else.

I know farrangs who live here with families and have done so for years and they spend less then 40K a month. You just have to learn how to do it, it won't be going to a farrang resturant 3 times a day 7 days a week. Your not going to do it chasing women every night at the bars, that is probably the most expensive thing any us can do, at least it was for me.

I don't work 12 hour days anymore or those six day weeks, have absolutley nothing that I have to do and stay busy all the time.

So it's really up the individual as to what the cost of living is. I feel like I'm mid range and am very ahppy with my life as it is, if I wasn't I would change it UP TO ME!!!!!!!!!!


Excellent comments, guys. Agree wholeheartedly with both of them.

Depends on what you want, what youre used to in your previous life, and what youre willing to do to get what you want. Oh, and throw in the business savvy factor.

Ray, have the utmost respect for you. Even if you put aside the fact that you hit the jackpot with your girl (no family, no seethy background), you seem to have your shit together in all aspects. Way to go, bro.


Thanks for the kind comment. The little sweety was no accident. I just decided that these Udon girls were just to smart for me. Got myself a guy who speaks english and Thia and hit the villages, where the luck came in she was the first girl I met and never went any further. The down side is I am her family and therefore she is very possesive. Hey life is give and take no matter where you are.

I definetly get a lot more the I give.

£700 per month, and you can live well. I reckon anyone who spends more is a bar-fly. Those people who voted 100,000 baht are just joking. All poll's have the jokers, but the first three amounts are winning and that is the true result!
How do you find living in Udon though. Is there much of an ex-pat community? We are thinking about retiring to Thailand in about 6 years time. My wife is from North East Thailand. Although I have never lived there, from my holiday experience and that of my wife I would have thought $1,000 a month would be plenty. We intend to buy a house so wouldnt have any rent. My only concern about living in the North east would be isolation. I am not concerned about having farang food, but I would like a bit of a social life, not a bar scene though.My wife is not too concerned where she lives, she's originally from Chaiyaphum, but having visited there I dont think I could settle down there. I would be interested to hear any comments you may have. I realise this is a little off topic, but hope it is ok. Cheers.

Wilson I think it all depends on the persons background, not in how much money they have so much as what they are used to.  I do live without some comforts here because they are just not attainable, but do have and indulge myself in all that are available.

I would think the majority of people have to be able to live at least somewhere close in comfort to what they are used to.  I would go absolutely nuts if I had to cut out on all the things many of you have, its just not in me.  Thats why I said my hat is off to those of you that do more power to you.

I agree the largest percentage will be in the first three groups in amounts, but I definitely think it is easy for someone to spend 100K a month here, and many even more.  I personally know many of them myself in my own building.  

Yes I think many things they do are to me wasteful and unneeded, but then again the guy that spends less than I do probably thinks many things I do are wasteful.  One thing I do every week when in town on the weekend is I go to brunch at the Shangrila.  It is my splurge it costs me and the misses 1600 with tip every time we go, and most on the board would think its wasteful but for me its must.  I love the atmosphere sitting along the river and sipping coffee reading my stack of newspapers and the food is awesome.  Wasteful?  Yes, but for me its just what the doctor ordered.

Keep it real!



It's good for me, I'm not mush of a bar person either, we lunch with farrangs practically everyday. Went to the gym last night with a farrang couple. This afterternoon we were head out for an overnight camping trip on the bikes to local water falls. Four farrang families. Udon josts the largest VFW Post in Thailand. There is a huge assortment of different nationalities in the farrang population.

Trust me you will want some farrang food from time to time and you can find fairly easily here. Between UBC and local vidoes stores english movies are wasy to get. There are five farrang resturant you can get food from for a night out.

Udon has a Robinson complex, ladies just like shopping malls, Big C, Lotus, Macro and some great Thia Markets. They can really be fun and you can find all of the day to day stuff there, for a lot less money. Some will give you the Thai price some will not. Two ways to handle that learn the local prices and haggle a bit to get to the Thai price or be lazy like me and let the sweetheart do the buying. A little side thought I never try to get less then the Thai prices, these poeple have to make a living to and they work hard in the markets.

The only time I go over the $1000.00 a month you spoke of is when I'm buying large ticket tiems, TV's DVD'S Furniture Ect. Most of this itemsare thigns that last for years and don't need repelcement for years. You should definetly rent for a few years. The only advantage in truth for a farrang to buy a house in our age brackets is to give the wife something for when your not in the picture any longer.

Rents are inexpensive and propert values don't tend to increase here as they do in the states, but to each his own, but make sure you learn the rules and safeguards before you do it, it's jsut not the same as other countries.

One of my favorite stories I have read here was when a farrang arranged for a house to be built through, hiis Thais inalws and stayed out of the picture until it was time to pay. At that point the contractor learned that he had just built a house for a farrang for about 500 K les then he would have normally charged. Learn how things work befoer you make a major invetment. The biggest difference in Thailand is you have time, use it wisely.

I can't tell you how many farrangs I have seen over the last year lose everything they have playing the game here, going from those golden year to having to try to compete in a job market in thier home countries, where there age won't let them have the earning power they once had. Take your time and be careful. You always have to understand to the average Thai were are wealthy. They see us come here on vacation and spend more money in a month then they can earn in years. What they don't see is what we have to do to earn it, nor do they realize that we saved for a year to take that vacation. Teh assumption is always that you have more then you do have, actually the thought process seems to be it's an endless supply. I think we all know better then that, but they don't.

If you get connected to wrong family, they will expect you to be the new house, one friend I know ended up buying houses for the wifes children. You will be the source of the new SUV a great source of face in a village. Now when the money is all gone. Mia Bpen Lai, think about Thais go all over the world and work to send money home, so would you having to do that be any different. Learn and understand the rules and set your limits or will never have enough money to live here.

Nong Kia is only about 50 clicks from here and many farrangs live there as well.

£700 per month, and you can live well. I reckon anyone who spends more is a bar-fly. Those people who voted 100,000 baht are just joking. All poll's have the jokers, but the first three amounts are winning and that is the true result!

No, I think over 100,000 per month is fair enough if they have kids and studying in International Schools. I know those are very expensive and if you have 2 Kids or more, it can be well over 100,000. :o

A Condo Price for a 2 or 3 Bedroom in Bangkok is again well over 35,000 Bht per month.

  • 4 months later...

Some of you guys are spending unbelievable amounts of money. For me:

Accommodation, nice room, Fridge, bathroom, cable TV 5,000 b

Utility for everything including running aircon 2,000 b

Food, not more than 100 b per day for 1 or 200 b for 2. 100 x 30 = 3,000 b

Phone, an 800 b 12call card a Month 800 b

Good internet, 30 b for an hour everyday 30 x 30 = 900 b p/m

Travel, very cheap only use the gov. blue buses and train 1,000 b ave. p/m

Total for living = 12,500 baht p/m for a single or 15,500 p/m for a couple

Entertainment, drinking/bars, special events, extra restaurant outings (not neccessary) = a further 25,000 baht per month.

All in all my wife and I could live comfortably for 15,000 b p/m but I can not live without the entertainment extras so that brings my Monthly expenses to a total of:

40,000 Baht per Month for a very good active/going out and travelling life.


As others have posted before me, sending kids to an international school is expensive.

My two go to a private Thai school which has native English speakers teaching English. I don't want them to spend all their free time in front of a TV or computer, so they have activities in the evenings and weekends: piano and gymnastics for my daughter, gymnastics and various martial arts for my son. Their tutors are the best available in the country.

Paying for three properties doesn't help, but their combined cost is still less than some people pay for just one apartment.

Having a car is expensive, too. But very necessary in my case. Factor in the ex's car - which I don't pay for - and food and drink for everyone, and the total monthly bill for my family is well over 100k per month. That's without including my visa expenses and family health insurance. And no savings. This doesn't include business expenses, either.

I'm not complaining as I've made my choices in life. Those who can raise a family the way they want on less are doing very well.


Ray, your posts are gospel. I am very much impressed, probably because I couldn't agree more.

I do take mild issue with you on your house situation. My experience with landlords, Thai or otherwise, has been nothing but bad. Also, I like certain "conveniences" in my home, as I stay there a lot in retirement. Thus I built my own design, and having remodeled homes from the sticks up, I was very comfortable with the process as the developers of my project spoke English well and accepted by detailed English language specifications as a addendum to their architects plans, which I customized even after I gave them the original outline.

What I didn't expect or get used to was TIT finish details or just plain ineptitude. What I didn't know was that the developer sub-contracted the construction to a sub. Thus, when the developer translated my specs into Thai and gave them to the sub, the sub didn't give them to his foreman. The house was built like a Thai house until I intervened, at least twice a day or more for four months.

Botom line, I got a house which is perfect for me, was able to negotiate away all of the "extra charges" and have completed the poor finish details myself. Also, I was able to select a lot that has a clear view of rice paddies, forest and mountains through sliding floor to ceiling windows from most rooms and only 8 kilometers to the center of town. To each his own.

Like you, I was able to meet a "better half" from Issan whose only wish is a LTR with an American farang, (two sisters likewise situated) who's only lament is that the item I want is "too expensive". I am not allowed to go to the local market for vegetables or fruit so we won't be charged the farang price.

I live in Chiang Mai, because significant other doesn't want to live too close to a family of 8 brothers and sisters. I find our expenses, once the house and car were paid for (includes 5k electric bill in summer for my airconditioning) is about 30K. I don't drink or smoke and I was happy to give up the poor quality beef available here.

For out of Thailand readers, normall good quality pork sells for about 75 cents a pound and skinned and boned chicken breast sells for maybe 80 cents a pound. Good quality cucumbers are 12 cents a pound, dole bannanas a dollar for 12 on the stalk. I also found that the cost of imported items are the same as in the country of origin so the more Thai you become, the cheaper your cost of living. Appliances and other electronics are internationally priced and unlike the Los Angeles area where there is competition driven prices, the Japanese fair trade prices control here.

Like water that seeks its own level, one does tend to spend what one makes. In retirement and once I moved into my own house, I actually tracked every baht I spent for six months on my Quicken program( and I spent without much thought as to expense and found it to be about 35k a month but during that time I was a regular visitor to Homepro for finish detail materials, that I no longer do, thus the 30k estimate. I do have a personal penchant for spending money on restaurant or hotel processed foods, so eat at home most of the time. Have no difficulty spending a hundred baht per person for visits to Swensens once or twice week, however.

Newcomers should know of a Thai habit of agreeing to a price and then upon delivery, feeling no compuction in presenting a bill higher than what was agreed on. Example, yesterday, home gym arrived, the bill presented was the original invoice agreed to, but altered to add 2k baht more to the 38K baht price. Previously, I would have been enraged, but these days, I merely take out my copy of the original invoice, give the delivery/assembly personnel a substantial amount of the balance due and advise them, that after I visit the ATM, the balance will be paid at the shop. Of course I get initials for every payment made.

Today, I visited the shop, tendered the balance due according to my original copy of the invoice, got initials on my paid in full enscription, and walked out among a profusion of wais. I guess they just "try you out" to see if your one of those "rich" farang who pay whatever is asked and feel it is "cheap" at any price.

Even in what appears to be a "price fixed" shop, I am not afraid to ask for a discount, or my savy Thai companion asks for a "guide fee". If rebuffed on both fronts, which is rare, the next question is for a "promotion" item, , whcih is usually forthcoming. We have cabinets full of "promotional" gifts that make our arrival in Issan a momentous occasion for all concerned.

My developer attempted to obtain more than 200k more than the contract price for "extras", but rational negotiations reduced that amount to 20k balance due after deed transfer. The amount was been never mentioned since. Kitchen cabinet manufacturer and installer, Teka, a German parent company, tried to get addtional 30k for "extras", that one was easy as the cabinets varied from my original design I merely offered them a choice. I would be happy to pay for the extras if they would rebuild the cabinets as orignall orderd or lets just forget ithe extras. Guess which option they chose. I am so amicable when making such offers.


Receive 120k per month from retirement.

Live in serviced apt in BKK 35k

UBC 1500

Give wife 25k

And spend the rest on what ever I want, don't drink, but travel a lot.

Believe money is to be spent, can't take it with you, so might as well enjoy it while you can. Living is LOS is great, and not expensive. Could live a lot cheaper but see no reason to do so.

  • 4 weeks later...



For the past 2 years I have been supporting my girlfriend who lives in Khorat and has one child and she also takes care of her mother. I send her 20,000 baht every month. In addition I am in Thailand every 2 month for 10 days. I give her additional money and buy her clothing etc. during my stay. I want her to go to school - particularly to learn better English. She insists I also should pay for the school, 6,000 baht this time because I don't give her enough. I insist "you have the time and the money - take responsibility for your life". What do you think? Am I unfair - or is she money hungry?

Mr. Stick says: I am not going to let Mrs Stick near this one. As a great American friend of mine describes such things, you are being JUICED! 20,000 baht is a whole heap of money in Korat and if this isn't enough, cut her loose NOW! ######, when I first arrived in Bangkok, I lived on that amount of money and Bangkok is WAY more expensive!

I want her to go to school - particularly to learn better English. She insists I also should pay for the school, 6,000 baht this time because I don't give her enough.

Baht 20000,- is a huge bundle of money in Korat. The girl has any reason to serve you like a king during your short stays in Thailand.

I think, you should not pay more money to her, even not for the reason to improve her English.... She does not like to learn more, otherwise she would ask you for helping her out with the school fees. Do not push her in a school, she does not like to go.

I suggest, you better use this money, baht 6000,- per month for a good teacher to improve your Thai.

I wonder, how this girl would survive without your great help.

If she continues to tell you, baht 20.000,- is not enough, then ask her, what she would do without you.


<font color='#000000'>£700 per month, and you can live well. I reckon anyone who spends more is a bar-fly. Those people who voted 100,000 baht are just joking. All poll's have the jokers, but the first three amounts are winning and that is the true result!</font>

everyone has their own style of living, their own needs, wants etc.

i voted 100000+ which is'nt bullshit and ok maybe we spend more than we need to, but i'm not going to spend beyond our means and if problems arise then i've got no problem in budgeting straight away. (that means the wife won't be out on the piss in walking st everynight) :o

although i've got a terrible problem with buying crap as my wife keeps telling me.



want to buy some crap off me? I'm sure I can find something at an overinflated price if thats what makes you happy.

<font color='#000000'>60 K is my budget for 3 months, but I don’t have an expensive Thai wife.

I stay in west Pattaya.




40k per mth for me , 15 k Apartment( internet,water,eletri and rent ) Misc 25k per mth (mobile phone,food,coffee.transport.drinks etc , i stay in sukhumit 42.


I think, this thread got 2 very different subjects:

1- How much do you spend in Thailand for your life?

2- How much would you pay to a girl friend in Korat, with 1 child and her mother?

For question No. 2 maybe better to open a new thread.



Just wanted to add my 2 cents or a nickle;

I own my onw house which to me is a very good investment. Not only cuts out rent BUT it pays better than the bank!!

I still spend over 55,000/month.

My daughter ( age 10) is at Dulwich here in Phuket, 300,000/year!! but what else can we do but give them the best education we can

other expenses

Food apx 8,000/month

dining out 6,000/momth

internet ( i am on a wireless modem) 1,350/month

UBC 1,400/month

Tel apx 1,200/month

gasoline for the car/bike 3,000/monht ( I drive her to school)

Misc expenses ( travel, fun etc, gifts) 5,000/month

clothing apx 1,000/month

medical insurance 3,100/month

Car insurance 1,000/month

add it up and you get 56,000++

so althoughThailand is cheap it ain't that cheap!@!#

still beast the states! :-)

Spell bound your being taken for a ride.!!! bail out

a good thai school will cost less than 50,000/YEAR in Phuket Korat should be a lot less.

She is banking out of that 20,000 probaly over 12,000 or so and still living great!

Spell bound your being taken for a ride.!!! bail out

not me my friend,, just a snippet from the Stickman Site, posted here as it relates to cost of living.

By the way a good break down of costs posted by yourself.

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