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i think Americans are the worst tourist. candaians do their best to learn about other cultures but americans not really, now i am generalizing i am sorry but this is a fact.

they will go to thailand because it is thailand i guess. but how many actually went back home and learned a little about thailand or that kap is for male and ka is for female.

they are noisy it is like look i am an american, but they are better than the british in bangla road.... coming to think of it none are better than others in bangla road you got the arabs drunk and having sex and then they gather themselves for the morning prayer, or when it comes to eat food they will not because it is not Halal.

anyway not to make this apolitical racial issue, but i belive americans are somewhyart in their own bubble.

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i think Americans are the worst tourist. candaians do their best to learn about other cultures but americans not really, now i am generalizing i am sorry but this is a fact.

they will go to thailand because it is thailand i guess. but how many actually went back home and learned a little about thailand or that kap is for male and ka is for female.

they are noisy it is like look i am an american, but they are better than the british in bangla road.... coming to think of it none are better than others in bangla road you got the arabs drunk and having sex and then they gather themselves for the morning prayer, or when it comes to eat food they will not because it is not Halal.

anyway not to make this apolitical racial issue, but i belive americans are somewhyart in their own bubble.

Actually we are in our own yurt. Seated on Tibetan carpets, drinking tea laced with liberal lashings of salted ghee..... :o

There does appear to be some major differences in the backpacking community depending on where they're from. Europeans tend to be more laid back and respecting of Thai culture. Americans in groups can be very loud and obnoxious as UG pointed out.

Actually, I am always amazed at how loud Europeans and Canadians are in large groups of any type, mostly because they are so critical of Americans.

Most be something to do with LARGE GROUPS. :o

I think you'll find the Canadians are actually Americans pretending to be from Canada :D

Canadians are Americans.........but ashamed of all those southerners

I'm an American pretending to be South African living in Europe visiting in Asia :D


well katrina if it makes you happy i am also what you can call an annoying mix. and americans worst night mare

i am half arab half russian * the evil empires

i lived in germany

studdied in the USA aviation and i fly oops

i am a moslem that when ever i eat bacon or drink people ask me but you said your a moslem and i go yep never said a good moslem, so that annoys the rest of my arabic moslem family.

ooh and i have a thai wife.

and i do not look like an arab

hmm s**t i annoy everyone dont I?

Well joking apart I agree with Johpa to some extent. There does appear to be some major differences in the backpacking community depending on where they're from. Europeans tend to be more laid back and respecting of Thai culture. Americans in groups can be very loud and obnoxious as UG pointed out.

While I'll admit quite a few of the older, wealthier Americans have given their country a bad rap with their behaviour, I've found the younger generations tend to try very hard not to be like that. Among the backpacker crowd I'll take American guests over just about any other.


The OP spoke of "annoying people" and somehow the thread has turned into a forum for everyone's pet peeve against some particular nationality, etc. I think we all can admit that deep down inside we all have our personal prejudices and negative perceptions about some particular group, nationality, ethnicity, etc. Though most CIVILIZED thinking people are loath to express these feelings in public.

Having said that, I would like to state that off the top of my head, I can't think of any one nationality or group that I don't like. Yup, I pretty much like EVERYONE. Sounds awfully fuzzy-minded I admit.....

I like Germans

I like Afghans

I like Peruvians

I like Canadians

I like (gasp!) the English

I like Australians

I like Nepali Sherpas

I like Balinese

I like Thais

And the list goes on, and on....


PS OK, I don't like Bible-thumping neo-cons from the Deep South who wear plaid golf slacks and silly white shoes with little metal fake-gold dingleberries. Thanks for letting me vent.... :o

. . . I think we all can admit that deep down inside we all have our personal prejudices and negative perceptions about some particular group, nationality, ethnicity, etc. . . . . I would like to state that . . . I can't think of any one nationality or group that I don't like.

Well, perhaps we can't all do it, after all. . . :o

The OP spoke of "annoying people" and somehow the thread has turned into a forum for everyone's pet peeve against some particular nationality, etc. I think we all can admit that deep down inside we all have our personal prejudices and negative perceptions about some particular group, nationality, ethnicity, etc. Though most CIVILIZED thinking people are loath to express these feelings in public.

Having said that, I would like to state that off the top of my head, I can't think of any one nationality or group that I don't like. Yup, I pretty much like EVERYONE. Sounds awfully fuzzy-minded I admit.....

I like Germans

I like Afghans

I like Peruvians

I like Canadians

I like (gasp!) the English

I like Australians

I like Nepali Sherpas

I like Balinese

I like Thais

And the list goes on, and on....


PS OK, I don't like Bible-thumping neo-cons from the Deep South who wear plaid golf slacks and silly white shoes with little metal fake-gold dingleberries. Thanks for letting me vent.... :o

Well said McGriffith, and except for that part about the English I can fully endorse your comments.


How's this ?

I get annoyed by any foreigner who goes around smelly. It's called a shower and deoderant, look into it! It's that simple.

And I don't like when the Thais start picking. They dig for gold, baby! They love to dig those things out and no kleenex or hand washing. Worst is when you're in the internet cafe and you wonder what picker was on the keyboard b4 you.

Walking into an internet cafe where one smelly Farang has reeked up the whole place is a bummer too. It's just rude to pick, and rude to be smelly. Annoying people aren't by nationality as much as by just not considering others.

I am thoughtful enuf to carry nose-clips and earplugs for those around me who cannot deal with my odor or my noise and trust that I will be forgiven for being a damned hippy backpacker.

Right on, Dustoff ! Long live the middle-aged and senior backpackers, too :o.

and thank goodness for Songkran :D

How's this ?

I get annoyed by any foreigner who goes around smelly. It's called a shower and deoderant, look into it! It's that simple.

And I don't like when the Thais start picking. They dig for gold, baby! They love to dig those things out and no kleenex or hand washing. Worst is when you're in the internet cafe and you wonder what picker was on the keyboard b4 you.

Walking into an internet cafe where one smelly Farang has reeked up the whole place is a bummer too. It's just rude to pick, and rude to be smelly. Annoying people aren't by nationality as much as by just not considering others.

and the big hoooyycck and spit onto the sidewalk, not pleasant to hear or see sick006.gif


Yesterday I saw a shirtless and barefoot young falang on Nimmanhaemin, of all places! God forbid y'all start overtaking this side of town, the bloated (s)expats at my condo are sketchy enough...

Yesterday I saw a shirtless and barefoot young falang on Nimmanhaemin, of all places! God forbid y'all start overtaking this side of town, the bloated (s)expats at my condo are sketchy enough...

I can put up with bloated but shirtless barefooted beer in hand and tattoo's and I've seen more than one, what must the Thai's think :o

I think they think "crazy shirtless barefooted beer in hand tatoo'd farang"

That description fits about 50% of the people I know in this town - I gotta get a new set of friends :o


Why if old man Daret hadn't started catering to backpackers in his old noodle shop location on Moon Muang then there might not have been a proliferation of guesthouses. And if there had not been a proliferation of guesthouses then the nicer hotels might not have been built. And then the major tourist attractions might have remained the Asian version of natural beauty such as the long forgotten Erawan resort. And without the tourist attractions and the upscale hotels then all those foreign food restaurants that all you neo-sahibs depend upon for your sustenance might not exist.

And then Chiang Mai might be a nice place to visit once again...



Im not discriminative. If you do something really annoying regardless of race, nationality, creed, or culture, ill be equally irritated. :o

And then Chiang Mai might be a nice place to visit once again...


Well said. And perhaps there wouldn't be so many alcohol and drug reliant budget retirees and those that know everything about Thailand after being here for 2 years.

Heck, I've been here four years already, and still can't find my way from Neeman's hymen to Rajah's pot.

Yeah, well, when you finally find your way, send me directions and I will meet you there... :o


This thread started off complaining about noisy laud mouthed farang tourists – surely the nosiest of all nationalities would have to be the Chinese. I’ve just returned from a trip to Macau on Air Asia – never again. They don’t know how to talk, just shout at the top of their voices all at the same time. They have no need for mobile phones.

This thread started off complaining about noisy laud mouthed farang tourists – surely the nosiest of all nationalities would have to be the Chinese. I’ve just returned from a trip to Macau on Air Asia – never again. They don’t know how to talk, just shout at the top of their voices all at the same time. They have no need for mobile phones.

the funniest thing happened when I was in Phuket about 4 years ago when we were on a boat island day tour with a boat load of chinese who were talking very loud and shouting over each other with the combination of the engine noise etc, needless to say it was difficult to enjoy the cruise, until we got further out into the open sea, the less noisy it became until there was silence. Majority of the chinese got rather bad seasickness, and the remaining were headed that way as well. :o

And then Chiang Mai might be a nice place to visit once again...


And perhaps there wouldn't be so many alcohol ...reliant budget retirees and those that know everything about Thailand after being here for 2 years.

C'mon Blinky...we've tipped a few. I'm American and normally well behaved. Put the firewater in me, however, I can get obnoxious too. But at least I don't do it at breakfast in a public restaurant when I'm sober.


See each person as an individual and not as part of a group. All humans from

all countries and cultures are equal without regard to race, color, creed or gen-

der. Believe with confidence and trust that the vast majority of people whom you

meet, befriend or do business with are more similar than different from you.

People are inherently good. Most people act in good faith. They mean you no

harm and would assist you in time of need. Dont waste your time thinking oth-

erwise. Do not become a party to rumor or gossip.

Reject stereotypes and the divisive and demeaning policies that group people

into categories. Be the first to build bridges of tolerance and understanding.

Short version: Open your mind sshole :o


See each person as an individual and not as part of a group. All humans from

all countries and cultures are equal without regard to race, color, creed or gen-

der. Believe with confidence and trust that the vast majority of people whom you

meet, befriend or do business with are more similar than different from you.

People are inherently good. Most people act in good faith. They mean you no

harm and would assist you in time of need. Dont waste your time thinking oth-

erwise. Do not become a party to rumor or gossip.

Reject stereotypes and the divisive and demeaning policies that group people

into categories. Be the first to build bridges of tolerance and understanding.

Short version: Open your mind sshole

Great post KhunMarco!

The most annoying people in the world are the ones who think they know everything and are not open to new ideas or opinions.

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