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Thaksin Completes Man City Buyout


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SJ, I know you search high and low for the most negative stories you can get hold of, with regards to Thaksin and City. Fortunately the BBC aren't as bias as you are. :D So just to even it out a little

Mr. BJ, perhaps you failed to see who wrote those articles as it wasn't me. It's been the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph...among others. As for finding untoward reports regarding Thaksin, it's an extremely simple task actually, as they are delivered to my virtual doorstep with my email inbox being inundated with piles of news releases of this type.

It takes no searching whatsoever, let alone high and low. :o

I know you don't write them yourself SJ. However, you do conveniently forget to post ANYTHING that could be construed as positive.

Mr Bojangles. How can you justify putting up something from a rag organistaion like the BBC as if it compares with illustrious Daily Mail.


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I don't think comments on Man City performance on the field belong to this thread.

I concur :o

I don't think comments on Man City performance on the field belong to this thread.

I agree that the reports of the play-by-play and whatnot are not suited for posting here in this thread, which is why the articles, that I've posted anyway, were generously snipped of all that dull stuff and the remaining parts spoke only of the general downward trend the team seems to be suffering through currently as well as reporting on the need for Thaksin's frozen money to be thawed in order to try and turn that trend around. The correlation between the value of the team and its performance in general terms is noteworthy.... and oh yes, the other article describing the latest round of pawn-playing was also a reminder of his ownership style.

No SJ. You 'generously snipped' out the bits, to suit your own bias view. :D

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Just like they forgot promised millions in January after beating Man U.

Give over Plus. Nobody has forgot anything. Hardly any decent were available in the January window and Sven, Frank or the fans wanted 2 bit players. The majority of the best players are still playing for the Champions League. So why would they want to leave a club in the middle of the season, who are still playing in the ultimate domestic cup?

The summer transfers are always key but for City to attract these top players, we have to try and gain entry into Europe or show that we have ambition's to get there. Let's just wait and see what happens (money wise) during the summer, shall we.

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SJ, I know you search high and low for the most negative stories you can get hold of, with regards to Thaksin and City. Fortunately the BBC aren't as bias as you are. :D So just to even it out a little

Mr. BJ, perhaps you failed to see who wrote those articles as it wasn't me. It's been the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph...among others. As for finding untoward reports regarding Thaksin, it's an extremely simple task actually, as they are delivered to my virtual doorstep with my email inbox being inundated with piles of news releases of this type.

It takes no searching whatsoever, let alone high and low. :o

I know you don't write them yourself SJ. However, you do conveniently forget to post ANYTHING that could be construed as positive.

It's a fair representative of what's out there... there's been a whole cross-section of media sources since this thread begain... and over the course of it, the ratio of "positive" articles is right at about the rate that's reflected here in articles cited.

It hardly seems biased if, for example, 5 of the most recent 6 articles written by all media sources on the specifics of Thaksin and MCFC are negative. It merely reflects reality.

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I don't think comments on Man City performance on the field belong to this thread.

I agree that the reports of the play-by-play and whatnot are not suited for posting here in this thread, which is why the articles, that I've posted anyway, were generously snipped of all that dull stuff and the remaining parts spoke only of the general downward trend the team seems to be suffering through currently as well as reporting on the need for Thaksin's frozen money to be thawed in order to try and turn that trend around. The correlation between the value of the team and its performance in general terms is noteworthy.... and oh yes, the other article describing the latest round of pawn-playing was also a reminder of his ownership style.

No SJ. You 'generously snipped' out the bits, to suit your own bias view. :o

actually, the parts I snipped out were the actual play by play stuff... how so and so wasn't playing up to snuff and failed to score when he should .. or how someone's goal tending was lackluster... or.... yadda yadda yadda... as I said, the "dull stuff"

which i agree, can be better suited for the other thread.

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Superbia in Proelia” (Pride in Battle)

Jasper was usually not fond of flying, but this flight was without a doubt one of the best and there was nothing he could possibly complain about. The on-board food, drinks, comfort and service were, as the cabin class on their tickets stated, “First Class”. He and his teammate Melvin, already mellow from their two day Hong Kong stopover, enjoyed the pampering of the pretty hostesses who brought round constant top ups of champagne and plates of canapés. They had started trying to chat-up one of them, without much success so far, when their boss whom everyone in the club nicknamed “Frank Sinatra”, walked down the aisle to where they were sitting with a bowl of some strange-looking food in each hand.

He thrust a bowl at each of them and cracked a big friendly smile. “Hey, I thought you guys might be hungry. This Thai dessert. It very good. Try it! I used to eat it every day when I was kid.”

They nodded their appreciation and tentatively tried the offering. It was gelatinous, tasted of sweet coconut and they had to admit, was not half bad. “Mmmmm……aroi boss”, Melvin ventured.

“Excellent,” Frank grinned, “You speak Thai like native already. Girls love you for sure man. Hey, in half an hour we reach Bangkok airport. I the man who built it! Many people there come to see me for sure. I not go home for eighteen months, so they miss me like uncle. Like father. And media too. They ask many question. Ask me, ask you. Sometimes ask stupid question. If they ask stupid question, no need to response, okay? Just talk about football, Man City, helping club, helping Thai kids play better football. You guys no worry. You do great job. Help me good, same as help Man City, and I help you too. Anything you want in my country just ask. Absolutely anything! No problem! Enjoy Thailand guys!”

Frank returned to his entourage at the front of the plane and left the players alone. Jasper and Melvin glanced at each other, both letting out long breaths from puffed cheeks, then sat down with a look of incredulity etched across their faces.

“Well, Jasper matey boy, you heard the boss. ‘Absolutely anything’ he said! Wa-hey man! I’m going to enjoy this little trip I think. I wonder if he’ll fix me up with that foxy little hostess over there, what’s been giving me the eye since we took off.” Melvin winked at his friend.

“Steady on there Mel. She’s not interested in you mate, and in any case there’ll be plenty of time for that and more I suspect, once we get to Bangkok and get some time off.” Jasper grinned in anticipation, “Until then I reckon we better be on our best behavior or the press will be all over us and we’ll be in the News of the World tomorrow.”

An hour later they were being fast-tracked through immigration and customs by a small army of polite and smiling officials, the pair of them sporting a garland of scented flowers around their necks, gently placed there by a giggling raven-haired beauty the minute they stepped off the plane. A slightly unreal feeling of euphoria swept over them as they entered the cavernous Arrivals Hall to a sea of cheering fans, many holding aloft pale blue banners, flags, shirts and scarves with MCFC logos emblazoned everywhere. It was almost like going to a home game at Eastlands.

However, it was clear that they were not the main attraction, but merely a side show, the bulk of the attention being focused towards the man emerging behind them. As they wandered up to the barriers to sign autographs for a gaggle of screaming teenage girls waving shirts in the air, Jasper glanced behind him to see Frank go dramatically down on his knees for the ecstatic crowd. As the cameras rolled and shutters clicked like crazy, he placed his palms flat on the ground before him, bent his head forward and almost tenderly kissed the back of each hand. The crowd went wild at the sight of this messianic homecoming and tomorrow’s headlines were already written.

Carefully, an aide ushered Jasper and Melvin over to the waiting press corps section on one side of the hall and made sure a quick photo shoot of the star players included a view of their magnanimous club chairman and benefactor with his adoring public in the background.

A local hack asked them, “Sir, what’s your impression of our ex-Prime Minster and Man City Club Chairman, Dr Thaksin Shinawatra?”

“He’s a very genuine and very nice person,” Jasper responded without hesitation, “He’s very generous and passionate about the club.” The eulogy over, Jasper gave a big thumbs up for the man behind them.

Meanwhile on the other side of the world in a cramped office, the Human Right’s Watch Asia Director was preparing a press statement for imminent release. The sentence he was finishing read, “Our research and that of other credible organizations shows that his time in office from 2001 to 2006 was characterised by numerous extra-judicial executions, disappearances, illegal abductions, arbitrary detentions, torture and other mistreatment of persons in detention, and attacks on media freedoms.”

The tall, blond photogenic footballer, son of one of the best keepers England has ever fielded, having waved goodbye to the thrilled fans with his fellow team mate, was whisked off to a waiting white Mercedes limousine and swept away from the airport to a five star hotel like royalty or an Oscar winner. As they sped down the deserted Expressway (save for the police escort's flashing lights ahead and behind), into the heart of the City of Angels, it was easy to forget the chessboard laying beyond the tinted glass, where pawns could be picked up, moved and discarded without a second thought by the man idolised by Thailand’s poor, following on in the bulletproof car behind them. Their boss grinned to himself, secretly pleased at the way things had turned out at the airport. Soon it would be “Checkmate”.


The above piece is a short essay I wrote for a Creative Writing evening course I'm doing. The essay subject was "Symbolism". Any resemblence of characters and events portrayed in this piece to people living or dead is purely coincidental. :o

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Just like they forgot promised millions in January after beating Man U.

Give over Plus. Nobody has forgot anything. Hardly any decent were available in the January window and Sven, Frank or the fans wanted 2 bit players.

Oh, really? Strange, I remember Swen setting ambitions transfer targets, than little whining over lack of funds, than the win over Man U, my little comment about forgetting transfer woes, and your big smile.

It seems it's REALLY forgotten.

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Just like they forgot promised millions in January after beating Man U.

Give over Plus. Nobody has forgot anything. Hardly any decent were available in the January window and Sven, Frank or the fans wanted 2 bit players.

Oh, really? Strange, I remember Swen setting ambitions transfer targets, than little whining over lack of funds, than the win over Man U, my little comment about forgetting transfer woes, and your big smile.

It seems it's REALLY forgotten.

Oh really? If you had bothered to look back at the posts at the time, below are the things that where said. If your'e gonna start getting personal Plus, it really helps to get your facts right. Just like when you tried to have a dig at me about Tavez and his language skills, you ended up looking a fool. I'll go back and dig it out if you like. :D

Reality appears to be setting in with each tick of the clock. However I conceded Thaksin still may come through if he feels or suspects problems in Getting back in power.

John, you really are going up a blind alley with this one, and as such you start to lose credibility. As I said before, I share your views on Thaksin, however your observations re Man City are way off the mark.

Let me enlighten you.

Man City have tried to buy SEVERAL players this last few weeks.

They have not been able to buy them however it is NOT because Thaksin has not come up with the money.There have been other reasons.

Example. 1) Peter Crouch(Liverpool) Attempted to buy him and were quoted 15 MILLION POUNDS.Trust me on this, if they had paid 15 millionn for him it would have been simply stupid, he is worth no more than 10 million on todays prices, and even that is OTT.

2)Re the Brazilians from CSK, they did not want to move.

Milito,Podolski,Fred,Cisse,Zigic, Guiza

Man City have attempted to buy all of these guys!!! Either their club will not let them go, else the club is still involved in European competition, which Man City are not, therefore they do not want to move as they will miss out on Europe.

Finally, there has been very little transfer movement this January, there are many clubs who have not bought players, so again John do not look too deeply into this re Thaksin as you are well and truely barking up the wrong tree. There are too many other things which you can nail on Thaksin. Right now he knows he is in a win/ win situation with them, there would be no benefit in him leaving or casting them adrift right now.

Sorry, didn't realise this thread had been "revitalised" :o

The january transfer market is always a difficult one. Usually, the only players available are ones that are no longer required by their clubs, so the dreggs. We have off loaded some of ours.

We are currently not playing in Europe and has jack'n'danny said, our target men are still playing for european medals. So it's difficult. In the end managers usually go for stop gap players to shore up a team or just fill an hole that has been left through injuries.

The papers in the uk are rife at the moment, with speculation about this or that. So until any signatures are implanted in concrete, i'd take the press talk with a pinch of salt.

Well, total transfert market was worth 150mil, twice as much as the previous winter record of 2006.

City bought two players, one is Mancini's son, aged 17, the other some guy from Equador.

Apparently Swen didn't get exactly what he wanted.

The majority of the money was spent by the clubs who are fighting relegation, they are obviously the ones who need new players. I don't think Arsenal and Man United bought any but did let quite a few go. Chelsea only bought Anelka a few weeks ago and Liverpool only bought one player but let a few go.

You're though about Sven, he is still trying to get Benjani and talking to the FA about it. I don't know the full ins and outs but it was something to do with the paperwork not getting through on time. It was a mad scuffle at 11.55 as Portsmouth tried to complete the signing of Defoe which meant they could let Benjani go. Sven had been to London to sort his work permit out and that was cleared but Benjani got stuck on route to City, only arriving at 11.15. What the outcome will be i don't know.

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What did the two football players do after landed in Thailand with Mr. T?

Any special evens they participated in?

Probably a spit roast somwhere, sure to read about it in the News of the World soon. :o

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Mrbojangles, I didn't dream it up.

"Eriksson waits for Thaksin to show him the money

Manchester City manager Sven Goran Eriksson is still waiting for the club's owner Thaksin Shinawatra to tell him if he can spend significantly in the January transfer window.

Eriksson revealed this week that he has three ambitious transfer targets in mind as he looks to strengthen the City squad and push for European qualification. "

- Daily Mail (UK)

That was right after the New Year.

Maybe money was not a problem as JacknDanny explaned a month later, maybe it was. 15 mil for Crouch is not an outrageous price for an English player, pocket change for clubs who really want to get someone. It wouldn't have stopped Man U or Chelsea, they routinely play that kind of prices and half the time it's not worth it. Crouch himself is unsettled at Liverpool, btw. CSKA Brazilians didn't want to move to Premier League from Siberia, at any cost? I find it hard to believe.

As for support for three Thai players - I'm pretty sure Thai speaking staff at Man City has been brought there to do things other than babysit them. I just read an interview with Suree yesterday, he is very happy he was allowed to train with Man City for a month, but he also mentions that his salary was paid only a short while ago, and it covered all the time since leaving Thailand, two and a half months, not only the period since official start of the contract. He said in the beginning they were given 2,000 pounds in pocket money, though. Is it enough for a football player to last two months in Manchester? And he still believes he'll get a work permit to play in Switzerland.

Interestingly, two other players never got a chance to similarly express their happiness and gratitude, not once.


If Thaksin has ambitious plans for the club, he has to pay ambitious prices. If he wants glory, he can't be a cheapskate.

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He's due in court on the March 12 and asked permission to leave the country the very next day to fly back to London.

If Eriksson gets his money the next day or so , then you'll know he only came back here for yet another hidden stash of dirty money and will have mules bring it over, he's done it before.

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He's due in court on the March 12 and asked permission to leave the country the very next day to fly back to London.

If Eriksson gets his money the next day or so , then you'll know he only came back here for yet another hidden stash of dirty money and will have mules bring it over, he's done it before.

He will not get the money the next day, as the transfer window has now closed until the summer :o

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Mrbojangles, I didn't dream it up.

"Eriksson waits for Thaksin to show him the money

Manchester City manager Sven Goran Eriksson is still waiting for the club's owner Thaksin Shinawatra to tell him if he can spend significantly in the January transfer window.

Eriksson revealed this week that he has three ambitious transfer targets in mind as he looks to strengthen the City squad and push for European qualification. "

- Daily Mail (UK)

That was right after the New Year.

Maybe money was not a problem as JacknDanny explaned a month later, maybe it was. 15 mil for Crouch is not an outrageous price for an English player, pocket change for clubs who really want to get someone. It wouldn't have stopped Man U or Chelsea, they routinely play that kind of prices and half the time it's not worth it. Crouch himself is unsettled at Liverpool, btw. CSKA Brazilians didn't want to move to Premier League from Siberia, at any cost? I find it hard to believe.

As for support for three Thai players - I'm pretty sure Thai speaking staff at Man City has been brought there to do things other than babysit them. I just read an interview with Suree yesterday, he is very happy he was allowed to train with Man City for a month, but he also mentions that his salary was paid only a short while ago, and it covered all the time since leaving Thailand, two and a half months, not only the period since official start of the contract. He said in the beginning they were given 2,000 pounds in pocket money, though. Is it enough for a football player to last two months in Manchester? And he still believes he'll get a work permit to play in Switzerland.

Interestingly, two other players never got a chance to similarly express their happiness and gratitude, not once.


If Thaksin has ambitious plans for the club, he has to pay ambitious prices. If he wants glory, he can't be a cheapskate.


Anybody who was prepared to pay 15 million for Crouch, would need their head examining.

I do not know of 1 City fan who would have been happy with Crouch, at that price :o

As for these other Transfer targets, if you look back, most were still involved in European cup competitions and were not prepared to move.

Believe me, in recent times the club has 'splashed the cash' and overspent on 'has beens' and 'tossers', as a fan I would rather them be cautious in the market and buy quality at the right price , as opposed to buying for the sake of buying.

Come the summer, I think you will see a few high profile signings. If not then I would become worried :D

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Anybody who was prepared to pay 15 million for Crouch, would need their head examining.

I do not know of 1 City fan who would have been happy with Crouch, at that price :o

As for these other Transfer targets, if you look back, most were still involved in European cup competitions and were not prepared to move.

Believe me, in recent times the club has 'splashed the cash' and overspent on 'has beens' and 'tossers', as a fan I would rather them be cautious in the market and buy quality at the right price , as opposed to buying for the sake of buying.

Come the summer, I think you will see a few high profile signings. If not then I would become worried :D

As a fan I would have wanted to see them being cautious about who they sold the team to, whatever the price , as opposed to selling for the sake of selling.

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Anybody who was prepared to pay 15 million for Crouch, would need their head examining.

I do not know of 1 City fan who would have been happy with Crouch, at that price :o

As for these other Transfer targets, if you look back, most were still involved in European cup competitions and were not prepared to move.

Believe me, in recent times the club has 'splashed the cash' and overspent on 'has beens' and 'tossers', as a fan I would rather them be cautious in the market and buy quality at the right price , as opposed to buying for the sake of buying.

Come the summer, I think you will see a few high profile signings. If not then I would become worried :D

As a fan I would have wanted to see them being cautious about who they sold the team to, whatever the price , as opposed to selling for the sake of selling.

Thats a whole different situation :D

I was responding to the points that you and Plus were making re funds being made available :D

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The concept of private ownership is that when one owns something one can sell it in the way that one chooses. If someone wants to determine the terms of some sale then someone should either get involved as a buyer or seller. Of course there is a third option...if someone could organise huge demonstrations that are disruptive of social order and do this every week for a series of months then the terms of the sale might be changed....or the people involved might be driven into exile at least even if the sale goes through.


Edited by chownah
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Well, JD, perhaps in the hindsight it was a right decision to stay low in winter market, in the beginning the mood was different, though, if you trust Daily Mail.

Swen looked determined to buy big names, and money never came.

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Well, JD, perhaps in the hindsight it was a right decision to stay low in winter market, in the beginning the mood was different, though, if you trust Daily Mail.

Swen looked determined to buy big names, and money never came.

You are right, he did want the big names. Each one he tried for was unavailable, due to the reasons explained before.

The only one that he perhaps could have been suucessful at buying was Crouch. He didnt buy him because the asking price was ridiculous, NOT because the money wasnt available.

In the end they bought Benjani, who was amongst one of the leading goalscorers of the premiership. To put things into perspective, he was for sale at 7.5 million, but due to potential medical problems :D City ended up paying 3.8 million :o

He has scored 13 goals this season. Crouch has scored 8 and was available at 15 million :D . It was a no brainer, and was considered good business.

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Thaksin taking a Thai 'time out' to tackle City

Thaksin Shinawatra has fired a shot across Sven Goran Eriksson's bows as the anxious Manchester City owner sees his club's promising season threaten to fade away.

The ousted Thai prime minister, fighting corruption charges in Bangkok, is flying back for talks with manager Eriksson after Saturday's dire 2-0 setback at Reading.

Thaksin is set to return to the UK because he hopes to change the fortunes of the Eastlands club. Defeat left City in eighth and their UEFA Cup ambitions in tatters. A run of just two wins in 12 matches has exposed shortcomings as Eriksson's bright start has lost momentum.

Concerned Thaksin, who returns to Manchester on Thursday, warned: "They are losing too many games in the last three to four months while I am still busy. I have to go back and tighten the bolt."

Thaksin, a former top policeman, showed a ruthless streak as Thailand's premier in a regime that angered human rights activists, particularly over a sweep of drug dealers,many of whom disappeared.

With £800million of his assets unfrozen following a change of government *Pardon me, but that has hasn't happened...yet. His funds remain frozen*, ambitious Thaksin has promised that there will be transfer funds available this summer, perhaps as much as £50m.

But while City deny there has been disquiet within the club at recent results, Thaksin is sending a clear message to Eriksson by asking the Thai judges to allow him to deal with business in England.

He goes before the Supreme Court today but, having returned to Bangkok last month, has been given permission for four weeks' leave providing he reports back on April 11.

Thaksin, deposed in a bloodless military coup in 2006, told the court he needed to go back to England to 'look after the team' and do some private business, said spokesman Pongthep Thepkanjana.

Thaksin, who will be 59 in July, insists he will now devote his time to family, charities and teaching, as well as City, despite speculation that he will be unable to resist a return to politics.

"I have done a lot for my country in six years as prime minister and that is enough. It's time for me to call it quits and give time to my family,' said the man who bought City last June for £81.6m while in exile.

- Evening Standard (UK)

Edited by sriracha john
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With £800million of his assets unfrozen following a change of government *Pardon me, but that has hasn't happened...yet. His funds remain frozen*, ambitious Thaksin has promised that there will be transfer funds available this summer, perhaps as much as £50m.

- Evening Standard (UK)

Exactly SJ. So why post the story, how much else of it, is made up drivel ?

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With £800million of his assets unfrozen following a change of government *Pardon me, but that has hasn't happened...yet. His funds remain frozen*, ambitious Thaksin has promised that there will be transfer funds available this summer, perhaps as much as £50m.

- Evening Standard (UK)

Exactly SJ. So why post the story, how much else of it, is made up drivel ?

But is it drivel from a journalist, or is it misinformation, from the horse's mouth, something which we're quite familiar with here in Thailand ?

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What exactly does he want to do to improve Man City's fortunes?

Are we going to see Thaksin's messing with Swen's tactics or team selection? I woulnd't put is past him, he is convinced that his wealth made him an expert in any subject that his mouth starts yapping about. In that sense he is more of a politician than a businessman.

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Are we going to see Thaksin's messing with Swen's tactics or team selection?

No, no, no, no. Plus don't you read the posts. He's going back to tighten a bolt or something. Maybe some of the chairs in the stadium have gotten loose. The squeaking was obviously putting the players off. Yeah, that'll fix the team's poor performance of late :o

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Eriksson demands 2 Billion Baht from Thaksin

The English media reports this morning that Sven Goran Eriksson is waiting to tell Manchester City Football Club owner Thaksin Shinawatra that he wants 30 million pounds (1.92 Billion Baht) to turn the club into genuine Champions League contenders this summer. Thaksin is due to fly to Manchester on Thursday, after the Supreme Court gave him permission to leave the country for a month to tend to Man City business. The ex-premier told the Thai media he is going to Manchester to see this weekend's Man City match and "to 'tighten the bolt," because he is concerned about City's drift down the Premier League tables. Eriksson remains disappointed at the small amount of money he was allowed to spend in January and was frustrated at being unable to firm up his interest in Dinamo Zagreb's Luka Modric, rated a 17-million-pound player, the

Continued here:


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Premier League lax on Thaksin Shinawatra

As Thaksin Shinawatra prepares for his brief return to England following the start of his corruption trial in Thailand, Inside Sport has obtained fresh evidence of the lack of scrutiny from the football authorities which accompanied his £81.6 million takeover of Manchester City last summer.

At the height of the controversy over Thaksin's purchase of City, the Premier League reassured fans that they had run a series of checks on the deposed Thai Prime Minister to make sure he passed their 'fit and proper persons' test.

With Thaksin facing fraud allegations, criticism over his government's human rights record and questions over his reasons for buying City, the League were under pressure to ensure they would not be embarrassed by the takeover.

According to papers released under the Freedom of Information Act, the League did indeed ask the Foreign Office (FCO) if they would pass on any relevant information on Thaksin.

An internal email between civil servants in the FCO on July 11 2007, some three weeks after Thaksin's bid had been accepted reads: "The Premier League have said that if they carried out the [fit and proper person] test today, Thaksin would probably pass. The League have asked if we have any information on Thaksin which we could share with them, they would be grateful."

However, the FCO say the League never followed up on the request and have confirmed that no information on Thaksin was ever passed to the League or the Football Association.

The City owner has vowed to clear his name in a Bangkok court and regain access to £1 billion of assets frozen by Thai prosecutors.

But with some City fans questioning his long-term commitment to the club, it is remarkable the League chose not to seek FCO advice last year.

A spokesman for the League said: "What we were told by the Government was, as these were only allegations, they could offer no comment or advice that was not already in the public domain. Had they offered any form of briefing we would, of course, have accepted."

- Telegraph (UK)

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