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Please Don't Do This.......


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Some male visitors to these shores seem to think it's great fun to make stupidly childish jokes when talking to Thai People. Bar Girls in particular.

Some Bar girls are really funny though.

Me: Do you speak English?

BG: Yes.

Me: How much?

BG: 500 baht


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Grow up lucky.............. I'm sure there are a few people who don't find everything you say funny. No one makes you go out with this guy so if something as small as this gets you so wound up, I'd just saty at home. I'm sure your friend wouldn't mind.

Anyway, small jokes such as that aren't as embarassing as what the one Yank I used to work with did. On several occasions he went up to nice looking mothers at the school we worked at and without even saying hi would say "I would like to ram my cock into your pussy" and when they didn't understand that he would just simplify it by saying "I would like to have sex with you."

So if someone making litte jokes like you mentioned embarasses you, either ignore it or choose your whore mongering buddies more carefully :-)

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Lucky does have a point though.

I've sat many times in bars having a quiet drink and been absolutely unamused by guys who think they're so funny.

I'm sure some of you will say it's down to the individual sense of humour but some of these people border on the inane.

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There was me thinking that the vast majority of bar punters = ramblers, prolific pun crackers, and aften overexaggerated body movements. I suppose if you choose a bar wisely you may not have that, but i think would be rare.

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what a bundle of fun dinner with you must be.... :o

I think that about sums it up.........

Now the thread seems to have drifted onto amusing BG's :D ............as a former 24/7 drinker in a number of regular bars the BG's knew ALL my jokes........because I had the same conversations every night. :D:D My favourite was pretending to sketch a (new) BG, making a big drama about her keeping still whilst her mates stood behind me nodding encouragement.........after a couple of minutes I would present her with the finished picture, which was essentially a badly drawn stick lady with a dress on :D ..........to her complaints I would say that I never said I was any good :bah: But they always got a drink as compensation for any dissapointment :bah:

Did I care that they did not really think I was a cross between Oscar Wilde and Brad Pitt? - No!.......I PAID good money to be allowed to act the goat and have bar staff find me wildly amusing whilst I got extremely drunk and then incoherent (whilst also becoming increasingly more handsome :o )................instead of back home being thrown out by a couple of Bouncers for being a drunken tw#t who made the place look untidy.

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I PAID good money to be allowed to act the goat and have bar staff find me wildly amusing whilst I got extremely drunk and then incoherent (whilst also becoming increasingly more handsome :D )................instead of back home being thrown out by a couple of Bouncers for being a drunken tw#t who made the place look untidy.

well, you are lucky, dude, to be coherent enough and/ or not forgetting your wallet at home - I mean that you did pay them. otherwise all them nice thais whom you thought so amused by you might very quickly change their mood and attitude and start to amicably kick the crap out of you and make your face very much less handsome :D ! luckily I never been in such situation, but I've heard a lot of stories! they hate dudes who do not pay their bills, and seems like only awaiting the chance and jump at any hint of opportunity to show the other side of their "affection" towards "handsome falang".....

so, better don't tempt the fate ! at least those bouncers back home might treat you with some sort of respect - but here if you cross the line, no one would even bother to interfere to help you! :o and the only amusement you'll see would be - at how exquisite your trashing would be. :D

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A really nice Aussie guy I know says "Do you speak Thai" to waitresses when they come to take his order.

I really wish they would ask my girlfriend that before they started rattling on in Thai, but it never happens. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

as a asian female.

the encounters goes from: DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH! in a loud voice.

My answer goes: I am not deaf. :o

tourist with a european english accent: where to buy coffee? (she tot I was thai.)

My answer: go up, turn left. (point to escalator going up, point up, then point left.)

Edited by viciouskitty74
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"" make you right ,when in a country where english is not the language cracking silly jokes at people is stupid ,if this happened in your own country you would be very wound up ,thats how thai's who do speak english well (and there are a lot ) also get wound up ,and some assume we are all piss takers and we are not ""

I'll go along with Lazeeboy on this one

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they hate dudes who do not pay their bills, and seems like only awaiting the chance and jump at any hint of opportunity to show the other side of their "affection" towards "handsome falang".....


and even the females know well enough to steer clear of prats out for free thrill. those that dont steer clear...they are after bigger ticket items...most probably your kidneys. :o

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Some male visitors to these shores seem to think it's great fun to make stupidly childish jokes when talking to Thai People. Bar Girls in particular.

A really nice Aussie guy I know says "Do you speak Thai" to waitresses when they come to take his order.

I told him last night, if he does it again I will leave.......frankly, it is stupid.

Others act in an equally idiotic way, and goodness knows what the puzzled Thai peeps think of us?

If you do that sort of thing, PLEASE stop it.

:o I once had 4 friends all named Mike who were in a bar together. A bar girl trying her limited english sat down by them an asked the first one, "What you name?" Mike replied, "My name is Mike."

She thought about this then asked the second one,"What you name?". The second Mike replied."My name is Mike". She got a little more confused and agitated. She asked the third Mike his name and got the same answer.

By the time she got around to asking the fourth Mike his name, she was getting a little miffed, being sure that the guys were having her on. When Mike number four answered his name was Mike also the bar girl blew up. "F##k you Mike.", was all she said and stormed off.

Happy ending though, Mike #4 actually went to her and explained that all four of them were really named Mike, and that they weren't just having a joke on her. Bought her a drink to make up for it.


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This is a little game we play when we want to have fun with my farang friend who just happened to set foot in LOS for the very first time.

Me, saying the words in phonitic Thai : Tiger....Mat.....Blouse.

While I was saying, my Thai friend would point to the picture of tiger, mat and blouse, one at a time.

Both of us would repeat the same acts a few more times.

Then I would ask the farang friend to point to the picture according to what he believed what I just pronounced. For him, it's ether hit or miss.

We all sure getting a good laugh :o from his puzzled face. :D

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LuckyDog - I will agree with you. I live in Pattaya. It's full on here.

SO often it's not funny, it's just stupid. If you can be funny - everyone enjoys a laugh. Silly is debatable at best.

When an old college friend came to visit from Dubai I ended up laying down 'ground rules'.

But I will say this - best way to a (Thai) woman's heart is to make her smile.

Personally, for me ... silly gets a chuckle but not respect and once you lose respect, youll never regain it.

Often times when these people are attempting to get attention (thats what it really is about) they offend. I think thats where the OP is going with this. I see it here not daily but hourly.

Guys should spend more time with their eyes open and mouths shut their first few trips to Asia, learn some language and esp about culture.

Edited by theseveredhead
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LuckyDog - I will agree with you. I live in Pattaya. It's full on here.

SO often it's not funny, it's just stupid. If you can be funny - everyone enjoys a laugh. Silly is debatable at best.

When an old college friend came to visit from Dubai I ended up laying down 'ground rules'.

But I will say this - best way to a (Thai) woman's heart is to make her smile.

Personally, for me ... silly gets a chuckle but not respect and once you lose respect, youll never regain it.

Often times when these people are attempting to get attention (thats what it really is about) they offend. I think thats where the OP is going with this. I see it here not daily but hourly.

Guys should spend more time with their eyes open and mouths shut their first few trips to Asia, learn some language and esp about culture.

All these things are irrelevant in LOS if you throw enough money about.

Most of the types mentioned by Lucky are are culture shocked blue collar workers on a 2 weeks package deal.

The worst phase was a few years ago when Utapao airport was briefly opened to international charter flights.

The Pattaya expats were not pleased but the bars and the girls did well out of it.

They like stupid drunks with fat wallets who spend up and fly off home again.

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Don't you guys get sick of telling the same joke in Tinglish again and again?

About time you learned some more.

in pattaya....

khun chorp bpai talay mai?

Chorp mahk. Chorp len tee hart

hart nai?

hart sa-ee

etc etc

Being the 'funny man' telling the exact same jokes that they hear like 10 times per night must be slightly amusing as per the famed Indian restuaranteur skit of Rohan Atkinson ('if you have the vindaloo, you will probably end up in the loo, yes very funny joke that one, this must be the tenth time this evening that I have heard that, but still very very funny') perhaps this thread would be better used to expand the jokes so that more amusing and funny jokes can be shared in the bars of pattaya etc.

Good one..........and another:.........bert hoo nah dee

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