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Have you seen the Pandas? She asked, no, I replied. Would you like to go and see them? I thought for a moment, and remembered that the last pandas I had seen were at Regent's Park zoo ten lifetimes ago. OK I said, lets go to the zoo.

We drove to the zoo, and paid 50 baht a head, and 20 baht for the car, which is pretty good value in this day and age.

Drove around for a while, found the new panda enclosure, parked the car, and queued up with fifty million other Thais to see the pandas.

It was then that I saw the pay booth! OK I thought we've come this far, and a few bob extra won't hurt. As we approached the booth, I read the signs, two of them in fact. The one on the right read "Foreigners...Adults 100 baht...children 50 baht" The one on the left was in Thai and read "Adults 50 baht" and the figures were in Thai just so foreigners wouldn't feel so bad!! So I headed to the Thai booth and said in polite Thai, "two adults please" The lady looked at me, and replied in Thai "do you live and work here?" By way of reply I opened my wallet, from which I had just extracted the 100 baht to pay, and showed her my photo ID from a Thai government department. She immediately paled, and then I'll swear she blushed. Thank you sir, enjoy the pandas.

I get sick and tired of going through this routine every time I visit a national park or the like. I took me years to get the Thai rate with Thai Airways, as opposed to the "tourist" rate.

How many of you out there are equally as fed up with the two tier pricing?


How many of you out there are equally as fed up with the two tier pricing?

About a 100 % I should think offhand.

Did you give a thought for the two Pandas where it says no flash photography and please keep quiet?

I for one felt sorry for the poor creatures as they are an endangered species I reckon since they have come to Chiang Mai they are a very pissed off species as well


Well, they did allow you to pay the "Thai" price, so in this case it would seem more like a discount to Thai residents. I believe many theme parks in Florida also offer discounts to residents of that State.

I have heard that some places will make foreigners pay extra even if they are residents, if this is true then I think that is totally unacceptable, but guess this is down to the member of staff on the day being unable to use some common sense.

Did you give a thought for the two Pandas where it says no flash photography and please keep quiet?

I think I was the only person there that actually did keep quiet! Have you ever tried to tell 200 Thai school kids on an outing to keep quiet?

My videos and photos of the pandas (no flash or lights) were intermingled with the screams of the kids. Pretty poor really :D

The security guards with the notices saying keep quiet, were hardly about to approach a wealthy Thai family and tell them to keep their kids quiet, were they? :D Class structure this time and not a pricing structure. Oh well TIT :o


I have no problem with the dual-pricing schemes for tax-supported places like national parks, government zoos, and such. Such pricing logic is common in most of the world, and is designed to have non-locals pay more since the locals have been paying taxes to support the program. In the US, if you want to attend most State universities, there will be one price for those living in that State (contributed State and Federal taxes), a higher price for US citizens living in another State (contributed only Federal taxes) and foreigners from other countries (contributed no taxes).

But I hate the places like the crocodile farm or the snake farm in Mae Rim who charge foreigners more simply because they can get away with it.

So, I simply don't go to those places. No sweat :o

And I never feel the need to whine after I've offered to show some local ID to get the local price I want :D

Have you seen the Pandas? She asked, no, I replied. Would you like to go and see them? I thought for a moment, and remembered that the last pandas I had seen were at Regent's Park zoo ten lifetimes ago. OK I said, lets go to the zoo.

  We drove to the zoo, and paid 50 baht a head, and 20 baht for the car, which is pretty good value in this day and age.

  Drove around for a while, found the new panda enclosure, parked the car, and queued up with fifty million other Thais to see the pandas.

  It was then that I saw the pay booth! OK I thought we've come this far, and a few bob extra won't hurt. As we approached the booth, I read the signs, two of them in fact. The one on the right read "Foreigners...Adults 100 baht...children 50 baht" The one on the left was in Thai and read  "Adults 50 baht" and the figures were in Thai just so foreigners wouldn't feel so bad!! So I headed to the Thai booth and said in polite Thai, "two adults please" The lady looked at me, and replied in Thai "do you live and work here?"  By way of reply I opened my wallet, from which I had just extracted the 100 baht to pay, and showed her my photo ID from a Thai government department. She immediately paled, and then I'll swear she blushed. Thank you sir, enjoy the pandas.

  I get sick and tired of going through this routine every time I visit a national park or the like. I took me years to get the Thai rate with Thai Airways, as opposed to the "tourist" rate.

  How many of you out there are equally as fed up with the two tier pricing?


Yes, I went there in March 2004. :wub:



So what is the BIG deal with paying the 100 Baht that you mentioned or even more ????? -_-

I went there TO SEE the Pandas, drove from BKK with the family (Thai) :)

They loved it. I loved it. :o It was great. Cool, Calm and Peaceful to see these Pandas in Thailand. Well done Thailand and CM Zoo. :)

Should you however feel opposed to paying more than the Thai’s, then may I say - DON’T GO then. :D

I go to these places and I do not mind paying that little bit extra to take photos and show them on my Web Page for all to see here in Thailand and around the world, for FREE. :D

Up to you Maejo Man :(:D

In the US, if you want to attend most State universities, there will be one price for those living in that State (contributed State and Federal taxes), a higher price for US citizens living in another State (contributed only Federal taxes) and foreigners from other countries (contributed no taxes).

Yes, you are quite correct on the fee structure at US universities, and is one of the few countries that adopt this practice. I have to pay the University of Arizona US$20,000 next month for my daughters education, when her room mate, a native of the state, will only have to pay $3000 for the same education.

This is a published fee structure, and you enter the establishment being fully aware of the cost.

Thailand does not advertise that it has one price for foreigners and another for residents, whether it is education, or a visit to the local snake farm.

Why do you think that Australia and Britain are full of Thai students? They can go there and get cheap education, and they can buy their own condo/flat/house.

Could it be that there is something wrong in the realm? How many foreign students do you see coming to Thailand? :o

So what is the BIG deal with paying the 100 Baht that you mentioned or even more ????? :D

I went there TO SEE the Pandas, drove from BKK with the family (Thai) :D

They loved it. I loved it. :o It was great. Cool, Calm and Peaceful to see these Pandas in Thailand. Well done Thailand and CM Zoo. :wub:

Should you however feel opposed to paying more than the Thai’s, then may I say - DON’T GO then. :D

I go to these places and I do not mind paying that little bit extra to take photos and show them on my Web Page for all to see here in Thailand and around the world, for FREE.

You obviously missed the point completely -_- Not worth any further comment :D

In the US, if you want to attend most State universities, there will be one price for those living in that State (contributed State and Federal taxes), a higher price for US citizens living in another State (contributed only Federal taxes) and foreigners from other countries (contributed no taxes).

Yes, you are quite correct on the fee structure at US universities, and is one of the few countries that adopt this practice. I have to pay the University of Arizona US$20,000 next month for my daughters education, when her room mate, a native of the state, will only have to pay $3000 for the same education.

This is a published fee structure, and you enter the establishment being fully aware of the cost.

Thailand does not advertise that it has one price for foreigners and another for residents, whether it is education, or a visit to the local snake farm.

Why do you think that Australia and Britain are full of Thai students? They can go there and get cheap education, and they can buy their own condo/flat/house.

Could it be that there is something wrong in the realm? How many foreign students do you see coming to Thailand? :o

This is a published fee structure, and you enter the establishment being fully aware of the cost.

  Thailand does not advertise that it has one price for foreigners and another for residents, whether it is education, or a visit to the local snake farm.

I don't know your criteria that says there is some inherrent difference between the buyer being aware of the fee structure in the two places. I've never had that feeling. Are they supposed to also print price information in every language? The Thai (local) price is in Thai, while the foreigner (non local) price is in English. Should English be the primary language in Thailand, at a tourist site that, by far, has many more Thais (locals) than foreigners (non locals)? Is it fair to expect locals in your country to be able to read or figure out local language in such situations? I've heard complaints from other Nationals about foreigners living in 'their' country, but unwilling to learn 'their' language... I think Thailand does a lot to make it easier for English readers, but sure, they could do more. It is in their best interest, I agree.

There are lots of Thais in America, too. Australia and NZ are closer and cheaper for many students. In the UK, a Master's can be gotten in one year, which is faster, and thereby cheaper, than the US....But there are still plenty of Thais in America, I assure you. Maybe it's the lack of British food in America? :D

And why not more foreign students in Thai universities? Silly question :D

Based on your words and expressed resentment, I sense you are actually playing off other issues you might have, from the anger and resentment, and self satisfaction at seeing someone embarrased, even the innocent ticket cashier as enemy....Honestly, I'm not trying to flame you, but getting pissed off about such stuff just ain't healthy. Just my opinion, of course, but life here really can be a lot better if there's a bit more 'mai pen rai' at times, in my experience :D

And no, that does not mean one should bury their head in the sand. Nobody could ever accuse me of that! :D


Maejo, after being here and seeing the educational standards and the quality of education in Thailand I know why there are not more foreign students,and it has nothing to do with buying their own housing.In fact I can't understand why anyone is going here.

I might have mis read or failed to understand where you were going, but it looked to me that you were useing the fact of housing as why people didnt come here for an edu. but if you thought the standards were up to snuff,then you wouldn't be paying 20K for your daughter to go to school in Arizona huh.

That is one reason that my daughter is with her mother in the states instead of going to school here.

I know this is off topic,but it wasnt to hot anyway.


Back to the poor pandas I know absolutely nothing about zoo design but I do know a bit about double glazing.

The enclosure cost many millions of baht and as these animals are on loan and endangered is it beyond the the designers to put double or even triple glazing in between these animals and the animals who were making such a noise and using flash photography, when it expressly says not to when I went to see them?

Have you seen the Pandas? She asked, no, I replied. Would you like to go and see them? I thought for a moment, and remembered that the last pandas I had seen were at Regent's Park zoo ten lifetimes ago. OK I said, lets go to the zoo.

  We drove to the zoo, and paid 50 baht a head, and 20 baht for the car, which is pretty good value in this day and age.

  Drove around for a while, found the new panda enclosure, parked the car, and queued up with fifty million other Thais to see the pandas.

  It was then that I saw the pay booth! OK I thought we've come this far, and a few bob extra won't hurt. As we approached the booth, I read the signs, two of them in fact. The one on the right read "Foreigners...Adults 100 baht...children 50 baht" The one on the left was in Thai and read  "Adults 50 baht" and the figures were in Thai just so foreigners wouldn't feel so bad!! So I headed to the Thai booth and said in polite Thai, "two adults please" The lady looked at me, and replied in Thai "do you live and work here?"  By way of reply I opened my wallet, from which I had just extracted the 100 baht to pay, and showed her my photo ID from a Thai government department. She immediately paled, and then I'll swear she blushed. Thank you sir, enjoy the pandas.

  I get sick and tired of going through this routine every time I visit a national park or the like. I took me years to get the Thai rate with Thai Airways, as opposed to the "tourist" rate.

  How many of you out there are equally as fed up with the two tier pricing?


Yes, I went there in March 2004. ;)



So what is the BIG deal with paying the 100 Baht that you mentioned or even more ????? :(

I went there TO SEE the Pandas, drove from BKK with the family (Thai) :)

They loved it. I loved it. :rolleyes: It was great. Cool, Calm and Peaceful to see these Pandas in Thailand. Well done Thailand and CM Zoo. B)

Should you however feel opposed to paying more than the Thai’s, then may I say - DON’T GO then. :ph34r:

I go to these places and I do not mind paying that little bit extra to take photos and show them on my Web Page for all to see here in Thailand and around the world, for FREE. :lol:

Up to you Maejo Man :(:angry:

Have you seen the Pandas? She asked, no, I replied. Would you like to go and see them? I thought for a moment, and remembered that the last pandas I had seen were at Regent's Park zoo ten lifetimes ago. OK I said, lets go to the zoo.

  We drove to the zoo, and paid 50 baht a head, and 20 baht for the car, which is pretty good value in this day and age.

  Drove around for a while, found the new panda enclosure, parked the car, and queued up with fifty million other Thais to see the pandas.

  It was then that I saw the pay booth! OK I thought we've come this far, and a few bob extra won't hurt. As we approached the booth, I read the signs, two of them in fact. The one on the right read "Foreigners...Adults 100 baht...children 50 baht" The one on the left was in Thai and read  "Adults 50 baht" and the figures were in Thai just so foreigners wouldn't feel so bad!! So I headed to the Thai booth and said in polite Thai, "two adults please" The lady looked at me, and replied in Thai "do you live and work here?"  By way of reply I opened my wallet, from which I had just extracted the 100 baht to pay, and showed her my photo ID from a Thai government department. She immediately paled, and then I'll swear she blushed. Thank you sir, enjoy the pandas.

  I get sick and tired of going through this routine every time I visit a national park or the like. I took me years to get the Thai rate with Thai Airways, as opposed to the "tourist" rate.

  How many of you out there are equally as fed up with the two tier pricing?

Yes, I went there in March 2004. ;)



So what is the BIG deal with paying the 100 Baht that you mentioned or even more ????? :(

I went there TO SEE the Pandas, drove from BKK with the family (Thai) :)

They loved it. I loved it. :rolleyes: It was great. Cool, Calm and Peaceful to see these Pandas in Thailand. Well done Thailand and CM Zoo. B)

Should you however feel opposed to paying more than the Thai’s, then may I say - DON’T GO then. :ph34r:

I go to these places and I do not mind paying that little bit extra to take photos and show them on my Web Page for all to see here in Thailand and around the world, for FREE. :lol:

Up to you Maejo Man :(:angry:

Have you seen the Pandas? She asked, no, I replied. Would you like to go and see them? I thought for a moment, and remembered that the last pandas I had seen were at Regent's Park zoo ten lifetimes ago. OK I said, lets go to the zoo.

  We drove to the zoo, and paid 50 baht a head, and 20 baht for the car, which is pretty good value in this day and age.

  Drove around for a while, found the new panda enclosure, parked the car, and queued up with fifty million other Thais to see the pandas.

  It was then that I saw the pay booth! OK I thought we've come this far, and a few bob extra won't hurt. As we approached the booth, I read the signs, two of them in fact. The one on the right read "Foreigners...Adults 100 baht...children 50 baht" The one on the left was in Thai and read  "Adults 50 baht" and the figures were in Thai just so foreigners wouldn't feel so bad!! So I headed to the Thai booth and said in polite Thai, "two adults please" The lady looked at me, and replied in Thai "do you live and work here?"  By way of reply I opened my wallet, from which I had just extracted the 100 baht to pay, and showed her my photo ID from a Thai government department. She immediately paled, and then I'll swear she blushed. Thank you sir, enjoy the pandas.

  I get sick and tired of going through this routine every time I visit a national park or the like. I took me years to get the Thai rate with Thai Airways, as opposed to the "tourist" rate.

  How many of you out there are equally as fed up with the two tier pricing?


Yes, I went there in March 2004. ;)



So what is the BIG deal with paying the 100 Baht that you mentioned or even more ????? :(

I went there TO SEE the Pandas, drove from BKK with the family (Thai) :)

They loved it. I loved it. :rolleyes: It was great. Cool, Calm and Peaceful to see these Pandas in Thailand. Well done Thailand and CM Zoo. B)

Should you however feel opposed to paying more than the Thai’s, then may I say - DON’T GO then. :ph34r:

I go to these places and I do not mind paying that little bit extra to take photos and show them on my Web Page for all to see here in Thailand and around the world, for FREE. :lol:

Up to you Maejo Man :(:angry:

Have you seen the Pandas? She asked, no, I replied. Would you like to go and see them? I thought for a moment, and remembered that the last pandas I had seen were at Regent's Park zoo ten lifetimes ago. OK I said, lets go to the zoo.

  We drove to the zoo, and paid 50 baht a head, and 20 baht for the car, which is pretty good value in this day and age.

  Drove around for a while, found the new panda enclosure, parked the car, and queued up with fifty million other Thais to see the pandas.

  It was then that I saw the pay booth! OK I thought we've come this far, and a few bob extra won't hurt. As we approached the booth, I read the signs, two of them in fact. The one on the right read "Foreigners...Adults 100 baht...children 50 baht" The one on the left was in Thai and read  "Adults 50 baht" and the figures were in Thai just so foreigners wouldn't feel so bad!! So I headed to the Thai booth and said in polite Thai, "two adults please" The lady looked at me, and replied in Thai "do you live and work here?"  By way of reply I opened my wallet, from which I had just extracted the 100 baht to pay, and showed her my photo ID from a Thai government department. She immediately paled, and then I'll swear she blushed. Thank you sir, enjoy the pandas.

  I get sick and tired of going through this routine every time I visit a national park or the like. I took me years to get the Thai rate with Thai Airways, as opposed to the "tourist" rate.

  How many of you out there are equally as fed up with the two tier pricing?


Yes, I went there in March 2004. ;)



So what is the BIG deal with paying the 100 Baht that you mentioned or even more ????? :(

I went there TO SEE the Pandas, drove from BKK with the family (Thai) :)

They loved it. I loved it. :rolleyes: It was great. Cool, Calm and Peaceful to see these Pandas in Thailand. Well done Thailand and CM Zoo. B)

Should you however feel opposed to paying more than the Thai’s, then may I say - DON’T GO then. :ph34r:

I go to these places and I do not mind paying that little bit extra to take photos and show them on my Web Page for all to see here in Thailand and around the world, for FREE.

Up to you Maejo Man :(:angry:

Could you show us pictures of all the national parks in Thailand on your website? That would be wonderful! I'm sure one of the members here would buy you a beer for that! Seems like a good deal to me!

Dutchy :D

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