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7 White Elephants Of The World.

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The 'new' 7 wonders of the world seems to have pricked many people's interest. On the whole I agree with the 7 choices. However, I would have thought Stonehenge was more important than Christ in Rio.

What about the 7 white elephants of the world. The more pointless, wasteful and self indulgent the better.

I'd like to nominate The Millenium Dome in London. 1.2 BILLION POUNDS of public money spent on a project to get Tony Blair's in lights.

Central World has to be in the running. A huge, almost empty, monolith to over spending.

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The 'new' 7 wonders of the world seems to have pricked many people's interest. On the whole I agree with the 7 choices. However, I would have thought Stonehenge was more important than Christ in Rio.

What about the 7 white elephants of the world. The more pointless, wasteful and self indulgent the better.

I'd like to nominate The Millenium Dome in London. 1.2 BILLION POUNDS of public money spent on a project to get Tony Blair's in lights.

Central World has to be in the running. A huge, almost empty, monolith to over spending.

The 3rd Road overpass in South Pattaya near the pier gets my vote. They even painted it white last year to indicate it's a white elephant. Hardly anyone uses it.

Edited by tropo
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The Thai aircraft carrier HTMS Chakri Nareubet which has spent little time at sea since being commissioned in 1997 (the year of the Asian Economic Crisis) due to her high operating costs. Fittingly, the Royal Thai Navy ensign actually features a white elephant.

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Historically I can't think of a bigger white elephant than the Teracotta Army and tomb of Quin Shi Huangdi.

It took 700,000 workers (exact number not known) and craftsmen 38 year to complete to achieve absolutely nothing.

Beat that..

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The Airbus A380? :o
Why ??? Just because it's delayed ???

Maybe because it is HUGE, and white?!

I'll cast my votes (In Thailand) for the Sofitel on the Chao Phraya river that never opened, and the Hopewell project.

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and identical threads ...........................

the road around the lake in samui (chaweng ) millions to build 2 years and still nothing going on , should have spent it on fixing the ringroad :o

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Just had to put in my 2 pennorth, Biggest and most expensive white elephant in Europe , The German , Swiss Autobahn Bridge and Flyover ,in the town of Konstanz on LakeKonstanz built to connect the Stuttgart , Zurich autobahns, sadly the german autobahn crosses the border Near Singen 26 kms north of Konstanz, last ime I was there the bridge was being used for craft markets and carboot sales :o Nignoy

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Well, this one hasn't been built yet, but believe it or not, it will be, so here it is for the future list:

the George W Bush Memorial Library

Just heard on the news that he can't show up in Wash DC restaurants anymore because of heckling and hostility. Now, thats in his home capital.

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Historically I can't think of a bigger white elephant than the Teracotta Army and tomb of Quin Shi Huangdi.

It took 700,000 workers (exact number not known) and craftsmen 38 year to complete to achieve absolutely nothing.

Beat that..

Trying to establish democary in Thailand...... :o

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Every pyramid in Egypt was a wasted effort. All they achieved was to create a tourist attraction. None of the Pharoahs even managed to hold on to their "after-life" possessions.

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At a micro level, the Night Plaza in Phuket - a medium-sized two-level shopping centre that was built in Patong and occupied by only one supermarket and a handful of shops - leaving the other 90% of the place to slowly crumble. The businesses moved out and, after two or three years, it was demolished. (Ten or so years later, the recently opened Jung Ceylon centre was built nearby.) Then there was the new hotel in Karon. Fully erected and in the process of being fitted out but, whoops, tea money problems. It sat there crumbling for ten years before finally being demolished. There have to be hundreds of these stories in LOS. All wonderful examples of local white elephants.

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On the world stage - The Concorde program was a huge financial flop..and also white :o

Financial, but not technological.

There were other aircraft ahead of their time that failed to take hold. Convair 880/990, Mercure, Comet IV.




Other white elephant machines;





The Spruce Goose


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'White elephant n. A rare, expensive possession that is a financial burden to maintain.'

cdn - Perhaps, but for specific reasons. For example, the Comet IV was a victim of the adverse publicity of its predecessors - perhaps it was a 'white elephant' only by heritage? The most successful aircraft in history (Boeing 737) was considered risky and a candidate for being a white elephant in its early years. (In fact, Boeing offered to sell the design to the Japanese, but the offer was declined.) The Titanic was the victim of an unfortunate incident; the Spruce Goose was a political 'white elephant' and the Hindenburg issue needs no explanation.

What about all those other white elephants - like cold fusion (or is the jury still out on that one?)... and assuming an idea can be called a possession. I particularly liked the example of the fear-mongering by software companies with Y2K - although I don't know if that actually fits the definition (probably more of a shade-of-grey extortion-cum-con).

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