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The Rape Of Surin


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Don't know Doc.

First I need to have a serious talk with both.

Better put this topic on the Issan local forum,so the rest of Thailand will not have knowledge of this shameful behaviour :o

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We are coming to BKK on 26th now, just me and strife the others are back in sleepy adelaide, recovering.

Will give you a call Elsie.

Change yer nick Bronco. Something apt, like pisshead will do ( I hope that compo' insurance quack isn't following you around )

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Guilt by association Doc, I am still as innocent as the day is long.

I was extremely well behaved in Pattaya also. :o

I witnessed it, quite true.

Was really nice to meet you Bronco. I'll try again in BKK if possible.

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Keep me posted then, gentlemen. I'm pretty sure now that I am going to Pattaya this weekend. I should bugger off on Saturday and waltz around the sin city for three days. I'll definitely be in Bangkok on Monday evening.

PS. I just had a great night with alkie, sorry I mean Yorkie, at 12call's. He's a true old fart. :o

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I think we all enjoyed ourselves Al, was only a short stay but long enough for me though. Had to get back to the bright lights of KhonKaen quickly though.

We drove there the next day no worries except we missed the turn and ended up in central BKK just about. It took about 6 hours and could have done it in less had it not been for that bungle.

We fly into BKK 26th as scheduled get into town about 15:00, so should be ready to go out to Paddies for the night just need directions.

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We fly into BKK 26th as scheduled get into town about 15:00, so should be ready to go out to Paddies for the night just need directions.

Drive up Petchaburi Road away from the centre until you reach Rhamkangheng Road. Get out of the taxi on the left side just before the junction. Walk back toward the city for about 100 or so metres on the same side and The Venue is a shop house on a type of small frontage road.

Alternatively drive down Rhamkangheng Road from Rama IX towards Petchaburi Road and alight the taxi at the UM Building (so bloody tall even you couldn't miss it - and it's virtuall opposite Nasa Vegas). From the base of the UM Building walk to the corner of Ramkangheng and Petchaburi Roads. Ring Paddy from there (as I did) and he will come and find you.


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PS. I just had a great night with alkie, sorry I mean Yorkie, at 12call's. He's a true old fart. :o

I'm not sure if this is a backhanded compliment or not, Elsie.

Anyway, when leaving Paddy's, the FG decided we should get a taxi for the 200 metre trip to the Nasa Vegas. She didn't think she was able to carry me that far. :D

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12call will not be in town on Monday. I just heard yesterday. (Thank @*^&, now we wouldn't bump into that bloody Steve, would we?) So.. what do you reckon guys? I'll ring blonco later this afternoon.

Alk... sorry Yorkie.. well, that must have been the right decision to make for the FG. Poor thing. Everyone knew you were too old to walk that far, Yorkie. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

G'day to all in LOS. (Monozed here- one half of the tornado that swept through???)

Well what a trip, my first time in LOS & i can be sure in saying certaintly not my last. Arrived back in Adelaide to cold wet weather, what a contrast to the warmth of thailand!!-give me LOS anyday! A very big thankyou to all the lads in Surin for showing(?) us around, man do those guys know how to party- I swear it was them, not us?? All the best for now, Monozed :o

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Arrived back in Adelaide to cold wet weather, what a contrast to the warmth of thailand

I was in Adelaide not that long ago and I have to say it seems to be quite a nice city.

If you like quiet places with lot of parks, that's the place to be.

If you like Bangkok and quite a few other places in Thailand, well, Adelaide is not for you,... :o:D

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A very big thankyou to all the lads in Surin for showing(?) us around, man do those guys know how to party- I swear it was them, not us??

I'll take the blame mono. I shouldn't have left you with the Adelaide Alkie, the Ex-Con and the Colombian Drug Baron. :o

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G'day to all in LOS. (Monozed here- one half of the tornado that swept through???)

Well what a trip, my first time in LOS & i can be sure in saying certaintly not my last. Arrived back in Adelaide to cold wet weather, what a contrast to the warmth of thailand!!-give me LOS anyday! A very big thankyou to all the lads in Surin for showing(?) us around, man do those guys know how to party- I swear it was them, not us?? All the best for now, Monozed :o

Is this a Bronco alias ?

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G'day to all in LOS. (Monozed here- one half of the tornado that swept through???)

Well what a trip, my first time in LOS & i can be sure in saying certaintly not my last. Arrived back in Adelaide to cold wet weather, what a contrast to the warmth of thailand!!-give me LOS anyday! A very big thankyou to all the lads in Surin for showing(?) us around, man do those guys know how to party- I swear it was them, not us?? All the best for now, Monozed  :o

Is this a Bronco alias ?

Could be.

Quite popular these days.

Maybe I should do it also.

Would make me post the same, I guess, but divided in between a few nicknames, will make it less obvious,... :D:D

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G'day to all in LOS. (Monozed here- one half of the tornado that swept through???)

Well what a trip, my first time in LOS & i can be sure in saying certaintly not my last. Arrived back in Adelaide to cold wet weather, what a contrast to the warmth of thailand!!-give me LOS anyday! A very big thankyou to all the lads in Surin for showing(?) us around, man do those guys know how to party- I swear it was them, not us?? All the best for now, Monozed  :o

Is this a Bronco alias ?

Pat I have but one alias and your admin people took care of him ajnd he was a sweet guy

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Sorry guys but there is only one mono & bronco is not him !!! He can only hope to be nearly as good as me ?? Jeff you are a ledgend, when you make it down here to Adelaide(& or the rest of the motely Surin crew), I will be sure to return your hospitality & I'm sure bronco will be in on it also! (He lives only 200 mts. from me)

P.S. Bluecat, I do love Adelaide- but having expanded my horizons by visiting your wonderful country(First time outside Australia for me), I am a lot more wiser of the big wide world out there,

& am now another person besoted by the Thai hospitality/charm!!!

The relaxed nature & persona of most Thai people (male & female) is what stood out most in my travel experiences & will stay with me for ever. Simply a most beautiful place, inhabited by beautiful people!! Again many thanks to all that i met/encountered whilst there.


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