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Your Worst Habit(s)?

Dr. Burrito

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I confess, I have more than one, I have about three.

Slicing - Turkey carvers live in envy of the turn my ball makes when I am not getting around correctly. I can only imagine the yardage I am cheating myself of when this happens.

Blading - I get rid of the slice off the tee, knock the cover off the ball and end up about 40 yads out with a wedge to make myself feel like a pro, then as sure as rain falls during a monsoon, I blade the ###### thing and send it scurrying across the green like a scared rabbit into the rough far on the other side. That is assuming of course there wasn't water there letting me drown the poor little bugger.

Topping - A fricking Jack-In-The-Box couldn't get their head up faster than me on my approach shot from the green, resulting in a fifteen yard topper that is an embarrasing, stroke adding, skin killing deterrent to me every reaching the PGA. :o Sadly, can't think of how many great drives I have wasted, especially on par 5's with this sould whilting fault.

Alas, I love the game nonetheles and shall continue trying to sure my faults.

Your sad fun?

Dr. B

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Just about everything at the moment, but take great delight in those few shots that go well! eg 3rd time at the driving range this week and I managed to drive on average 150-170 yards with my 7 and 5 iron but they went all over the place, from straight, draw, fade, hook, slice, ballooning to just falling off the tee and limply rolling away (more than once)

However, I also managed to shoot 200 yards and straight as a die with my 5 iron, and not wishing to test fate I went home immediately and dreamed of joining the PGA hehe :o

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I play to a decent standard (about 7 atm), and i'm proud to say i shot my first scratch round yesterday, however i still have bad habits. One is probably playing a little slow, i'm more from the school of taking more time over your shot = a better shot = less time spent as less shots played, however when i'm having a bad game this doesn't always work out... i hate to rush for the sake of rushing and i know some guys like to play quick, so sometimes i feel a bit like "the slow one".

Otherwise, if we're talking swing wise, i tend to have a natural draw, which can develop into a bit of hook, especially off the tee if i stand too far away from the ball. However, as i know this i sometimes end up standing a little too close to the ball and end up sending shots out right and they stay there or actually fade.. i get frustrated and end up setting up different and then the hook comes back, so i change again for that, and it's a vicious circle :o

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Not necessarily a habit but two things I sometimes do after a particularly bad shot are dropping an "F-b*mb" and either throw the club at my bag or hit my bag with the club. Defintely not proud of that bad behaviour but it does happen, albeit far fewer times than it used to when I was younger.

Something in my actual play that I have to watch for is preventing 3-putts, specifically getting the ball reasonably close to the hole on long-ish putts. This is something like inside 3 feet on 25-30 footers and inside 5 feet on 40-50 footers. If I avoid 3-putts, then I will almost always break 90, occasionally break 85 and win my share of skins. If I don't avoid 3-putts, then it's usually going to be a 90+ day with a lot of lost money on the greens. :o (sigh)

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