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Stupid Little Things People Have Been Shot For.


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The night before Loy Kratong, eighteen months ago, my wife's seventeen year old sister was stabbed to death in her home village.

Reason - none. The guy who did it was drunk and she walked past him without saying anything (like hello).

If it was up to me, I would wipe out hiom and his entire family - as far flung as I could. But he got a slap on the wrist and is now out of jail and back in the village. (But then I am a really nasty sod)

Sadly this is not a completely unusual event. There are lots of pointless murders in the villages. It's not just in places like Pattaya that swine like that snuff out harmless, innocent young people, and virtually get away with it. No you are not a nasty sod Humph that Pig is........

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Ive been a fair few times to Thailand now and I think i can pass an opinion on the Thais now

As well as being charming,welcoming people they are also unstable and easily offended(if so "pop" your dead)

Its a pathetic,low way to react to something by killing esp something so sinister as asking someone to keep the noise down,who do they think they are thinking they can take the life of another just for "saving face" do they think they will get respect? for gunning someone down like this?.

Far too many people parade Thais around as "spiritual,welcoming and understanding" probably a good percentage are but they have a very dark cold blooded killer inside of them.

But...you cant gauge Pattaya from the rest of the country or can you???i read a crime report saying Pattaya is 7th in the table for guncrime in Thailand(this was in a bangkok newspaper) behind Bangkok,Nokhon something and Chonburi!!!

Too many gangs/guns and corrupt police not doing their jobs those that dont aught to be ashamed i dont think buddah will shine down on them!!.

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OH NO Another Pattaya bashing thread.....how unique. IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT LEAVE. This place is tame compared to some places. I lived in Southern California for 20 years, got so bad I left. People shooting you because you cut them off on the highway, people shooting you because you drove into the wrong neighborhood. If you don't like it then just leave and quit complaining.

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Too many gangs/guns and corrupt police not doing their jobs those that dont ought to be ashamed I dont think buddah will shine down on them!!.

Not necessarily 'corrupt' police. Just not doing the job tghat we in the West expect. (Or used to expect).

I grew up in a village (well, suburb, really) with a village policeman and so on. He used to patrol on his bike, everyone would greet him, he knew all that was going on. Doesn't happen in the UK like that any more.

The city / major town sends out patrol cars which cruise the neighborhoods, no contact with the locals, no knowledge of the locals.

But there are still foot patrols in the larger conurbations and most UK coppers are doing the job that we expect.

The Royal Thai Police seem to have a different remit. Some control traffic, but seem to spend their time setting up road blocks to check paper, not to clear illegally parked mo'bikes and cars, not to control the poor driving habits of most mo'bike riders.

There are foot patrols, but they are also checking the paper of all the bars annd other establishments. This could be done once a year. Also checking the vendor licences of the street hawkers. This could be done by a clerk from the Town Hall.

It seems that mostly one has to go to the Police Station to report a crime, not just phone up. Although my wife just telephones - and gets action. But if you had her screeching into your ear, you would probably jump, too.

Don't know about the detective side of things - maybe they are intelligent, well-trained people, but I don't hear of any high 'solve' rate.

And these guys are poorly paid. They are not respected, but police everywhere seem to have lost the respect of the general public. Too much concentration on car tickets, not enough on reducing crimes against the person.

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when u have a city of people from all over a country of roughly 75million people, most of who earn peanuts compared to what farangs earn in their countries life as a whole becomes very cheap, therefore they think little of the conciquencies (sp) of committing criminal acts

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The GFs nephew had a little shop.

The other day a man comes in pissed and makes a scene.

He is asked to leave.

He hits her Nephew who returns the compliment.

The man is thrown out of the shop.

Later that night the drunk's son enters the shop and shoots the owner dead!

He will know spend a lot of time in the monkey house. Stupid or what?

There's is a party in full swing here in Soi Kautolo with the usual very loud music.

At about 2am an old Falang goes to complain. They shoot him dead! Nice people eh?

After hearing of many such pointless Murders, I have come to the conclusion that Thais think nothing of killing.

I seem to remember reading that Thailand is 3rd on the World list of Gun Crimes Per Capita so please don't post that it's worse in wherever.......

What can you expect when many youngsters nowadays are brought up on a diet of violent TV and video games and internet pornography? Do you remember when we were kids and going to the movies how we would come out of the cinema feeling so good. We never saw blood and gore and guns. Now kids (and immature adults) must feel murderous and oversexed and with easy access to drugs and guns you've got a very volatile mix. In cities such as Pattaya there is probably very little community spirit and law. At the moment decent folk keep a low profile and and don't complain . Maybe in time there will be a better management and better policing but how far does things have to degenerate before the good people say enough is enough and demand peace and quiet and security?

Sorry Tammi but you are positing a ridiculous notion - violent TV, Video games etc. Why is this not happening everywhere then?

Mary Whithouse said the same thing in the 1970's and other misguided moralisers blamed other things before that.

Tell me where it is not happening and I will be on the next airliner to there.

If you are serious i can give you the names of hundreds of towns in the USA where it is not happening. They are not large cities though.

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Conversion rate being about 25 bht to one S$

More like 22.5 to one . . . the good old days of 25 are long gone.

I moved from Sing to Thailand recently . . . if I had a real choice and hadn't invested so much here already I would reverse the decision for so many reasons. Sadly having a business here and living elsewhere is not an option as you get robbed blind.

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The GFs nephew had a little shop.

The other day a man comes in pissed and makes a scene.

He is asked to leave.

He hits her Nephew who returns the compliment.

The man is thrown out of the shop.

Later that night the drunk's son enters the shop and shoots the owner dead!

He will know spend a lot of time in the monkey house. Stupid or what?

There's is a party in full swing here in Soi Kautolo with the usual very loud music.

At about 2am an old Falang goes to complain. They shoot him dead! Nice people eh?

After hearing of many such pointless Murders, I have come to the conclusion that Thais think nothing of killing.

I seem to remember reading that Thailand is 3rd on the World list of Gun Crimes Per Capita so please don't post that it's worse in wherever.......

That sort of thing would never happen in the west ..well maybe in New York, Miami , Manchester, London , Madrid, Belfast, Amsterdam , Sydney, , pointing out Thailand has the 3rd worst gun crimes is not relevant , if you get stabbed to death does that not count? in Spain the weapon of choice is the knife in LA a fully automatic , your still dead

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Exactly WHAT pray has shooting someone for almost nothing got to do with saving face?

nothing and everything ,

in both your examples face had been lost , no ?

NO. Not at all!

I agree, there is no "face" involved in these situation. My guess, Ya Ba :o

Sorry for your family's loss.

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Sure, there is crime in large cities around the world and also in Pattaya. The big difference is that in most cities everyone knows not to go here or there or you could have a problem. In Pattaya many of the tourists and locals think it is safe and go around having a good old time.

I have spoke to many of my friends in Pattaya and they, to this day, tell me that they feel safe anywhere in town.

After living there for over 6 years I decided to leave as crime was out of control and way under reported . Try to report something and all you get is a run around. They don't want the numbers to be too high or the tourists won't come.

In addition, if a crime don't get you a traffic accident is sure to be in your future. It's only a matter of time....

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Sorry guys but am i the only one aware of people walking outside theyre houses in the Uk lately and getting killed by a bunch of teenager kids just because they want to video it in theyre latest mobile in order to post it on the net ?Open the sun ,the daily mirror, its there to be seen ! :o

QUOTE : "What can you expect when many youngsters nowadays are brought up on a diet of violent TV and video games and internet pornography? Do you remember when we were kids and going to the movies how we would come out of the cinema feeling so good. We never saw blood and gore and guns. Now kids (and immature adults) must feel murderous and oversexed and with easy access to drugs and guns you've got a very volatile mix. In cities such as Pattaya there is probably very little community spirit and law. At the moment decent folk keep a low profile and and don't complain . Maybe in time there will be a better management and better policing but how far does things have to degenerate before the good people say enough is enough and demand peace and quiet and security?""

I totally second this quote !!!

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Sorry guys but am i the only one aware of people walking outside theyre houses in the Uk lately and getting killed by a bunch of teenager kids just because they want to video it in theyre latest mobile in order to post it on the net ?Open the sun ,the daily mirror, its there to be seen ! :o

QUOTE : "What can you expect when many youngsters nowadays are brought up on a diet of violent TV and video games and internet pornography? Do you remember when we were kids and going to the movies how we would come out of the cinema feeling so good. We never saw blood and gore and guns. Now kids (and immature adults) must feel murderous and oversexed and with easy access to drugs and guns you've got a very volatile mix. In cities such as Pattaya there is probably very little community spirit and law. At the moment decent folk keep a low profile and and don't complain . Maybe in time there will be a better management and better policing but how far does things have to degenerate before the good people say enough is enough and demand peace and quiet and security?""

I totally second this quote !!!

Sorry PA, you are stating the symptom but not the cause. To support my earlier post on this, the following is a quote from a recent article in the UK Daily Telegraph that follows up on the IPPR findings that Britain's youths are "the worst behaved in Europe."

It sums up what we seem to have a hard time acknowledging. My emphasis added.

"We can’t be surprised if unhappy children turn into self-destructive and anti-social adolescents. But, as one of the richest, most successful nations, we should be asking what’s gone wrong with childhood.

The answer isn’t rocket science. In the process of becoming so wealthy and successful, we took our eye off the ball in terms of rearing our young. We lost track of certain essential and very obvious ingredients for healthy child development – real food (as opposed to processed junk), real play (as opposed to sedentary screen-based entertainment), real education (not just the pursuit of test results and targets) and, perhaps most important of all, the opportunity for children to spend time talking to and learning from the loving adults in their lives.

It wasn’t that the adults of Britain stopped caring about our children. We just stopped caring about childcare. A competitive consumer economy depends on people believing that stuff is more important than relationships.

You’re a winner if you’ve got stuff, a loser if you haven’t. So earning enough for a new kitchen matters more than chatting to the children in the old one. Buying children off with the latest wide-screen television or PlayStation beats hanging around at home while they go out to play.

The day-to-day personal attention needed to nurture and civilise a child disappeared – because we just didn’t value it. As a harassed mother said recently to a nursery worker I met: ‘‘I don’t have time to bring up my child.’’ She’s far too busy out earning the money to pay the nursery fees."

Sadly, due to globalisation, Thailand is reaping the whirlwind for adopting western-style minimal parenting and mistaken social values. Particularly disheartening is the fact that British kids are the worst. That lends credence to those on this forum and others who contend that the shaven-headed, tatooed and shirtless drunk farang is invariably from fair Albion.

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