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Her parents sold this Cambodian girl to traffickers when she was six: Hagar Singapore calls for “urgent” donations amid rising number of victims


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More than a decade has passed, but Sorya (not her real name) still remembers the day that a few vehicles pulled up to her Cambodian village, packed her and her five siblings up and drove them away from everything they knew. It was the last time she saw her parents, a couple steeped in such poverty that they were driven to sell their children to survive. Sorya was barely six years old.

Trafficked to Thailand as an illegal immigrant, she was passed through several hands and forced to endure unspeakable exploitation and abuse for years. “I was alone, in pain and afraid,” she told Salt&Light. “I had never received love and care. I didn’t know how to speak out. I was trapped and didn’t get a chance to go to school. I had low self-esteem and was always frightened.”


Fortunately, Sorya was rescued by the Thai police and sent to Hagar Cambodia. Hagar Cambodia is part of Hagar International, a non-profit that serves victims of sexual slavery and human trafficking.


read more https://saltandlight.sg/news/her-parents-sold-her-to-traffickers-when-she-was-six-hagar-singapore-calls-for-urgent-donations-amid-rising-number-of-victims/



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