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Must have been a surgeon in your previous life. One heck of a deft hand with the scalpel.

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I've often wondered, too, about the definition of beauty. Have we been 'brainwashed' as to what is beautiful and what is not to the point where we then cannot see the beauty that does exist if we were to look for it?

I think for most people, beauty is somewhat inherent when looking at what attracts him or her.  There can be behavioral changes based on the accepted norm of beauty (only dating people who a person things others will think is beautiful--thereby upholding their social status.)  But truly, people tend to be attracted to certain phayical characteristics regardless of what the rest of the population may postulate as beauty.

For men, some guys like tiny, skinny women, some like tall, slender women, some like curvaceous women, some like athletic women, some like obese women.  In the Marines, I would say that almost 20% are most attracted to BBW's, which is above the published numbers of around 10% for the US male population as a whole.  

And I am sure women are equally as varied in what they find attractive.

And, of course, some men like men and some women like women.

However, I do think we all tend to adopt the current fashion as far as what is beautiful with reagrd to ourselves.  We put ourselves up upon that pallete, and we usually find ourselves lacking even when others might find us physically attractive.  It is a rare person who is totally at ease with their appearance and who doesn't wish they could change.

Now others use headphones for not getting attention to boost their ego by not getting involved with others. Actually a sad sign how helpless some are. Western education teaches to be better than the other. This behaviour is just one side effect.

Fact of the matter is that I AM better than the most of you, and posts in this forum seems to indicate it on a repeating pattern. Now would I want to be greeting you in the street?

There is a saying amongst my friends, that 90% of the world population are idiots. So we stick to our group of people we have already confirmed isn't. Easy.


Like wise, there are only so many friends one can have.

You both miss the point in your clamour to claim superiority......not talking about making friends.....a simple greeting is the discussion point.....

Someone who appreciates me for who I am and who I am not !

thai girls do have big tits, unfortunately these are connected to bad faces :):D:D

With the Thai girls I find that some of the biggest tits are their Falang partners :D

For me you missed off big breasts ,! :D

If you have come to Thailand to meet a lady with large mammary glands then you took a wrong turn somewhere. :)

Snot true, i turned into walking st and there was "JENNY STAR BAR " there is lots there,. :D
thai girls do have big tits, unfortunately these are connected to bad faces :):D:D

Bad farang faces.


What a load of bo--ocks, you find a girl fall in love marry have kids thats called love if you got to do a check list start on your self.

This is for the single guys who are still looking. For us married guys I just hope everybody is happy with what they got. This is just a beginning list and not all-inclusive. Of course it helps if "both of you" love each other too.

1. Social class

2. Educational background

3. Language ability (both Thai and foreign)

4. Family size

5. Family source of income and financial status

6. Which region are they from originally (appearance)

7. Age (range)

8. Sexual background (virgin, parent, prostitute etc.)

9. Religion

10. Children (yes or no)

11. Food

12. Where to live

This is assuming you are reasonably attractive, have a good job and good manners. If not then you will probably have to be happy with whoever might be willing to put up with you. If you are going to live in a village then much of this does not apply either. If your job requires you to mingle in polite society then your choice of partner can greatly affect your acceptance in social settings.

If you are new you may have a hard time judging these things or just think I have my head "where the sun doesn't shine".

For example: Thais don't just "eat". They have several words for eating depending on social class and educational background. The words can range from what royalty do, on down the social and regional ladder. In polite Thai society you will most likely hear "than" or "rathphrathan" instead of "kin" (transliterations vary greatly). If you have never heard these terms for eating you should ask yourself, why?

One of my top priorities was someone smart enough, for me to want to be around them, but stupid enough to want me. I guess that is why it took my 20 years in Thailand before I found the right one.

1. Social class


2. Educational background

Reasonable, not totally illiterate.

3. Language ability (both Thai and foreign)

Some English is important or willingness to learn.

4. Family size

Not concerned provided they’re not all desperate and see me as their saviour.

5. Family source of income and financial status

Self sufficient, not destitute.

6. Which region are they from originally (appearance)

That’s 2 questions.

Region unimportant.

Appearance, doesn’t walk about dressed as a peasant farm girl when out with friends or visiting restaurant. At home I’m not bothered.

7. Age (range)

Probably in her 30s. Has life experience, still shagable and passed the stupid immature stage.

8. Sexual background (virgin, parent, prostitute etc.)

Not expecting to get any virgins, but definitely no prostitutes or those who work or have worked in the sex industry. Can’t transform a whore into a housewife.

9. Religion

Don’t care as long as it’s not fanatical.

10. Children (yes or no)

Prefer no children from previous relationships, but maybe give an exception if the girl is really someone special.

11. Food

I’m not fussy and will eat anything.

12. Where to live

Doesn’t matter if you are with the one you love.

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